Wednesday, 2018-06-06

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quiquellsshnaidm|brq: You there, I have a question regarding build-test-packages07:51
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arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: around ?08:08
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: yup08:09
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chandankumararxcruz|ruck: it is a bug, due to volume v3 migration08:14
sshnaidm|brqquiquell, will ping you little bit later08:15
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: do we have a patch already or shall i open a bug or what ?08:15
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: I am creating a patch08:15
quiquellsshnaidm|brq: Ok, no hurries.08:15
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: what's the reveiw ?08:16
sshnaidm|brqquiquell, yep, shoot08:23
quiquellsshnaidm|brq: I am with this card
quiquellGoing to test this
quiquellAdding release to the gating repo tarball name08:25
quiquellAlso maybe adding release to the compressed_gating_repo fact08:25
quiquellsshnaidm|brq: The concrete question is why compressed_gating_repo fact is cacheble ?08:26
sshnaidm|brqquiquell, well, I think we did all "set_fact" cacheable by default, without special treating of compressed_gating_repo. We actually need cacheable fact if we are going to use this fact in different playbook08:28
sshnaidm|brqquiquell, why do we need to rename it..? Don't we just install the latest package by default?08:29
quiquellsshnaidm|brq: The thing is the gating repo generated at undercloud playbook doesn't make senes for undercloud-upgrade playbook08:29
quiquellis for the n -> n + 1 scenario08:29
sshnaidm|brqquiquell, right, but we can drop all built packages there, right?08:29
sshnaidm|brqquiquell, I mean it shouldn't hurt08:29
quiquellWe were talking about archiving instead of dropping for debug purposes08:30
sshnaidm|brqquiquell, it will build the latest "n+1" always because it has higher number08:30
quiquellBut I was thinkin that adding the release to the gating repo is not a bad option08:30
quiquellno need for achive and you know what stable release has been used08:30
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: -1 :)08:31
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @
sshnaidm|brqquiquell, ok, seems like I missed this talk, not really understand the purpose of that..08:32
quiquellsshnaidm|brq: Will test and maybe go back to you with more specifics08:32
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: dhclient.conf file is big, that's the reason i didn't show up the content :)08:38
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quiquellarxcruz|ruck: Ahh ok, what do you think about the block ?08:40
quiquellIs good to reuse conditions08:40
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: bad idea08:40
arxcruz|ruckbecause i need to send another patch set08:40
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: But my beer is waitting08:40
arxcruz|ruckthat's a good incentive08:40
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1775353 in tripleo "barbican_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario.test_volume_encryption failing on periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset017-master" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)08:42
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: also add this bug on your patch ok ?08:42
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arxcruz|ruckquiquell: hey, do you know where's the promotion criteria file ?08:56
arxcruz|rucki don't remember08:56
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: so periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset002-queens-upload isn't part of the promotion criteria right ?08:58
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: If it's not there, then is not08:58
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: ack09:01
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: i also assign the bug for you, since you are working on that :P09:23
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arxcruz|rucksshnaidm|brq: and phase2 not found (not sure if you change the name though)09:26
quiquellarxcruz|ruck, sshnaidm|brq: Do you recall this ? error: (25, 'Inappropriate ioctl for device')09:26
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: no, where is having this failure? shall i open a bug ?09:26
quiquellI am running a reproducer script at my fedora09:26
quiquellfedora 2809:26
quiquellnew fresh installed09:26
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quiquellgithub is down ?10:27
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: quiquell please have a look why git clone is not working10:29
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quiquellchandankumar: github is down10:29
quiquellchandankumar: is back online10:30
chandankumarquiquell: it is clonning from git.openstack.org10:30
chandankumarbut not sure why it is not getting clonned10:30
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quiquellchandankumar, arxcruz|ruck: Do we have a policy on using ?10:34
sshnaidm|brqgithub is M$ now, so expect for downtime :))10:50
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quiquellsshnaidm|brq: github Me10:54
quiquellsshnaidm|brq: Have some unit test for the
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quiquellDon't know to do, upload them to the patch or wait for gabriel11:00
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sshnaidm|brqquiquell, you can make a following up patch11:01
sshnaidm|brqquiquell, rebased on this11:01
quiquellsshnaidm|brq: Also the fixes ?11:01
sshnaidm|brqquiquell, no, fixes should be in original patch11:01
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: no idea11:07
quiquellsshnaidm|brq: unit tests
hubbotsshnaidm|brq: quiquell's karma is now 011:17
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sshnaidm|brqquiquell, we need to create a job with these tests11:18
sshnaidm|brqquiquell, and gate promotion svript11:18
sshnaidm|brqquiquell, not urgent, of course11:18
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quiquellsshnaidm|brq: Sure, let's wait for panda, so we organize11:19
ykarel|trainingchandankumar, shouldn't that be python-tempestconf?11:27
ykarel|trainingcommented on the patch11:28
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rlandy|roverrasca: hello ... - build is failing a unit test12:02
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weshayarxcruz|ruck, you on the program call?12:05
arxcruz|ruckweshay: joinig12:05
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ugh12:07
arxcruz|ruckweshay: lol12:07
weshayarxcruz|ruck, don't let the colorblind guy work the colors12:07
arxcruz|ruckweshay: ctrl + z ?12:07
arxcruz|ruckweshay: let me do it12:08
arxcruz|ruckweshay: done12:08
weshayfak... I have problems12:08
arxcruz|ruckweshay: I'm working on the source problem you mentioned yesterday ;)12:08
arxcruz|ruckbug opened also12:09
weshaysorry which one?12:09
openstackLaunchpad bug 1775365 in tripleo "periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset002-queens-upload job is failing to fetch overcloud node names" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Arx Cruz (arxcruz)12:10
arxcruz|ruckweshay: in sova is showing as source fail12:10
arxcruz|ruckyou mention yesterday, but i was sleeping already hehe12:10
weshayarxcruz|ruck, rlandy|rover I think we can delete ocata rdo phase 212:12
arxcruz|ruckweshay: so, last cix meeting alex told us to keep it until eol upstream12:12
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weshayarxcruz|ruck, upstream doesn't care much about rdo212:12
arxcruz|ruckweshay: that's why we put it back to the dashboard12:12
arxcruz|ruckweshay: but rdo yes12:12
rlandy|roverweshay: arxcruz|ruck: I thought we asked about newton, - also ocata?12:16
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: it was ocata12:16
arxcruz|rucklike, osp is done for ocata, but rdoproject no12:16
arxcruz|ruckso we keep for rdoproject12:16
rlandy|roverI know it went yellow ysterday12:16
arxcruz|ruckthat was my understanding12:16
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: not really, i need to talk with myoung_ because on is showing hash date 05/3112:17
rlandy|roverweshay: following the conversation with steve baker, there are some changes we need to discuss wrt the reproducer12:17
arxcruz|ruckbut on the last repo is from 06-0112:17
rlandy|roverI was going to look at that yesterday12:18
rlandy|roverlet me look - maybe we can fix that12:18
arxcruz|rucki check the code for the rhos-release dashboard , but i don't see anything wrong12:19
rlandy|roverlooks largely green12:20
quiquell|lunchIs someone using ?12:20
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rlandy|roverdepends on promotion criteria12:20
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: which one ?12:21
rlandy|roverquiquell|lunch: ss says it's still yours12:21
rlandy|roverarxcruz|ruck: env B12:21
quiquell|lunchrlandy|rover: ss ?12:22
rlandy|roverquiquell|lunch: we keep a spread sheet with owners12:22
rlandy|roverstill in promo cr12:23
rlandy|roverwe can kick it for now12:23
rlandy|roverlooking at what failed here12:24
arxcruz|ruckokay, so, now i'm not understanding, i thought was in sync with rhos-release dashboard12:24
rlandy|rover2018-06-05 19:50:21 | Failed to contact the endpoint at for discovery. Fallback to using that endpoint as the base url.12:24
rlandy|rover2018-06-05 19:50:21 | Unable to establish connection to HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=35357): Max retries exceeded with url: /OS-KSADM/roles (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f02b4e6fc90>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))12:24
arxcruz|ruckand on d.rdop is showing latest hash from 06-0112:24
weshayarxcruz|ruck, rlandy|rover fyi
arxcruz|ruckand rhos-release 05-3112:25
rlandy|rover2018-06-06 12:17:26,784 7905 INFO     promoter Skipping promotion of current-tripleo to current-tripleo-rdo, missing successful jobs: ['tripleo-quickstart-promote-ocata-rdo_trunk-minimal']12:25
rlandy|roverthat's one level up12:25
arxcruz|ruckweshay: i already open a bug for this12:26
openstackLaunchpad bug 1775199 in tripleo "Failure in tripleo undercloud install no such option collect_timing in keystone_authtoken group" [Critical,Triaged]12:26
weshaysee it now12:26
weshaythanks arxcruz|ruck12:26
weshayarxcruz|ruck, I removed the quickstart tag12:27
arxcruz|ruckweshay: k12:27
weshayquickstart is for bugs caused by quickstart12:27
rlandy|roverarxcruz|ruck: I ma rekicking
rlandy|roverthat is where ocata i held up12:28
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: ack12:28
rlandy|roverwe can change the criteria and yet phase 2 through (remove B and put it back) E passed12:29
rlandy|roverweshay: ^^ ?12:29
weshayrlandy|rover, oh ya12:29
weshaylet's do that12:29
rlandy|roverweshay: really - this is the killer 2018-06-06 12:17:26,784 7905 INFO     promoter Skipping promotion of current-tripleo to current-tripleo-rdo, missing successful jobs: ['tripleo-quickstart-promote-ocata-rdo_trunk-minimal']12:30
rlandy|rover2018-06-06 12:17:26,785 7905 INFO     promoter FINISHED promotion process12:30
rlandy|roverphase 1 job is very unstable12:30
weshayrlandy|rover nice.. look at that
* weshay updates criteria12:30
rlandy|roverweshay: give me one sec pls12:30
rlandy|roverjust checking that that really si blocking phase212:31
rlandy|roverand we just arn't blocked ahead12:31
rlandy|rover2018-06-06 12:17:01,282 7905 INFO     promoter Skipping promotion of current-tripleo-rdo to current-tripleo-rdo-internal, missing successful jobs: ['tripleo-quickstart-ocata-rdo_trunk-baremetal-dell_fc430_envb-single_nic_vlans']12:31
rlandy|roverweshay: ^^ ok - change the criteria12:31
rlandy|roverand I'll put it back after we promote12:31
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal @
weshayrlandy|rover, ya.. doing it now12:32
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rlandy|roverok - let's deal with newton phase 1 - now12:33
weshay17:40:31   "job_id": "tripleo-quickstart-ocata-rdo_trunk-baremetal-hp_dl360_envd-single_nic_vlans",12:34
weshay17:40:31   "notes": "buildinfo,phase=rdophase2 id=,major=ocata,minor=rdo_trunk 1528220422",12:34
weshay17:40:31   "success": true,12:34
weshayusing lowercase d12:35
rlandy|roverweshay: merged12:37
rlandy|roverlet's clean up one more thing ..12:37
rlandy|roverarxcruz|ruck: weshay: ok - newton build failure ... phase 1 - since April ..12:38
rlandy|rovertask path: /home/jenkins/workspace/tripleo-quickstart-promote-newton-delorean-build-images/tripleo-quickstart/roles/image-build/tasks/main.yml:6112:38
rlandy|roverI don't see a clear error12:39
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rlandy|roverweshay: we updated all the slaves and ff branches last week12:47
weshayrlandy|rover, what were the slaves updated to?12:50
rlandy|roverweshay: rhel 7.4 to rhel 7.512:50
weshaythose are the virthosts12:50
rlandy|roverthe undercloud is a vm12:50
rlandy|roveron those virthosts12:51
weshaywhat were the slaves updated to?12:51
rlandy|rover rhel 7.4 to rhel 7.512:51
weshaywe don't have slaves on rhel12:51
rlandy|roverapologies, the undercloud boxes12:51
rlandy|rovernot the slaves12:51
* weshay can't wait to get most of our work out of jenkins12:52
rlandy|roverwe don't reprovision those per job any more12:52
weshaywe never have12:52
rlandy|roverok ... image build ... where is the error I am missing???12:53
weshayis that question to me?12:53
rlandy|roverThrow error msg if image build is failing is skipped12:53
rlandy|roverto anyone who knows12:54
weshayrlandy|rover, show me.. on blue12:54
rlandy|roverok - joining blue12:54
* weshay looks12:54
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myoung_morning o/, caught up to this mornings scrollback13:15
myoung_weshay: ack rdo2 BM virthosts were updated last week --> rhel 7.5, we didn't touch the jenkins slaves13:16
myoung_weshay: they were failing mostly on libvirt package dependencies, as well as the pinned 7.4 kernel, during prep-internal-rhel13:16
myoung_arxcruz|ruck: regarding the difference between how rhos-release dashboard and promotions work / are different, the rhos-release dashboard if I recall correctly uses the timestamp on the .repo file - when the repo was *created* as the source date...not when it was *promoted*13:17
myoung_^^ that is why{{release}} lists both promotion and creation date for each promoted hash13:18
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arxcruz|ruckmyoung_: ok13:20
myoung_weshay, arxcruz|ruck, rlandy|rover - last week while you were out in CIX meeting we had a fairly lengthy discussion in that forum around how long to keep rdo1/rdo2 for ocata (specifically) online - I was suggesting we turn the lights off to limit the teams resource suckage (human, electrical, emotional :)) - the consensus and specific ask from Alex was that we leave them in place (and reported on) until  ~ 2018-08-27 (https://releases.13:20  So I/we re-patched the rhos-release dashboard to include ocata (it had been removed as the OSP variant based on it is a short term and is now EOL)13:20
arxcruz|ruckmyoung_: yes, that's what i remember13:21
rlandy|rovermyoung_: ack - we just confirmed we are keeping ocata13:21
myoung_(re: osp11 those tiles are obviously gone for good and we should likely nuke those jobs)13:21
rlandy|roverI mixed it up with newton13:21
rlandy|rovermy fault13:21
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weshayrlandy|rover, ok.. /me looking again13:25
myoungrlandy|rover, weshay, I think we should do a patch like this and stop building newton images alltogther13:25
myoung^^ removed ocata and pike13:26
* myoung focuses on sprint things, HTH if needed but otherwise ignoring13:26
rlandy|roverweshay: blue again?13:26
* myoung has a patch locally he's not messing with that rips ALL of the debris out, let him know if he should post it later13:26
myoung^^ no more building anything13:26
weshayrlandy|rover, sure13:26
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myoungweshay: we had an action item from monday scrum to update one or more cards with detail / etc.  If you have a few minutes this morning we could bang it out together.  I'm available this morning to chat.  Guessng it's 5-10 tops.13:39
quiquellrlandy|rover, arxcruz|ruck: I see massive failing in the gates13:49
quiquell7 fails in 30 minutes13:49
rlandy|roverarxcruz|ruck: can you look - opening a ticket to ci.centos13:51
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: quiquell 3 patches with some job failing, all of them upgrades and non voting13:52
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: is your board counting non-voting jobs ?13:53
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: It shows upstream problems13:53
quiquellupstream tripleo jobs13:54
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: yeah, but can you point me the jobs failing? because in zuul it's showing 7 failures, but it's upgrades job and they are non-voting13:55
quiquellYou can click in the logs13:56
quiquellAnd in the Patch too to open the gerrit13:56
arxcruz|ruckquiquell: ok13:57
hrybackiweshay: sorry, wast off yesterday afternoon13:57
rlandy|roverha - we're logging again :)13:58
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arxcruz|ruckquiquell: so, some of them was because github was down13:59
arxcruz|ruckone was because of timeout13:59
arxcruz|ruckso nothing we can do, github now is m$ problems :P14:00
myoungquiquell: I really like this presentation (stacked bars) for builds over time.14:01
rlandy|roverarxcruz|ruck: closing
openstackLaunchpad bug 1775205 in tripleo "Failing jobs are no longer getting the output from script" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Ronelle Landy (rlandy)14:03
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: did infra fix it? \o/14:03
rlandy|roverarxcruz|ruck: check the logs14:03
arxcruz|rucki believe you :)14:03
hrybackiusing OOOQ reproducer to test a fix for a CI blocker (this is a first for me) -- fingers crossed!14:06
myounghrybacki: early adopter!  it's pretty cool.14:09
myounghrybacki: ovb or libvirt?14:09
hrybackimyoung: ovb14:10
hrybackimyoung: tbh I wasn't even sure how to test my proposed fix against the failing periodic job. This seemed like an obvious test route14:10
* myoung nods14:12
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quiquellmyoung: sshnaidm|brq is the creator of the bars chart is super awesome14:20
quiquellarxcruz|ruck: cool, was checking if the alarm was legit.14:21
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rlandy|roverweshay: back in 2016, I applied to add my keys to the jumpbox to access ci.centos nodes. this is the slave we get assigned ... rdo-ci-cloudslave05 we get assigned. do we have instructions somewhere of how to access the jumphost, it's been a while and I don't think I ever actually landed up doing it14:28
weshayrlandy|rover, that infra to ci.centos was wiped14:29
rlandy|roveroh well - was worth a shot14:29
rlandy|roverok - here we go with the request14:30
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @, master: tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal @
weshayrfolco, panda ok.. so after chatting w/ some folks.. we will not be building osp containers/images in the internal sf14:40
weshayrfolco, panda rather consuming what has already been built14:40
weshayhrybacki, ping me when you have a sec14:41
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weshaymyoung, please make sure the bz triage for the tempest squad is on the agenda for tomorrow15:00
myoungweshay: ack.  I've set up the ci squad's agenda for tomorrow, doing tempest etherpad shortly.15:01
myoungweshay: do you want me to increase the tempest squad scrum duration?  If we're going thru that many bugs it's going to take > 3015:02
rfolcoweshay, k15:02
weshayrfolco, rdo on rhel is still valid15:04
amoralejis there any known blocker for master promotion?15:05
amoralejwe are planning next test day15:05
amoralejso undercloud install is failing with15:07
amoralejAPIException: no such option collect_timing in group [keystone_authtoken]15:08
rlandy|roverarxcruz|ruck: ^^15:08
hrybackio/ weshay15:08
rlandy|roveramoralej: ^^ yeah - we have a bug logged for that15:08
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: already have a bug opened for that15:08
amoralejis it escalated?15:08
arxcruz|ruckamoralej: yes, and hrybacki is working on that15:08
weshayhrybacki, there's my man15:08
amoralejok, thanks15:08
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rlandy|roveramoralej: that is all we know if atm - before that master was promoting well15:09
rlandy|roverif there is something caught when the build steps completes and tests start, we won't know atm15:09
amoralejyeah, thanks rlandy|rover15:09
hrybackiarxcruz|ruck: so question is: how do I verify my patch does or does not fix that broken job15:17
arxcruz|ruckhrybacki: adding a depends on ?15:18
hrybackiarxcruz|ruck: ?15:18
arxcruz|ruckhrybacki: where's your patch? was it merged already ?15:19
hrybackiarxcruz|ruck: it's a standalone patch:
hrybackiarxcruz|ruck: no, need to verify CI before merging15:19
hrybackibut since the failure was noticed on a periodic job I'm not sure how to re-trigger it15:19
arxcruz|ruckhrybacki: you can check on rdocloud with the reproducer, i think you need to set an gerrit_changes variable to your patch15:20
arxcruz|rucksshnaidm|brq: around? do you know how to do it ?15:20
arxcruz|ruckhrybacki: the periodic job will only get your patch once it get merged though15:21
hrybackiarxcruz|ruck: okay, so reproducer is the only way to verify failures found in periodic jobs? (just trying to understand)15:21
arxcruz|ruckhrybacki: you can submit a dummy patch on tq/tqe with a depends on to your patch also but it will not run as periodic though15:22
hrybackisome ci is better than no CI :) lemme try that15:22
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hrybackiarxcruz|ruck: sshnaidm|brq Depends-on: <commit hash> or <change-id> ?15:26
arxcruz|ruckhrybacki: both works, but now it's the full url for change id15:26
rlandy|roverquiquell|off: arxcruz|ruck: what happened with those failing jobs quiquell|off reported? need to look into them?15:28
hrybackithanks arxcruz|ruck testing on
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: mostly was because github was down this morning15:29
rlandy|roverarxcruz|ruck: ok15:29
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: two was timeout15:29
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: so don't worry15:29
rlandy|roverarxcruz|ruck: good - one less thing to tackle :)15:29
rlandy|roverneed to work on the reproducer15:29
rlandy|roverbut will try fix rdo2 for a bit first15:30
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rlandy|roverhrybacki: reading back ... if you want to try your change with a periodic job, you can take the reproducer from that job and add your ZUUL_CHANGES15:33
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rlandy|roversorry if I am answering something you already know15:33
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arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: no, you answer better than me, i though it was gerrit_changes15:36
arxcruz|ruckthe variable15:36
rlandy|roverno you need the ZUUL_CHANGES15:36
rlandy|roveryou can get that from the console log of any job that ran with that change15:36
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rlandy|roverarxcruz|ruck: just fyi ... to fix the newton image build failure in phase 1 ... - tripleo-quickstart-promote-newton-delorean-build-images is failing to scp images - "/home/jenkins/.ssh/rdo-ci-public.pem: No such file or directory"15:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1775416 in tripleo "tripleo-quickstart-promote-newton-delorean-build-images is failing to scp images - "/home/jenkins/.ssh/rdo-ci-public.pem: No such file or directory"" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Ronelle Landy (rlandy)15:37
hrybackirlandy|rover: no worries -- I think I've got it running properly now15:37
hrybackithank you :)15:38
hrybackiweshay: o/ I've got ~20 before my next mtg. Wanna chat?15:38
hubbotarxcruz|ruck: rlandy|rover's karma is now 515:38
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weshayhrybacki, ya.. getting off blue in a minute15:41
myoungweshay, chandankumar, kopecmartin, arxcruz|ruck, please note change to tempest squad scrum meeting tomorrow (duration and content).  Details -->
hrybackiweshay: ack, join anytime before 1100 mountain time15:46
weshayhrybacki, ok.. ready15:47
weshayrfolco, I'm updating the sf doc16:08
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weshayrfolco, working on the goals16:13
chandankumarweshay: myoung
rfolcoweshay, yes, need to answer some whys16:13
chandankumarplease have a look at this one i donot know why git clone tempestconf is not working16:13
chandankumarweshay: myoung related reviews
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weshayrfolco, did you get my pings re: the upgrade check job?16:16
weshayrfolco, talking to a few folks.. we're interesting in merging the non-voting job as is.. even if it's failing16:16
rfolcoweshay, I am confused16:18
rfolcoweshay, with zuul added to docker group, looks like it worked
rfolcoweshay, are you saying my workaround did not fix it ?16:19
rfolcoweshay, my workaround -->
weshayrfolco, it's not the right place16:19
weshayfor that fix16:19
rfolcoI know16:19
rfolcobut apparently that was the fix (to be done somewhere else)16:20
weshayrfolco, well maybe I need help16:20
weshayrfolco, was that fix for the prep-containers issue, console or something else?16:20
rfolcook, I'll ditch the hack16:21
weshayin run.yaml16:21
rfolcoweshay, the fix is for
openstackLaunchpad bug 1775209 in tripleo "docker permission denied on upgrade prep containers" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Steve Baker (steve-stevebaker)16:21
weshayrfolco, you could just use a diff patch16:21
weshayrfolco, ok.. ya16:21
weshayrfolco, in the bug..
weshayis posted16:22
weshayrfolco, probably good to comment in that review, the bug, and if you know you have it fixed.. then I would say add a new review16:22
weshayrfolco, I still see the error in your job though
rfolcoweshay, multitasking mistakes. Apologize.16:24
weshayall FYI
rfolcoweshay, you are right, I am just removing the hack16:25
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-newton-delorean-full-minimal @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @
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weshayrlandy|rover, arxcruz|ruck ruh roh16:48
weshayrlandy|rover, arxcruz|ruck whole bunch of gate failures16:49
weshayrlandy|rover, arxcruz|ruck
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weshayrlandy|rover, arxcruz|ruck must be infra related
weshayrlandy|rover, fyi.. 2018-06-05 17:36:58Zuul job-output.txt files were incomplete if at any point the job stopped producing logs for more than 5 seconds. This happened due to a timeout in the log streaming daemon. This has been fixed and the zuul executors have been restarted. Jobs running after now should have complete logs.16:52
weshayrlandy|rover, unrelated to gate failures16:52
weshaybut this is the dealio
rlandy|roverweshay: ok - looking through more carefully -16:53
rlandy|roverthe ones failing all on the same job worry me less16:54
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rlandy|roverand I already closed the bug about the log streaming going awol16:55
rlandy|roverRPC failed; result=35, HTTP code = 0", "fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly"], "stdout": "Cloning into '/home/zuul/DLRN/rdoinfo'...\n", "stdout_lines": ["Cloning into '/home/zuul/DLRN/rdoinfo'..."]}16:56
rlandy|roversagi already has a recheck on that job16:57
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rlandy|roverweshay: what do you trust sova or new dashboard - they don't seem to correlate exactly17:03
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rlandy|roverunless the timezones are taken differently17:03
rlandy|roverthey don't match up17:04
rlandy|roverthe times look was behind17:07
chandankumarweshay: rlandy|rover where overcloud_container_prep happens? in TQE or TQ or tht17:08
rlandy|rover^^ you talking about that?17:09
rlandy|rovernot sure what "happens means"17:09
arxcruz|ruckweshay: those failures are related to github down this morning17:10
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: ^17:10
chandankumarrlandy|rover: I need to update the tempest container when there is any package related to it gets updated?17:11
chandankumarrlandy|rover: I am not sure where to make changes17:11
arxcruz|ruckweshay: this was the first outage after M$ aquisition ;)17:11
rlandy|roverit hasn't even happened yet17:12
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|rover: reflections already :P17:12
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arxcruz|ruckfunny fact for people moving to gitlab:17:12
arxcruz|ruckwhois $(dig +short gitlab\.com) | egrep -A3 OrgName17:12
rlandy|roverchandankumar: so I am not sure if I am answering your question ... but when CI runs, we call two roles17:13
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ya.. was going to look at that this morning17:13
weshayarxcruz|ruck, /me wonders if the dos attacks spiked after the announcement17:13
rlandy|roverthe build-test role that builds from ZUUL_CHANGES and then the prep-containers role picks up the latest repos17:14
rlandy|roverdoes a yum update and updates containers17:14
rlandy|rovergetting script17:14
arxcruz|ruckweshay: well, there were a huge migration of repos from github to gitlab, that might made github went down, afterall, it increase the trafic on both sides17:14
rlandy|roverwe call
rlandy|roverwhether that addresses you concern, I am not sure17:16
rlandy|roverso iow, if a new repo is create by build-test-packages, yum update and container-check should pick it up17:17
chandankumarcontainer-update.yaml from where it is comign17:17
rlandy|roverlet's go look at a job for an example - that get built17:18
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: -> barbican merged17:19
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: I saw, waiting for jobs on our side to confirm, then i'll close the bug :)17:19
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: need to fix our tempest image job17:20
chandankumarrlandy|rover: in tripleo-common tempest container is there17:23
chandankumarrlandy|rover: so may be I need to take a look what wrong is happening there17:24
rlandy|roverchandankumar: are you looking at a particular job?17:24
chandankumarrlandy|rover: since these containers are used on undercloud and how it is related and updated there17:24
chandankumarrlandy|rover: ->
rlandy|roverI don;t see it in the jobs I looked at17:25
chandankumarrlandy|rover: I am not seeing container is getting17:28
chandankumarweshay: myoung|lunch regarding this thread [openstack-program] Closing remaining OSP11 bugs tempest have 1 bug17:30
chandankumarwe cannot update that bug because ocata internal tempest repo get messed up due to certification bug issue17:31
chandankumarI am thinking to close ot17:31
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weshayarxcruz|ruck, or chandankumar could use your input on a keystone only tempest config in
chandankumarweshay: since standalone is supported from rocky na?17:36
weshaychandankumar, it's just landing now17:38
weshayfor upstream17:38
weshaynot downstream17:38
chandankumarweshay: so i would remove till queens related part17:38
weshaychandankumar, not 100% sure which section you are talking about.. please point it out in the review17:40
chandankumarweshay: left few comment17:40
chandankumarweshay: where can i find standalone.yaml?17:43
weshayin tht17:44
chandankumarweshay: cool, we are good there17:45
chandankumarweshay: I will try tomorrow17:45
weshaychandankumar, :)17:45
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: weshay sorry, miss the fun, was having dinner17:45
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: weshay ->
chandankumarany help on this one is appreciated17:46
weshay2018-06-06 14:38:13 | ls: cannot access /home/zuul/python-tempestconf: No such file or directory17:48
* weshay looks at the code17:48
chandankumarweshay: donot know why clone is not working17:49
weshayumm m$17:49
chandankumarweshay: we are using  there17:50
weshayI saw17:50
weshaythat is the right thing..17:50 should not be in our code anywhere.. and that was true 6months ago17:50
weshayreally just joking around though17:50
chandankumarweshay: people are saying lots of things related to accquastion on twitter17:50
chandankumarit is fun to watch17:50
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: i'll take a look on this tomorrow, now it's heroes of the storm time :D17:51
weshayya.. maybe I'm not seeing it.. but I don't see how m$ has any more power to muc around w/ opensource w/ github on their servers17:51
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: weshay rlandy|rover quiquell|off myoung|lunch panda if someone wants to get started in open source feel free to join17:52
chandankumarfeel free to share it17:52
chandankumaryup task runned but there is no dir there17:54
rlandy|roverchandankumar: cool - thanks for the link17:54
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hubbotweshay: chandankumar's karma is now 317:55
chandankumarweshay: check the dependent patch17:55
weshayah k17:56
weshaychandankumar, 404
chandankumarweshay: tempest have worked17:56
chandankumarweshay: do git clome locally it will worl17:57
weshayarxcruz|ruck, we should add a linter to tq/tqe to flag github17:57
weshaychandankumar, ya.. same for eme17:58
weshayfor me17:58
weshaychandankumar, I wonder if it's been populted in the infra mirrors17:58
chandankumarweshay: do we need a flag tp use zuul local mirror17:59
weshayno.. but I think it's a proxy.. so a job has to try once at least17:59
weshaynot sure how many times you've tried this18:00
rlandy|roverchandankumar: so looking at where tempest is missing ... there are two source that get passed to openstack overcloud container image prepare ... and
rlandy|roverand .. package for update ... which considers the gating_repo18:03
chandankumarrlandy|rover: let me add a patch there in tht18:03
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @
openstackchandankumar: Error: "gatestatus" is not a valid command.18:07
rlandy|roverwith a %18:08
chandankumarrlandy|rover: yup18:08
rlandy|roverweshay: any other gate/check failures you are concerned about - looking at http://cistatus.tripleo.org18:10
weshaynope.. just the ones from the dashboard18:10
weshayI saw the flood, wasn't sure why18:11
weshayarxcruz|ruck, I wasn't kidding w/ lint failures for finding github though18:11
weshayrlandy|rover, ya.. 82% today18:11
rlandy|roverthe dashboard doesn't seem to sync for me18:11
weshayhopefully that will come back up now18:11
rlandy|roverthe failures/times etc18:12
rlandy|roverbut whatever18:12
weshayrlandy|rover, sync?18:12
weshaywant to show me?18:12
rlandy|rovertimes don't match up18:12
rlandy|rover2018-06-06 11:48:4618:12
rlandy|roverwhat timezone is that?18:12
weshayrlandy|rover, well.. each one has a link to the log18:12
weshaynot sure re: timezone18:12
rlandy|roveryeah  but there is more recent info18:13
rlandy|roversova is showing results from 16:00+18:13
weshayrlandy|rover, ur saying does not have the most recent?18:13
rlandy|roverwould seem18:13
weshaysova only pulls data.. once per hour18:13
rlandy|roverplus even if I look back, the results time don't correlate18:13
weshayso imho.. for the latest info I go to
weshayand for the trend I go to sova18:14
rlandy|roverthen it's missing the latest failures18:15
rlandy|roverbut really we have other stuff to chase atm18:15
chandankumarrlandy|rover: weshay arxcruz|ruck
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rlandy|roverwe should see tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates kick but may want to test with an actual depends-on tempest change18:18
myoungoooo..i just discovered the shortcut cheat sheet for --> hit '?'18:22
myoungchandankumar: re: that course starting next week...neat!  thx18:23
rlandy|roverand we're back with phase 1 "no valid hosts fun"
chandankumarmyoung: it is free of cost, the attendee need a linux box with decent internet connection irc client and hunger to learn, the training will end in 3 montgs with some your own coll foss projects18:26
chandankumarand with lots of virtual friends18:26
rlandy|roverrfolco: weshay: left a comment on - of it's urgent to vote, let me know18:29
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rlandy|roveror if you never expect a pass18:30
weshayrlandy|rover, it was passing, but now it's not18:30
weshaysee my comment18:30
weshaywe'd like to get in check, so it's more visible18:30
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @
rlandy|rovercontainer - probably unrelated18:33
weshayrfolco, how is this going?
weshaymyoung, have you started testing this ?18:35
rlandy|roverrasca: still around?18:35
weshaytrown, we need a QE on
rfolcoweshay, I believe it is the missing user/group (zuul --> docker), steve is assigned to this bug18:36
weshayrfolco, no.. no18:36
weshay37 is update18:37
weshaynot upgrade bud18:37
weshayrfolco, get into those zuul changes w/ quiquell|off18:37
trownweshay: ya... quiquell|off has done some reviews and is familiar with the script18:37
weshayhe's got too many cards18:37
rfolcomeh, crossed stations again18:37
weshayrfolco, let's go brotha18:37
rfolcogetting close to 4018:38
rfolcoits a syndrom18:38
weshayrfolco, ha ha.. don't claim old man w/ me18:38
rfolcook ok my bad18:38
rfolcowe should be good, just double checking18:38
myoungweshay: last night I put out what (I think?) are the cases to cover to test for, was hoping to catch quiquell|off before he was off to confirm but didn't get him today18:38
weshaymyoung, you need quiquell|off to get started?18:39
myoungweshay: been walking thru patches as well (about to +1 on them, wanted to understand more fully the actual script as it's related)18:39
weshaymyoung, if you are working on it.. you think you can assign yourself as qe?18:40
myoungweshay: don't need to wait to get started, we had talked about the test plan for that card and cases and just wanted to sync / confirm I had captured things correctly18:40
weshayas there is none atm18:40
weshaymyoung, meh18:40
weshaylet's review your card18:40
myoungweshay: sure18:40
myoungre: QE for
weshaymyoung, re:
weshayI think some of these items are available to be poked at right now18:41
myoungweshay: ack18:41
weshaymultiple patches from the same release18:41
weshaythe from / to18:41
rlandy|roverwhoever was on the pomoter server tmux, switched back to the script execution18:42
rlandy|roverwatching it18:42
weshayrlandy|rover, k18:42
rlandy|roverweshay: sorry if you  were busy there18:43
weshaynope.. not on it18:43
weshayrlandy|rover, fyi.. we have tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container in non-voting check18:46
weshayrlandy|rover, we should add that to promotion pipeline ( need to check branches )18:46
weshayrlandy|rover, so.. added to promotion pipeline, but not criteria until it's voting18:47
weshaymake sense?18:47
weshaytrown, can you think of any better ways to do this?
rlandy|roverweshay: add to promotion pipeline but not to promotion criteria? ok - can submit that review18:49
weshayrfolco, can you join me in blue19:01
rfolcoweshay, yep19:01
myoungweshay: just got my head around and your comment, other than needing to be able to run this multiple times (for multiple patches) and the issue of needing to differentiate the previous repo tar.gz, are there other issues?  or were referring to your -1 comment?19:01
trownweshay: I am confused by that patch19:24
trownweshay: if it exists... we copy it, but then immediately delete the copy?19:28
rfolcoweshay, install and target releases are the same (queens), is it right? isn't an upgrade job ?19:29
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weshaytrown, ya.. I need to discuss the issue w/ someone19:37
weshaytrown, so here's what we're concerned about19:37
weshayqueens -> master upgrade19:37
weshaytrown, meh.. can I do this on blue?19:38
weshayit's a lot to type19:38
weshayI think I have the issue in the vard19:38
weshayafter discussing this w/ @quiquellorente we need to be sure to clean/archive rpm's in the gating repo that != the current branch.19:38
weshayIn the example of a queens -> master upgrade w/ zuul changes from both queens and master.19:38
weshayIn the workflow, when we're at master, we'll have a queens patch built and available in the gating repo that will get installed on top of master rpms due to the higher epoch of dlrn built rpms.19:38
weshaySolution: clean and archive any rpms built for branches != $release19:38
weshaytrown, ^19:38
weshaythe patch built for queens.. could get installed on the master run.. it's in the gating.repo19:39
arxcruz|ruckweshay: rlandy|rover trown panda this fix a promotion blocker19:40
weshaynice arxcruz|ruck19:42
weshaytrown, make sense?19:43
trownweshay: the issue makes sense but still not the patch...19:45
weshaytrown, so this role runs multiple times19:46
weshayif it finds a previously built gating repo, it's archived for the logs19:47
weshayand then removed, so a fresh gating repo w/ only patches from the current branch built19:47
weshayarxcruz|ruck, are we seeing the problem only in promotions?
arxcruz|ruckweshay: well, in any patch running queens jobs19:49
arxcruz|ruckweshay: for some reason, only queens run that task19:49
weshayarxcruz|ruck, hrm19:49
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ya.. but the history on fs001 queens is good19:50
weshayit's not failing19:50
arxcruz|ruckweshay: hmmm, but still, it's failing in the promotion :/19:51
arxcruz|ruckin my patch fail on queens19:52
weshayarxcruz|ruck, ya.. k k..19:52
arxcruz|ruckso checks that run queens job it will fail19:52
weshayarxcruz|ruck, if your patch works in
weshaythen we're still good19:52
weshayarxcruz|ruck, weird that it's only running on queens19:53
arxcruz|ruckweshay: weird now is on this job, the task was skipped19:53
weshayrlandy|rover, reminder re: pto cal20:03
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rlandy|roverweshay: I added it to RHOS PTO/Travel - did I miss a diff pto cal?20:04
weshayah see it now20:05
weshayapproved, thanks20:05
rlandy|rovercool - thanks20:05
rlandy|roverweshay: btw added for your review - just looking at what config-check is failing on20:06
trownweshay: ok, I have looked through a bunch of the CI on only to realize it doesnt actually do anything on existing jobs... but I am very unconvinced it will do anything on n->n+1 jobs too20:25
trownI commented as such on the patch... not sure how/if it has been tested20:25
weshaytrown, thanks.. let me know if you think of a better way to prevent the rpm getting installed where it should not20:30
trownweshay: I think we should just be disabling it20:31
trownthen it is still archived20:31
hubbotAll check jobs are working fine on stable/ocata, stable/ocata, master, stable/queens.20:32
weshaytrown, if we just disable it. it will get re-enabled in the upgrade step20:33
weshaytrown, not sure if we're communicating about the potential issue20:33
trownweshay: I do understand the issue... probably not communicating the idea well though20:34
weshayk k20:34
weshaytrown, only one yum repo is created for any zuul changes right?20:34
weshayso if we disable it.. then build the next patch on $other branch.. I don't see how that would help20:35
trownweshay: we need to have the release of the change somehow available to the install-built-repo role, and then only enable the repo if it matches the release we are currently on20:35
weshaytrown, sure.. but if you have both a queens and master zuul change20:35
weshaywhat then?20:35
weshayI could see us making one yum repo per zuul change20:36
weshayand naming them such.. w/ the hash.. so they can be easily disabled20:36
trownya i dont see how the current patch would ever address changes on multiple branches20:36
trownthat would just be broken without splitting at least one repo per branch20:37
weshaywell.. it's not great, but I think works in that... if you had a queens and master zuul change20:37
weshaywhen upgrade starts.. the gating.repo is cleared.. build-test-packages runs and the master patch is built and queens is not20:37
weshayso it works20:38
trownhmm ya... so all we really need is for to have the release var in it20:38
trownand then we only enable the repos for the release we are on20:39
weshaytrown, hrm.. well if we changed line 11 to be20:39
trownin any case... I think the solution should be adding more information to the dlrn roles rather than taking away information from the CI artifacts20:40
weshaythen we could just disable it20:40
weshaytrown, I'm a little paranoid of this.. because if the queens patch did install on master20:41
trownwe have the release when the role runs... we can just add it in20:41
weshaythat would be really hard to debug if it caused problems20:41
weshayso..  I think what we're saying is20:41
weshayanytime we create or use gating_repo it needs to have the branch name on it20:41
trownya I think that is the best way to have it segregated20:41
weshayand the role needs to disable all non-$release gating repos prior to starting if they exist20:42
weshaytrown, ok.. thanks for talking through that20:42
trownya, probably just disable all *gating repos, then enable the one we want20:42
trownthen we have all the repos without any "back ups"20:43
trowncould probably even add other information to the repos, like what playbook it is from20:43
trownbut release would be enough for the issue I think20:44
rlandy|roverfyi ... config-check error is an infra thing20:44
* myoung is catching up on scrollback from trown/weshay, he was nose down making patches to try to excercise this in CI from upgrade job20:45
* myoung just caught up20:47
myoungtrown, weshay, I like having discreet repos with release+hash encoded into them (but disabled) so all the artifacts are there and digestable/diagnosable20:47
trownI will try to get undercloud n->n+1 upgrade job posted, so we can see what any solution actually does20:50
weshayok.. comments posted to
weshaymyoung, just the release20:53
weshaynot the hash20:53
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myoungweshay: ack, thanks for the detail in gerrit20:58
myoungweshay: will rebase and/or reparent the patches I just finished making when we address your comments20:59
myoungfor now just letting the jobs run as it's still useful data to have later tonight/tomorrow20:59
* myoung prepares to depart to pick up his teenager, and bring her -->
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rlandy|roverarxcruz|ruck: still around?21:28
rlandy|roverprobably the middle of the night there :)21:28
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rlandy|roverweshay: ok - rdo infra problem with config check was fixed ... is ready21:59
hubbotAll check jobs are working fine on stable/ocata, stable/ocata, master, stable/queens.22:32
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