Tuesday, 2018-05-01

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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: openstack-tox-pep8, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429100:42
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: openstack-tox-pep8, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429102:42
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: openstack-tox-pep8, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429104:42
EmilienMweshay and CI team, I went ahead and approved https://review.openstack.org/565349 to clear up the gate04:56
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: openstack-tox-pep8, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429106:42
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: openstack-tox-pep8, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429108:42
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: openstack-tox-pep8, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429110:42
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panda|ruckroversshnaidm: http://logs.openstack.org/93/563293/6/gate/openstack-tox-linters/bda385d/job-output.txt.gz#_2018-05-01_09_44_21_14644711:40
panda|ruckroversshnaidm: the new rule is blocking the gate11:40
sshnaidmpanda|ruckrover, need to merge this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/564574/11:41
panda|ruckroverI think we need not to test linters on tripleo-upgrades fi we are trying to merge a quickstart patch11:45
panda|ruckroverhalf of the world is PTO today, not sure when we'll be able to merge that patch in tripleo-upgrade11:46
panda|ruckroveralso, this https://review.openstack.org/561911 is already adding most if not all the pipefails11:47
sshnaidmpanda|ruckrover, we can merge it if you +2 it12:08
sshnaidmpanda|ruckrover, it'll be better then starting reverts now12:08
sshnaidmpanda|ruckrover, testing upgrades didn't start today, need to check why it happens..12:09
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sshnaidmwell, seems like it's because we include tripleo-upgrades role in our playbook http://logs.openstack.org/93/563293/6/gate/openstack-tox-linters/bda385d/job-output.txt.gz#_2018-05-01_09_44_19_78254612:16
sshnaidmso ansible-lint will test it12:16
panda|ruckrover2018-05-01 09:44:19.782546 | ubuntu-xenial | Examining ./multinode-undercloud-upgrade.yml of type playbook12:17
panda|ruckroveransible-list follow the playbook, and descends into roles12:17
sshnaidmpanda|ruckrover, yes, so it will check it always12:19
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: openstack-tox-pep8, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429112:19
sshnaidmweshay, panda|ruckrover can you vote on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/564574/ ?12:20
weshaypanda|ruckrover, do happen to know if we have a bug on  stable/ocata: openstack-tox-pep8, yet?12:20
panda|ruckroverweshay: we have12:21
panda|ruckroverweshay: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/176807612:21
openstackLaunchpad bug 1768076 in tripleo "GATE-CHECK change fails pep8-linters" [Medium,Triaged] - Assigned to Matt Young (halcyondude)12:21
weshayk.. thanks will look for it12:21
weshayassigned to matt young?12:22
panda|ruckroverreassigned to me now12:22
weshayit's only failing on our change lolz12:22
weshaypanda|ruckrover, literally doing exactly the opposite of what we wanted.. lolz12:23
weshaywarning us when things are broken and ignoring false positives..12:23
weshaythat's funny12:23
weshayok.. thanks panda|ruckrover12:23
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weshaysshnaidm, speaking of linters.. have you seen12:28
weshay| linters installed: ----------------------------------------,Error when trying to get requirement for VCS system Command "git config --get-regexp remote\..*\.url" failed with error code 1 in /home/zuul/src/git.openstack.org/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras, falling back to uneditable format,Could not determine repository location of /home/zuul/src/git.openstack.org/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras,alabaster==0.7.10,ansible==2.5.2,ansib12:28
weshaywe have two gate failures on the linter in tqe12:28
sshnaidmweshay, panda|ruckrover again, please vote on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/564574/ to unblock gates and fix linters12:30
weshaysshnaidm, if that is fixing the gate failures sshnaidm you need a bug12:30
sshnaidmweshay, I'm not sure, it was on review much before12:31
weshayseems to be on tqe not tu12:31
weshaysshnaidm, that patch looks great.. just waiting on ci to return12:31
sshnaidmweshay, because we include tripleo-upgrade role in our playbook, ansible-lint will test it also in quickstart-extras patches12:31
sshnaidmweshay, so we need to keep linters and code style same in oooq-extras and tripleo-upgrade12:32
sshnaidmweshay, it's all we have in CI there12:32
sshnaidmweshay,  nothing to wait for :)12:33
panda|ruckroveris there any way not to test tripleo-upgrades in tqe gates ?12:33
panda|ruckrovercan we ignore the multinode playbook12:33
sshnaidmpanda|ruckrover, yeah, to exclude upgrade playbook12:33
sshnaidmall of them12:33
sshnaidmbut why not?12:33
sshnaidmif they will have the same linter rules, it won't happen12:34
weshayoh .. lol12:34
weshayfucking upgrade repo12:34
sshnaidmand pipefail is rule that worth to have12:34
sshnaidmweshay, and I should have port linters to all branches btw..12:34
sshnaidmqueens: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565065/12:36
panda|ruckroverhm. can't find the card on the board with the discussion on the linters to add.12:37
rlandysshnaidm: pls see response to your comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565280/ - still want to keep that -1?12:39
rlandysshnaidm: also wrt https://review.openstack.org/#/c/564865/ - are you defining the volume pool to be something custom?12:41
panda|ruckroveris the linter patch associated to a bug of some sort ?12:41
sshnaidmrlandy, ok.. but dependent patch seems like not ready yet? because if when we merge it, it will stop to work12:41
rlandysshnaidm: we would try to merge all three patches together12:42
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: openstack-tox-pep8, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429112:42
sshnaidmrlandy, well, with your patch it works only if using user stack12:43
rlandyI am to w-1 it12:43
rlandysshnaidm: which patch are we talking about? there are two12:43
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sshnaidmrlandy, if it's acceptable for the beginning, I'm fine..12:44
sshnaidmrlandy, but need to mention it anywhere12:44
rlandyso now I know what the problem is ... although it should have done this before12:44
rlandysshnaidm: no - I just need to know what to fix12:44
rlandyiow - did the libvirt-pool stuff work w/o stack user before the patch?12:45
sshnaidmrlandy, yep12:45
sshnaidmrlandy, with your patch I have: http://paste.openstack.org/show/720178/12:45
weshaypanda|ruckrover, I'm going to try and fix the slaves in rdo2 re: the dlrnapi12:46
sshnaidmrlandy, you include vars instead of using playbook vars and this lower their precedence afaik, so seems like something overrides one of vars anywhere12:46
weshaypanda|ruckrover, you can rove.. I'll be ur ruck12:46
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sshnaidmrlandy, but what and where - I have no idea.. it's difficult to trace errors in this mess of roles in libvirt12:47
rlandysshnaidm: ok - will fix it12:47
sshnaidmrlandy, it's odd that virt module tries to access pool with uid=1000 - it's uid of "stack" user, while I'12:47
sshnaidmm running it as centos user12:47
rlandywe ca set user12:48
rlandysshnaidm: you made a similar comment for the reproducer and we changed it to use ...12:48
sshnaidmrlandy, I tried to hardcode ssh_user, undercloud_user, non_root_user, nothing helps.. maybe I missed some_other_user :)12:48
rlandy        -e non_root_user=$USER \12:49
rlandy        -e non_root_group=$USER \12:49
sshnaidmrlandy, yep, it works in current state12:49
sshnaidmrlandy, but doesn't work with your patch12:49
panda|ruckroverso, to recap, we merged a linter that wasn't discussed anywhere, it broke the gates, and to fix it we self-pushed a change to upgrades without waiting for guys from upgrades, and that conflicted with a previous patch that did pretty much the same I've been working for the last weeks that already had +2 and I now have to recheck12:49
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rlandysshnaidm: livbirt_volume_path is different12:50
rlandylibvirt_volume_path: /opt/vm_images - was defined as before12:51
rlandyand I removed that12:51
rlandyto reference the default12:51
sshnaidmpanda|ruckrover, linter patch was submitted and available for discussion for everywhere, I've added everybody as reviewers there. You could block it if you think it need a discussion12:52
sshnaidmrlandy, I'll try it now with /opt/vm_images12:53
rlandysshnaidm: I don't like that as a default = but that is what is was previously12:53
sshnaidmrlandy, well, path seems fine, but in default installations we could have a few place in / for heavy images12:54
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rlandysshnaidm: does it work with /opt/vm_images?12:55
sshnaidmrlandy, hmm.. testing now.. I set -e livbirt_volume_path=/opt/imgs but it used $WORKSPACE/pool  anyway12:57
rlandymaybe include_vars overrides12:58
rlandybut its' not defined there :(12:58
sshnaidmrlandy, no, I use -e, it should override everything12:58
sshnaidmmaybe something wrong with my setup, checking..12:58
panda|roverI don't think the patch is the best place to discuss design. Indeed I don't see any discussion in the patch either.12:59
sshnaidmpanda|rover, I'm not sure every patch needs a design session, there is no any new feature, it's obvious linter rule13:00
rlandymyoung: some issues with the patches13:06
rlandyjust waiting for sshnaidm  to test if it's linbirt_volume_path or not13:06
rlandythen I'll fix y first patch13:06
myoungrlandy, trown: last night I hit this testing fs10 https://trello.com/c/hI3xxjuQ/685-validate-fs-10-w-instruction-breadcrumb-trail#comment-5ae7d48a9b350fb5199dabd613:07
myoungrlandy, trown: guessing I'm missing a step (or we need to doc and/or check for) around networking.  I started with a vanilla f2713:07
panda|roverthis change broke the gate. We're behind with reviews for the existing cards and bugs. Adding undiscussed patches for review is adding unanticipated load for the cores13:08
rlandymyoung: can you check resolv.comf on that node13:09
rlandywhat is there?13:09
sshnaidmrlandy, ok, tested in /opt/imgs, and it worked - but only because images are created with "stack" user13:10
sshnaidmrlandy, and /opt/imgs can be accessed by any user13:11
rlandysshnaidm: ok - so that puts us back to the situation we had before the patch?13:11
rlandyor it's still worse?13:11
sshnaidmrlandy, let me try to delete the user stack..13:11
rlandyI think that should match what we had before13:12
rlandysshnaidm: trown: myoung: so we can 1) put back the /opt/vm_images in the defaults, 2) set the user explicitly like we do in the reproducer or both13:19
trownrlandy: well.. I will override to /opt/vm_images no matter what we chose, so that works for me13:20
trownbut it is a bit annoying for a default install with small root partition13:20
rlandytrown: I am just trying to use default that avoids problems like sshnaidm is hitting13:20
rlandywhich /opt did13:21
rlandyalthough the root default partition is too small and that's another issue13:21
myoungas part of the breadcrumb trail I'm keeping a list of things we might consider for future sprints and/or incremental improvements13:22
rlandyI deleted the stack user on my test box13:22
* myoung adds these13:22
sshnaidmrlandy, trown well, seems like I tested the only case with won't work - when you have user "stack" on host but runs reproducer as other user. All the rest should work..13:23
sshnaidmmaybe need to get back to QA..13:23
rlandytrown: what do you think of defining the user in the defaults?13:23
rlandysshnaidm: your case is not unusual13:23
rlandytrown: putting   non_root_user=$USER non_root_group=$USER type thing in the defaults?13:24
rlandywe set it for the reproducer13:24
sshnaidmrlandy, ok, let's leave the default then..13:24
rlandysshnaidm: the /opt/ default?13:24
sshnaidmrlandy, no, the workspace pool13:25
sshnaidmthis is the price we pay for reusing libvirt role..13:26
trownrlandy: im fine with putting those in the reproducer script13:26
rlandysshnaidm:so you use the reproducer script to test or run the playbook on its own?13:28
sshnaidmrlandy, reproducer script of course13:28
myoungsshnaidm: I (still) think it's worth paying the price, what we're doing it harder but when done will mesh with our existing codebase13:28
rlandywell - that has to work off the bat13:28
myoungrlandy: resolve.conf just has
rlandymyoung: that should have outside access13:28
sshnaidmmyoung, it will mess, not mesh13:28
sshnaidmrlandy, yeah, another problem I have it's
myoungrlandy: aye, wonder if I'm hitting google13:29
sshnaidmrlandy, why do we override it? it hardly works in rh network13:29
myoungand getting rate limited13:29
rlandysshnaidm: repos didn't resolve with straight internal13:29
rlandyoriginally I had an append clause there13:30
rlandyso both internal and external were available13:30
rlandythat was voted out for s supersede clause which replaces13:30
sshnaidmrlandy, hmm.. I have only in resolv.conf, and it barely works13:30
rlandysshnaidm: try this ...13:31
sshnaidmrlandy, which repos didn't resolve with internal dns?13:31
rlandyhttps://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/blob/master/roles/libvirt/setup/overcloud/tasks/fake_nodepool.yml#L168 and L20913:32
rlandymake that append rather than supersede13:32
sshnaidmrlandy, when i set internal dns - everything works like a charm13:33
rlandymyoung: ^^ can you try that13:33
sshnaidmrlandy, I'm not sure what was problem, but seems odd that internal dns didn't resolve..13:34
rlandysshnaidm: you can set a custom_nameserver= to override the default13:34
sshnaidmrlandy, but if doesn't work, why do we need it?13:34
rlandysshnaidm: iirc it was the centos repos that were not resolving for those of us working over vpn13:35
rlandytrown" ^^ correct?13:35
rlandy8.8.8.8 was working better for our testing13:35
trownya centos repos dont resolve with redhat internal dns13:35
rlandyI am open to switching the default again13:35
rlandylet's just agree on it13:35
trownand make sure it works :P13:36
rlandyworks?? minor detail13:36
sshnaidmtrown, rlandy maybe some temporary problem in your net?13:36
sshnaidmcan you check it with dig?13:36
rlandyI really think we can get by this with append13:36
rlandyyou will get both13:36
sshnaidmrlandy, yeah, also good13:36
rlandycan you test that, pls?13:36
rlandythat is what I wanted to do originally13:37
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myoungrlandy: aye trying internal dns now13:38
myoung(sry delay had phone call)13:38
trownsshnaidm: it is not temporary... I hit it consistently13:39
rlandythank you13:39
trownsshnaidm: and ya nslookup failed on the repo url13:39
sshnaidmtrown, which url do you check?13:40
sshnaidmrlandy, just tried - I get my virthost IP as first DNS and then
* myoung is a huge fan of an approach that works both inside/outside...by "append" do you mean specifying multiple dns (e.g. have and if specified via param append it to the list?)13:40
sshnaidmrlandy, my virthost IP works fine as DNS13:40
trownsshnaidm: mirrorlist.centos.org13:40
rlandysshnaidm: perfect - thank you13:40
rlandyI will put in a patch to put back append13:41
myounghrm...would it be crazy to look at virthost /etc/resolv.conf, then use *that* for dns servers?13:41
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myoung(in the subnodes)13:41
sshnaidmtrown, strange, resolves in a moment for me in internal net13:41
rlandysshnaidm: to digress to the previous issue ... https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565282/1/roles/create-reproducer-script/templates/reproducer-quickstart.sh.j2 adds the option to define libvirt_volume_path so hopefully people can figure out a good option for their case and define it13:41
myoung^^ i like this...our audience (developers) i would guess have all manner of storage/drives on their boxes...i do...13:42
rlandymyoung: to answer your question above, yes - append gives you both options on dns13:43
sshnaidmrlandy, seems great13:43
* rlandy is sorry I have no backbone :(13:43
myoung(figured...i was out when this all went down)13:43
rlandyok - putting up patch13:44
rlandysshnaidm: myoung: thank you for your testing - I appreciate your feedback13:45
myoungrlandy: ok holding off, will test with your patch13:47
myoungCI squad: (gentle reminder) I've added this to the #tripleo meeting agenda "CI Community Meeting starts immediately upon this meeting closing @ https://bluejeans.com/7050859455. All are welcome to ask/discuss $ciThings.  Add to agenda (or just join): https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ci-squad-meeting"13:49
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rlandymyoung:  https://review.openstack.org/565508 Change libvirt-nodepool to use both internal and external DNS13:55
rlandymyoung: it will clash with your rename patch :(13:55
rlandymaybe we can combine/rebase13:55
myoungrlandy: I'll just rebase it...no worries13:55
rlandylet me know what is easier for you13:55
* myoung looks13:55
rlandymake it dep on your patch is fine13:55
myoungin hindsight would have made sense to make a isolated patch earlier last week that just does the s/fake/libvirt/g change and slam it in :)13:56
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myoungrlandy: ahh i see...we could roll it into my patch i guess...prob easier13:57
myoung2 line change13:57
rlandymyoung: that is fine13:57
rlandysshnaidm: ^^ fyi13:57
myoungwant me to make it in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565280/13:57
myoungk doing that now13:57
rlandymyoung: we need to figure out the merging timetable for all these patches that depend one on the other13:58
myoungrlandy: ack, and done (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565280/3..4/roles/libvirt/setup/overcloud/tasks/libvirt_nodepool.yml)14:02
* rlandy looks14:02
rlandyabandoning my patch14:03
myoungone less patch in the chain14:03
myoungrlandy, trown, sshnaidm: imho we should land https://review.openstack.org/#/c/564865 asap to get things rolling14:04
myoungwe can iterate in subsequent patches, we've already got a laundry list building for a future sprint as well.14:05
myoungsshnaidm: capturing your comment re: stack user on the host case on that list as well14:05
sshnaidmmyoung, where is the list?14:06
myoungsshnaidm: it organically started last night when testing fs10, I'll move it to an etherpad or card.  https://trello.com/c/hI3xxjuQ/685-validate-fs-10-w-instruction-breadcrumb-trail#comment-5ae7d48a9b350fb5199dabd6 now14:07
weshay|ruckchandankumar, panda|rover I was out last week.. there is an action item in #tripleo mtg re: https://review.rdoproject.org/jenkins/job/gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset021-master/14:07
weshay|ruck<mwhahaha> ci team, panda|ruck, quiquell|rover to investigate why fs021 is running on master if it's not properly containerized14:07
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: openstack-tox-pep8, tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429114:08
weshay|ruckhrm.. hubbot should be reporting on fs21 I think14:08
sshnaidmrlandy, so 565508 will move to myoung patch?14:08
sshnaidmrlandy, oh I see14:09
* myoung moves the ideas list to a card so all can add/edit as we test14:09
rlandyyep - otherwise name clash14:10
sshnaidmmyoung, and where is the list itself there?14:11
myoung^^ just made that14:11
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myoungsshnaidm:  it was at the bottom of my comments in fs10 testing card...i was just keeping notes as I tested (pretending I knew nothing about reproducer) and doc'd stuff I hit on vanilla f2714:12
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sshnaidmrlandy, not sure you tried, but did beaker reprovision work for you lately?14:23
rlandysshnaidm:  on your rdu box? I have a ticket out for that14:27
rlandymyoung and rfolco reported their boxes could not pxe boot either14:28
sshnaidmrlandy, so there is a problem?14:28
rlandyjpainter is on the ticket14:28
sshnaidmI see14:28
sshnaidmrlandy, thanks14:28
rlandyno dhcp offers14:28
myoungrlandy: I had issues with beaker+pxe when attempting to use centos from beaker.  f27 and RHEL seem to work without a hitch14:28
myoungrfolco: ^^14:29
myoungrlandy: could you please add me to the watchlist for your IT ticket?14:29
sshnaidmrlandy, hmm.. actually I have dhcp offer. But one host just ignores provisioning, both from site and command line, and second is stuck on boot..14:29
rlandysshnaidm: yep - forwarding you the ticket info14:30
rlandysshnaidm: ok - you are on the ticket and I forwarded the link to you14:32
rlandyfell free to add to that ticket14:32
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429114:42
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weshay|ruckpanda|rover, fyi.. upgrading a slave from f23 -> f2514:51
panda|roverweshay|ruck: on ci.centos ?14:52
weshay|ruckpanda|rover, rdo214:52
panda|roverweshay|ruck: for the setuptools ?14:53
weshay|ruckpanda|rover, the jobs are passing but most fail on the dlrn_api call14:53
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weshay|ruckpanda|rover, looks like that fixed it15:12
weshay|ruckpanda|rover, myoung we need to schedule some downtime in rdo2 to upgrade the slaves.  After I get a master promotion in rdo2 I think it can be anytime15:18
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myoungrlandy, trown, hitting a new error, when attempting to start the VM's getting access issues to the qcows15:32
myounglibvirtError: Cannot access storage file '/root/s12/validate-fs010/pool/subnode-0.qcow2' (as uid:107, gid:107): Permission denied15:32
trownwhy are they in /root/?15:32
myoungI was running at root :)15:33
trowndont do that :P15:33
myoungaye lol15:33
myoung(emu can't access)15:33
trownno way $HOME will work as /root15:33
rlandysame issue as sshnaidm hit15:35
rlandymaybe we should go back to old default15:36
trownmeh... or just dont run the script as root15:36
rlandyunless I missed something it's become: true15:39
trownbecome: true is different than running as root user though15:40
trown/home/$USER is fine ... /root/ will not be allowed world readable15:40
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myoungI added this to the brainstorm/idea list15:53
rlandymyoung: are you running from the reproducer?15:58
rlandythis is a problem15:58
rlandyeveryone is hitting it15:59
rlandyI think the old default is better15:59
myoungrlandy: I'm running it now...i created a user (somedev), added to libvirt group (and wheel), and running now15:59
myoungi re-hit having to add own key to authorized_users too...I'm about to get to the same place it failed before16:00
rlandywe need to think about this16:00
myoungtest velocity a little reduced (in meetings)...will have a data point in a min (watching it run now)16:00
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myoungrlandy: Error: Cannot access storage file '/home/somedev/s12/validate-fs010/pool/subnode-0.qcow2' (as uid:107, gid:107): Permission denied16:04
myoung107 --> qemu16:04
rlandymyoung: what is your root partition like?16:04
myoungmean like partition layout?16:05
myoung[somedev@rdo-ci-fx2-02-s6 validate-fs010]$ df -h16:05
myoungFilesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on16:05
myoungdevtmpfs                  32G     0   32G   0% /dev16:05
myoungtmpfs                     32G     0   32G   0% /dev/shm16:05
myoungtmpfs                     32G  1.9M   32G   1% /run16:05
myoungtmpfs                     32G     0   32G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup16:05
myoung/dev/mapper/fedora-root   49G  8.8G   38G  19% /16:05
myoungtmpfs                     32G  5.3G   27G  17% /tmp16:05
myoung/dev/sda1                976M  114M  796M  13% /boot16:05
myoung/dev/mapper/fedora-home  285G  2.9G  268G   2% /home16:05
myoungtmpfs                    6.3G     0  6.3G   0% /run/user/016:05
myoungtmpfs                    6.3G     0  6.3G   0% /run/user/100216:05
myoungfedora defaults are to dump all the space --> /home16:05
myoung(beaker made this box)16:06
rlandymyoung: I made a dir /home/temp/images16:15
rlandyset permissions to be wide open16:15
rlandyand I run from there16:15
rlandyyou may get by with this root space16:15
rlandyI did not16:15
rlandymyoung: can you try with the /opt/vm_images settings16:16
rlandyand see if that works for you?16:16
rlandyif that works on your default install, I will revert to that setting16:16
myoungsure I'll do that now16:16
rlandythank you16:18
weshay|ruckpanda|rover, you still around?16:31
panda|roverweshay|ruck: yes16:32
weshay|ruckpanda|rover, what's the update on the rhos-12 gate?16:32
panda|roverweshay|ruck: last time I heard from quiquell|off  he was testing it in downstream jenkins and it needed to set the build_test_packages variable to true because he wasn't fetching any change16:34
panda|roverweshay|ruck: but he was able to clear the resources downstream to test it properly16:35
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weshay|ruckpanda|rover, quiquell|off k.. we'll need a summary of the rhos-12 gate issue to properly hand that off to the next ruck/rover16:36
weshay|ruckpanda|rover, fyi.. I ff the master stable branches on code.eng16:36
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weshay|ruckpanda|rover, where are the docs for this card? https://trello.com/c/yhzulA3V/698-validate-undercloud-single-node-only-on-the-current-deployment16:38
myoungrlandy, trown: it's working now from /opt, but it still feels like a red herring, I manually nuked the pool as well, could this be more sticky pool issue folks are hitting?16:39
weshay|ruckmyoung, rlandy trown docs for the reproducer are where?16:39
myoungit's running now, when passing /opt path for the volume path...but on a default install yields16:39
myoung[somedev@rdo-ci-fx2-02-s6 vm_images]$ sudo virsh vol-list --pool oooq_pool16:39
myoung Name                 Path16:39
myoung subnode-0.qcow2      /opt/vm_images/subnode-0.qcow216:39
myoung subnode-1.qcow2      /opt/vm_images/subnode-1.qcow216:39
myoung[somedev@rdo-ci-fx2-02-s6 vm_images]$ sudo virsh pool-info oooq_pool16:39
myoungName:           oooq_pool16:39
myoungUUID:           57f06ce9-dca7-463d-80f1-c37862a07fcb16:39
myoungState:          running16:39
myoungPersistent:     yes16:39
myoungAutostart:      yes16:39
myoungCapacity:       48.97 GiB16:39
myoungAllocation:     10.41 GiB16:40
myoungAvailable:      38.56 GiB16:40
myoung[somedev@rdo-ci-fx2-02-s6 vm_images]$ ll16:40
myoungtotal 1900826416:40
myoung-rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 9710600192 May  1 12:38 subnode-0.qcow216:40
myoung-rw-------. 1 qemu qemu 9754378240 May  1 12:38 subnode-1.qcow216:40
myoung(eww that formatted badly) - the volume pool is created in /opt, so just using storage in the tiny partition16:40
myoung(testing my theory)16:40
myoungrlandy: also passing internal dns via custom_nameserver prop to test the s/supercede/append16:41
rlandyweshay|ruck: https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-docs/blob/master/doc/source/contributor/reproduce-ci.rst16:42
rlandyneed an update :)16:42
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429116:42
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rlandymyoung: yep - that is the problme16:43
weshay|ruckrlandy, jeez.. the libvirt one :))16:43
weshay|ruckthe one you are working on now16:43
rlandyweshay|ruck: ohhh ...16:43
rlandysorry - I'm a bit drugged up on cold/flu meds16:44
weshay|ruckas is the rest of the team apparently :)16:44
weshay|ruckthanks for responding16:44
rlandyis where we are working now16:44
weshay|ruckthanks :)16:44
rlandythere are a set of three patches under test16:44
rlandyyou will need them all16:44
weshay|ruckrlandy, and this is executed on the virthost ya?16:44
rlandyyes - we stuck with that16:45
rlandyweshay|ruck: you will need https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565280/16:45
myoungweshay|ruck: here's the beginnings of a show-n-tell doc, i'm using it now for test notes16:45
rlandyweshay|ruck: the issue under discussion is the libvirt_volume_path16:45
rlandyused to default to /opt/vm_images16:46
weshay|ruckmyoung, that card is VERY hard to parse fyi16:46
rlandynow back to original i workspace16:46
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weshay|ruckrlandy, thanks16:47
rlandyweshay|ruck: try it out - and weigh in - what's you preference16:48
myoungweshay|ruck: I guess I can take it down and keep notes privatly...was trying to capture all the steps and output16:48
weshay|ruckrlandy, thanks just getting caught up16:48
myoungrlandy: i think the problem is that the volumes get created as owned by root, but qemu is trying to access them16:48
rlandypretty much16:49
rlandywhich is why opt worked16:49
myoungi don't get why it's working form /opt, even when creating $HOME/pool directly (and chown --> qemu), they still land as owned by root16:49
* myoung tries something16:50
myoungi guess the disconnect for me is why do they end up owned by qemu in the /opt case, and root in the $home case?16:51
rlandymyoung: we could do what I have been doing by default - create a /home/temp dir16:54
rlandybut this current default is definitely not working16:54
rlandymyoung: is your run with /opt still going?16:55
myoungno i've been trying to get to root cause.  i can kick another16:55
myoungwill try /home/vm_images16:56
rlandymyoung: sorry - what was the failure with /opt/vm_images?16:56
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myoungrlandy: it works16:57
myoungrlandy: the only issue is on a typical fedora / beaker install, the root partition where /opt lives is generally quite small, while /home has the bulk of avail storage16:57
rlandymyoung: ok - so I think we should put that back as the default in the vars file16:57
rlandyI know16:57
myoungit works and it's tuesday :)16:57
rlandypeople have the option to define another place16:58
weshay|ruckrlandy, run as root?16:58
rlandymyoung: could yet get all the way through overcloud deploy?16:58
rlandymine failed in overcloud deploy16:58
myoungweshay|ruck: heh...i banged into that as well.  need to run as non-root16:58
rlandyweshay|ruck: before you start, make a change ...16:58
weshay|ruckrlandy, oh w/ deps on the patches16:59
weshay|ruckrlandy, do you have one I can use?16:59
rlandyset roles/libvirt/setup/overcloud/tasks/vars/fake_nodepool_vars.yml ( or whatever it is renamed to  - libvirt_volume_path=/opt/vm_images)16:59
weshay|ruckwe don't all need our own DNM test patch16:59
rlandyweshay|ruck: a reproducer with the changes? yes - will send you17:01
myoungweshay|ruck: I've been using this https://curldu.mp/952b3959af2a7a145a5bc5684c062fdeef0880b417:01
rlandymyoung: so you want to add the libvirt_volume_path change to your patch?17:01
rlandymine was merged17:01
rlandymyoung: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565280/4/roles/libvirt/setup/overcloud/tasks/vars/libvirt_nodepool_vars.yml17:02
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weshay|ruckthis should work http://logs.openstack.org/82/565282/2/check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades/ae7a59a/logs/reproducer-quickstart.sh17:03
myoungsure...can update17:03
rlandyweshay|ruck: export LIBVIRT_VOLUME_PATH=${LIBVIRT_VOLUME_PATH:="/home/zuul/pool"} is the problematic piece17:04
rlandyyou can try it17:04
rlandybut looking to change that default17:05
myoungrlandy: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565280/4..5/roles/libvirt/setup/overcloud/tasks/vars/libvirt_nodepool_vars.yml17:06
rlandyweshay|ruck: oh - you will need to get the zuul changes into your local tq/tqe17:06
rlandyI have another patch to address that17:06
rlandywas voted out of sprint17:06
weshay|ruckah ya17:06
rlandymyoung: cool - just get rid of git clone https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart17:06
rlandygit clone https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras17:06
weshay|rucklooks like we need update the check for tenant creds17:07
rlandymyoung: and I will update the reproducer17:07
rlandyit is updated17:07
rlandyweshay|ruck, ^^17:07
rlandymyoung: sorry - get rid of the comment on that review17:08
weshay|ruckyou sure.. don't see any change to prevent17:08
weshay|ruckbash reproducer-quickstart.sh -w /var/tmp/test_repro/ -v -l17:08
weshay|ruckTenant credentials are not sourced.17:08
rlandyweshay|ruck: if [[ (! -v OS_TENANT_NAME) && ("$LIBVIRT" != "1") ]]; then17:08
rlandyyou need to run with -l17:08
rlandyto get a libvirt reproducer17:09
rlandyit's multinode by default17:09
myoungrlandy: k17:09
weshay|ruckah rlandy we have a bug.. I ran -v -l17:09
weshay|ruckif you run just -l it works17:09
rlandyweshay|ruck: -v true -l17:09
myoungrlandy: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565280/4..6/roles/libvirt/setup/overcloud/tasks/vars/libvirt_nodepool_vars.yml17:10
weshay|ruckhrm.. k.. may I fix that?17:10
weshay|ruckoh.. I'm thinking python args17:10
rlandymyoung: awesomeness - thanks17:10
rlandyweshay|ruck: it's actually a terrible user interface (-v true) - we should rethink that in another sprint17:11
myoungweshay|ruck, rlandy: aye first few times I ran reproducer I kept dropping the "true" from '-v true'17:11
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. /me pokes at that for a minute17:11
rlandyi know :(17:11
weshay|ruckrlandy, no worries17:12
rlandylunch quickly - back in a few17:12
myoungrlandy: same, re-running with PS617:14
myoungweshay|ruck: if you're running inside RH might want to tack on -e custom_nameserver="" to the 'ansible-playbook libvirt-nodepool.yml ' invocation from reproducer, has been an issue again17:17
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myoung(for me)17:17
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rlandyok - back17:32
rlandymyoung: a problem even with append?17:34
rlandymyoung: my deploy failed on docker pull17:37
myoungkicking off the actual test now, reproducer just finished (and I rapidly ate some lunch)17:39
myoungrlandy: passing /home/groovy_pool_name btw works like a charm.17:39
rlandy('Connection aborted.', error(13, 'Permission denied'))17:41
rlandywith docker17:41
rlandymyoung: ^^ let me know if you see that17:41
rlandycould be unrelated17:41
myoungtoci is running now...will be a few.  how far in did it fail for you?17:42
myoung(aside) this is totally awesome.  being able to repro toci in libvirt locally.17:44
myoungit's making me happy lol17:44
myoungrlandy: re: the append...seems to have worked just fine...17:46
myoung[zuul@subnode-0 ~]$ cat /etc/resolv.conf17:46
myoung; generated by /usr/sbin/dhclient-script17:46
rlandyokie dokie17:46
myoungfor a future sprint i captured an item to change that to an array vs. singular input (for custom_nameserver)17:47
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chandankumarweshay|ruck: hello18:20
weshay|ruckchandankumar, howdy18:21
chandankumarweshay|ruck: for doc generation from playbook, i was trying with this patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565435/18:21
chandankumarbut it is not working18:21
weshay|ruckchandankumar, ya.. ci team needs to fix that18:21
weshay|ruckchandankumar, probably need a quick lp18:21
chandankumarwe need to specify the tag which we is used in tqe.yaml na?18:22
weshay|ruckchandankumar, let's chat about the same job in that patch.. which job were you looking at?18:26
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rlandyweshay|ruck: wrt https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565282/2/roles/create-reproducer-script/templates/reproducer-quickstart.sh.j2@8718:35
rlandythe problem is that there are two defaults18:35
rlandyvenv is true for ovb and false for multinode18:35
weshay|ruckrlandy, by default libvirt=018:35
rlandybut this is a unified reproducer18:36
rlandyso it's false by default18:36
weshay|ruckrlandy, you'll have to show me how that plays in18:36
weshay|ruckrlandy, ok... that has nothing to do w/ the flag though18:36
weshay|ruckwe're just changing it so you dont need to also say "true"18:37
rlandyweshay|ruck: we decided this - create_virtualenv flag should be able to switch from true to false and from false to true18:37
weshay|ruckso we can eliminate -v true.. for -v18:37
rlandyhow do you make the ovb case false then?18:38
rlandy{% if 'ovb' in toci_jobtype %}18:38
rlandy: ${CREATE_VIRTUALENV:=true}18:38
rlandy{% else %}18:38
rlandy: ${CREATE_VIRTUALENV:=false}18:38
rlandy{% endif %}18:38
rlandyalways be true for ovb then18:38
weshay|ruckrlandy, what line is that?18:39
rlandytop of the file18:39
weshay|ruckrlandy, is it a requirement for ovb?18:40
rlandyit was18:40
weshay|ruckand now?18:40
rlandyto be able to let users switch18:40
rlandyafaik, it has not changed18:40
rlandyso I am happy to add the checks18:40
rlandybut changing the way the options work18:40
rlandythat I think the team should agree on18:40
weshay|ruckrlandy, if one picks ovb, why not set CREATE_VIRTUALENV=true there18:40
rlandysomebody objected18:41
rlandysshnaidm|afk maybe wanted to use installed18:41
weshay|ruckya.. line 12918:41
weshay|ruckrlandy, ok.. then just get rid of the defaults18:41
weshay|ruckand let the user pick18:41
rlandyif you pass -w w/o an option it's the same problem18:42
weshay|ruckjust make sure it's doc'd18:42
chandankumarweshay|ruck: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/176832618:42
openstackLaunchpad bug 1768326 in tripleo "TQE collect-logs ansible role does not generates documentation for the tags defined in featureset" [Undecided,New]18:42
weshay|ruckchandankumar, thanks18:42
rlandyweshay|ruck: I will  add the checks in this review and change the options in another.18:42
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429118:43
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. that's a solid plan :)18:43
rlandypanda|rover|off will not be happy of we delay sprint goals on this18:43
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weshay|ruckrlandy, I can work with panda|rover|off :)18:43
rlandybrave man18:44
weshay|ruckpanda|rover|off, :)18:52
trownmyoung|biab: where is there anything misnamed "noodpool" being fixed in https://review.openstack.org/56528018:54
trownoh it is in extras, and rlandy is responsible for the "noodpool" https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/commit/5338db0ffaca130e5f8efa088ce5337859966d8b18:59
rlandyyep - myoung|biab has all the renames set19:00
* trown has not been near a noodpool in over a decade19:00
* trown will show himself out19:00
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myoungtrown: ack, we re-did the patches when rlandy and I both changed the same things.  a previous iteration (now abandoned, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/564382) renamed libvirt-fake-noodpool to libvirt-nodepool.  when rlandy and I reworked things yesterday as part of merging the rename ended up in  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/564865, the parent of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565280.  The commit message still ref'd the older patch.19:21
myoungI'll fix it, thanks.19:21
myoungthe rename is covered here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565282/2/roles/create-reproducer-script/templates/reproducer-quickstart.sh.j2 for the repro script19:23
myoung(for testing I've just hand edited repro script)19:23
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myoungtrown: fixed up https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565280, is gtg?19:56
myoungrlandy, trown, the last little (trivial) morsel for the POC nicer card: https://review.openstack.org/565576 Rename get-undercloud-ip.sh --> get-domain-ip.sh20:11
myoungrlandy: my fs10 test deployed successfully, is running tempest now20:17
myoungrlandy: I didn't hit the docker error you did20:17
myoung(err...skipping tempest rather, anyhow...worked on latest patches)20:20
rlandyweshay|ruck: ugh - the problem that solution does not solve is that if you don't pass an argument to a parameter that expects one, it takes the next option as the parameter20:20
weshay|ruckrlandy, want to go through it on blue?20:20
rlandyworking through some options20:21
weshay|ruckI think we're making this too hard20:21
rlandyI have included the test you suggested20:21
rlandyit works if that is the last/only option20:21
weshay|ruckya.. if virtual_env requires and arg20:21
* rlandy thinks a bit more - will ping you20:21
weshay|ruckI noticed that as well..20:21
weshay|ruckrlandy, imho.. I think it should just be the users option to use or to not use the python-virtenv20:27
weshay|ruckrlandy, we should "recommend" it for ovb20:27
rlandyweshay|ruck: we just need this type of check on each parameter taking an argument if [[ "$2" == "-"* ]]; then echo "mistake"; exit 1; fi20:28
weshay|ruckok.. sounds gtm20:28
weshay|rucksomething to return an error to the use is what is important20:29
weshay|ruckw/ a message20:29
rlandyjust thinking about how to do the efficiently20:29
rlandyreally I will change the behaviour in another patch20:29
rlandybecause everyone tripe over that20:29
weshay|ruckthat's fine20:29
rlandybut for today20:29
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trowni really dont think that is part of the sprint goals though... or even part of the libvirt reproducer script patch20:38
trownrlandy: weshay|ruck I think https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565282/ is good to go for what it is trying to do20:39
trownthis business with variable validation is tangential to that patch20:39
weshay|rucktrown, ya.. there is going to be a patch on top of this20:39
weshay|ruckre: when to work on it.. if it's the first thing I hit, or Alex hits, or others when they use the script and if it's something we can fix fairly easily... imho we should fix it20:41
trowndefine fairly easily when sprint ends tomorrow and there are unmerged patches still20:42
* trown just wants to get work for sprint merged20:42
weshay|ruckya.. I'll remove my -1 that's fine20:42
weshay|ruckwe're only delivering this to ourselves to be used in the next sprint20:42
weshay|ruckand we said that up front20:42
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429120:43
weshay|ruckI want to pretty careful when it's appropriate and when it's not appropriate to feel a termendous amount of pressure20:43
weshay|ruckI don't think this is one of those times20:44
trownya I have started using it already to look into some of the upgrade jobs... what we have works quite well really20:44
weshay|ruckthat is the most important thing20:44
trownsnapshotting after the bridge between subnodes is created will take some more work... it doesnt survive a reboot currently20:45
rlandyweshay|ruck: trown: myoung|biab: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565282/ updated review20:45
trownbut the PLAYBOOKS variable seems to work in env_vars_to_src.sh, so it can be used to stop at some point that requires investigation20:46
rlandywith the new /opt/vm_images defeult20:46
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rlandythe opt checking stuff is in another patch20:46
rlandydoing last test on that20:47
weshay|rucktrown, I'd rather not keep tripping over that issue w/ the cli20:47
trownweshay|ruck: sorry what issue? I think the reproducer script in general will not be used much on our team with libvirt20:48
trownweshay|ruck: I almost always want to use my snapshots20:48
weshay|rucktrown, so ya.. I wanted to jump back in today.. folks pointed me at the reproducer scripot20:48
weshay|ruckyou tell me folks..20:49
trownthat is where I would have pointed you :P20:49
weshay|ruckya.. so the fact we have multiple people saying different things indicates something20:49
trownonce you have a snapshot after nodepool-setup... there is really not much reason to ever run the previous steps again20:50
* weshay|ruck tries the etherpdad20:50
weshay|rucktrown, w/ regards to the virt_env.. I'm wondering why that can't just be a user's choice.. yes/no20:52
weshay|ruckrlandy, ^20:52
weshay|ruckhaving two different defaults for the same variable is not ideal20:53
rlandyweshay|ruck: I think since we are doing this in a new patch, we should just forget that two diff options20:53
rlandywe will default one way20:53
rlandyand forget the rest20:53
weshay|ruckthat sounds better.. cool20:53
trownweshay|ruck: ya, that seems legit, just didnt want to block that patch on it20:53
trownsince it is not really even related to that patch20:54
weshay|ruckwell.. I sent rlandy something that I thought fixed it privately20:54
rlandyI will put in  patch for discussion when we can schedule it20:54
weshay|ruckI wasn't trying to slow you down w/o helping20:54
rlandyit fixes it if and only if tha is the last/only option20:54
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weshay|ruckpanda|rover|off, quiquell|off FYI.. there was some issue w/ the jenkins for rdo2 where the roles for tqe were not getting added to the role path21:25
weshay|ruckpanda|rover|off, quiquell|off I have it working now.. but I think the issue was caused by jenkins not properly cleaning up the workspace21:26
weshay|ruckwas really odd21:26
weshay|ruckpanda|rover|off, quiquell|off I have rm -Rf /home/rhos-ci/jenkins/workspace/* and things are working again21:27
weshay|ruckso.. upgraded fedora 23 -> 25 and nuked the workspace to get rdo2 back on it's feet21:27
weshay|ruckyay jenkins21:27
weshay|ruckah crap21:27
weshay|ruckit's not working21:27
panda|rover|offyay jenkins21:28
weshay|ruck17:13:48 Requirement already satisfied: tripleo-quickstart-extras from file:///home/rhos-ci/jenkins/workspace/tripleo-quickstart-master-rdo_trunk-baremetal-dell_fc430_envB-single_nic_vlans/tripleo-quickstart-extras/#egg=tripleo-quickstart-extras in /home/rhos-ci/jenkins/workspace/tripleo-quickstart-master-rdo_trunk-baremetal-dell_fc430_envB-single_nic_vlans/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r quickstart-extras-requirements.txt (line21:47
weshay|ruck1)) (2.1.1.dev743)21:47
myoung|biabrlandy: looking21:54
*** myoung|biab is now known as myoung21:54
myoungrlandy, weshay|ruck, trown|outtypewww: regarding args and such, I would love to have a discussion after sprint, I have opinions as well heh.  I'll put em in an RFE (after tomorrow)22:01
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myoung^^ TL;DR - as we are wrapping ansible-playbook in a script, would be cool to have an optional param to specify a .yml with params...so things I want can just be kept in my own file, that's fed to reproducer (so VM's land in the right partition, keys, whatever else) can just be managed that way...vs. having to duplicate the params in bash on a per-parameter basis22:03
myoung(that was longer than i had intended)22:03
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rlandymyoung: sure22:05
rlandythere is a patch out there22:05
myoungtrown|outtypewww, rlandy: snapshot create/restore works for me.  I found a nit to fix, but don't think we need it for this sprint DoD22:13
rlandyprep-containers still fails for me22:15
panda|rover|offis there a status somewhere for the validate cards ?22:24
myoungpanda|rover|off: i put my status in the fs10 card, WFM22:25
panda|rover|offwhat's not working ?22:26
myoungre: snapshot QE, doc'd in card as well.22:26
panda|rover|offmyoung: what's not working ? I've seen turmoil in the channel for the testing22:35
rlandymyoung:any idea about the prep-containers error?22:36
myoungpanda|rover|off: Re snapshots I think we're good to go.  I just doc'd a few things I think moving foward we should address, but what we've got now satisfies DoD and for s12 IMHO done22:37
myoungre validate testing, i did fs10 and didn't hit an error with containers22:37
* myoung looks at cards for details and attempts to repro fail...22:37
myoungrlandy: i probably missed it in the battle spam but can you point me to the reproducer you're running?  I can see if it repros for me22:38
rlandymyoung: prep-contianers keeps failing for me22:39
myoungrlandy: which fs22:41
myoungrlandy: can you 'curl -T your_reproducer.sh curldu.mp" and I'll run it on my virthost to see parity ?22:42
rlandytrying the latest reproducer22:42
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/56429122:43
myoungrlandy, panda|rover|off, attempting to replicate the failure, keeping notes here: https://trello.com/c/yhzulA3V/698-validate-undercloud-single-node-only-on-the-current-deployment#comment-5ae8f0139959f4509752708a23:05
* myoung makes dinner and will check back in a bit23:06
rlandytesting fs00323:07
rlandythis fs is doing better23:20
rlandywill check 10/37 afterwards23:20
rlandyfs003 looks good23:48
rlandymyoung: ^^23:48
myoungrlandy: one thing I've noticed with pulling down the change23:48
rlandytrying fs01023:48
myoungit didn't seem to chain in the dependant change to TQ23:48
myoungbut dunno if was supposed to23:49
rlandyyep - I had to pull in that change as well23:52
rlandyI have a patch to do that automatiaclly - was voted out of sorint23:52
rlandytesting fs010 now23:52

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