Wednesday, 2015-03-18

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openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support for Configuration Language. File Downloading
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openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano: Functional tests for environment template functionality
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kzaitsevRegarding loading local bundles, when you do not have an internet connection. I actually came to think that there is a better solution. We could make the command package-import support multiple parameters. like `murano package-import ./some/folder/*`08:41
kzaitsevBundles seem like a excessive layer of abstraction here. Since the user still has to download packages by hand, still has to put them on his local file system. Moreover parsing and building a dependency-tree seems useless in this case, because we do not have an internet conection anyway.08:44
pashkinDoes anybody encountered such error while using murano-dashboard? "CompressorError: Couldn't find any precompiler in COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS setting for mimetype 'text/scss'."08:44
kzaitsevSo an option like --without-dependencies seems fine08:44
kzaitsevpashkin, do you have COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS set in the settings file?08:45
kzaitsevpashkin: mine looks like this08:48
kzaitsev$ ack -A3 COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS muranodashboard/08:48
kzaitsev137:COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS = (08:48
kzaitsev138-    ('text/scss', 'django_pyscss.compressor.DjangoScssFilter'),08:48
kzaitsevok that was a bad idea08:48
pashkinExactly! Mine settings is the same08:48
pashkinThis is really weird - actual settings, as seen from shell is "('text/less', '/home/andrew/projects/openstack/murano-dashboard/murano-dashboard/bin/less/lessc {infile} {outfile}')"08:49
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pashkinWell, if nobody encountered, I will research, thanks08:50
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pashkinThe problem was in *.pyc files +_+09:06
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pashkinThere is another strange error: ConnectionRefused: Unable to establish connection to
pashkinEven more weird09:36
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ogzyi tried installing murano with devstack but the installation failed, neutron services are not starting, is my local.conf, am i missing something?09:41
ogzyor did the devstack installation tested with juno?09:46
stan_lagunogzy: don't know for sure why you have this problem. Definitely not because of murano (how Murano relates no Neutron not working?). Maybe that is because of "neutron" service enabled which according to need to be enabled for multi-node setups only09:48
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stan_lagunogzy: devstack installation should work. We have it tested on per-commit basis09:49
openstackgerritSHIGEMATSU Mitsuhiro proposed stackforge/murano-specs: Fix typos in some RST files
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ogzystan_lagun: wiki says for single node it can be enabled too :)10:05
ogzystan_lagun: but neutron service shouldn't be, himm10:06
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kzaitsevI wonder how we should write integration tests for repository. I kind of started doing it in a simple manner, thinking I would be able to mock requests.get as usual. But apparently I can't =)10:42
kzaitsevI think I should ask murano-ci guys if we can setup a simple web-server with packages for the tests.10:43
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/murano: Fix error with package tags type
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katyaferventkzaitsev, do you want to add new tests to the murano-dvsm job?11:01
katyaferventor to our murano-ci integration job?11:02
kzaitsevmurano-ci actually11:02
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kzaitsevWe already have a upload_package test, so since we now have upload by_name/by_url — it's quite logical to test them in murano-ci too11:03
katyaferventare you taking about ci on dashboard?11:04
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kzaitsevkatyafervent: yes, I mean muranodashboard11:11
kzaitsevI guess smth as simple as standard SimpleHTTPServer/SocketServer would do11:12
katyaferventbut we can test same functionality via client, we definitely need to discuss where it would be easier to run the repository server11:13
kzaitsevsure. Although client tests and integration tests have completely different purposes11:14
kzaitsevwithout murano-ci tests for repository we wouldn't know if our change to the client would breaks muranodashboard (regarding repository import part).11:16
openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support for Configuration Languages: Chef
openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support for Configuration Languages: Chef
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openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support Configuration Languages. File Download It allows for the downloading of files in murano-agent
openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support Configuration Languages. File Download It allows for the downloading of files in murano-agent
openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support Configuration Languages. File Download
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openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support for Configuration Language: Chef
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openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed stackforge/murano-specs: Murano versioning
openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support for Configuration Language: Chef
pashkinWhat is the best way to simulate deployment fail in Murano? Is there way to raise exception from murano package?12:09
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katyaferventyes, you can call in Workflow something that does't  exist12:16
katyaferventstan_lagun, can you comment more on that please ^^^^12:16
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stan_lagunpashkin: yes, you can raise exceptions from MuranoPL and there are unit-tests for that. Or you can just put 0/0 somewhere in your code12:18
pashkinstan_lagun - "0/0" in MuranoPL?12:19
pashkinstan_lagun, "you can raise exceptions from MuranoPL" - how to do that?12:20
stan_lagun0/0 in a valid yaql expression12:20
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Fix typo in
stan_lagun0/0 is a valid*12:21
ogzystan_lagun: i removed neutron from devstack enabled services, i don't see the murano meu at dashboard, what should i do to enable it at the screen?12:25
katyaferventogzy hi!12:27
katyaferventare you sure that all other murano components  are installed?12:27
ogzykatyafervent: i enabled murano murano-api murano-engine, and finsihed without errors12:28
ogzykatyafervent: here is the local.conf
katyaferventwell, we may have obsolete dashboard configuration12:32
katyaferventcould you find muranodashboard package in your system?12:32
katyaferventit should be somewhere in site-packages12:33
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ogzykatyafervent: /opt/stack/murano-dashboard/muranodashboard is where it stays12:36
dmn_stan_lagun: katyafervent: Since murano applies configurations to applications, among other things, does it make use of any Configuration Management tool to do it?12:40
stan_lagundmn_: currently there are no special support for things like puppet. We are working on it. You can use it via HOT or you can wrap you manifests/cookbooks/whatever in bash script and execute them using murano agent12:42
dmn_stan_lagun: I want to know how murano deploys applications currently.12:43
katyaferventogzy, try to copy /opt/stack/murano-dashboard/muranodashboard/local/ file12:43
dmn_does it do it via murano agent?12:44
katyaferventand after that you need to restart horizon process12:44
katyaferventsorry opt/stack/murano-dashboard/horizon/openstack_dashboard/enabled -> opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/enabled12:45
stan_lagundmn_: it is up to application developer to decide. Most of our existing applications do so via murano agent12:47
stan_lagundmn_: Murano applications are sort of scripts that orchestrate things and triggers different APIs calls. There is an api to call murano agent but there can be others as well12:48
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/murano-agent: Fix typo in
ogzykatyafervent: i didn't get what i am copying, /opt/stack/murano-dashboard/horizon/openstack_dashboard/enabled there is no such path13:05
katyaferventogzy, i have an update for you13:05
ogzykatyafervent: update at the murano code?13:06
katyaferventsorry, in devstack we are not using horizon plugins, we edit settings file directly13:06
katyaferventno, just information update :)13:06
ogzykatyafervent: MURANO_API_URL = 'http://localhost:8082' enough?13:07
katyaferventnope, so did you find settings.py13:07
ogzykatyafervent: for horizon i assume?13:08
katyaferventno, just settings.py13:08
katyaferventthose lines should be there13:09
katyaferventHORIZON_CONFIG['dashboards'] += ('murano',)13:09
katyaferventINSTALLED_APPS += ('muranodashboard', 'floppyforms',)13:09
katyaferventyou can add them manually13:09
ogzykatyafervent: /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/ ?13:09
ogzykatyafervent: trying13:11
ogzykatyafervent: In template /opt/stack/horizon/horizon/templates/horizon/common/_sidebar.html, error at line 513:13
ogzykatyafervent: got error13:13
ogzykatyafervent: Exception Location:/opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/../../horizon/ in get_dashboards, line 69713:13
openstackgerritAlexander Tivelkov proposed stackforge/murano-specs: Plugable pythonic classes for Murano
katyaferventyou can paste trace to paste.openstack.org13:14
katyaferventdid you add those lines to the end of file?13:15
ogzykatyafervent: yes end of file13:16
ogzykatyafervent: maybe somewhere above?13:16
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/murano-apps: Implement ability to enable cluster monitoring
openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed stackforge/python-muranoclient: Import local bundles without requirements
ogzykatyafervent: i changed the location from end of file, to the related parts, just after HORIZON_CONFIG line and INSTALLED_APPS line13:18
kzaitsevFolks! It would be very nice if you would take a minute and review my latest change13:19
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ogzykatyafervent: ok i logged in to the horizon, still dont see any murano menu13:20
ogzykatyafervent: it should be under Network tab right?13:20
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/murano-specs: Policy Enforcement Point
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/murano-specs: Fix typos in some RST files
katyaferventno, it should be under Identity13:21
katyaferventon the same level as 'Project'13:22
ogzyand there is already a section #MURANO_CONFIG_SECTION_BEGIN, those lines are already added to settings.py13:22
ogzykatyafervent: i already realized13:23
ogzykatyafervent: how about this file?13:25
ogzykatyafervent: should it be copied somewhere?13:25
openstackgerritAlexander Tivelkov proposed stackforge/murano: Initial implementation of Plugable Classes
katyaferventno, if setting file is already modified, plugin file should't be copied, otherwise it would brake everything13:27
katyaferventIt looks like your configuration done well, I don't know why Murano is not shown13:28
katyafervent1) you can restart horizon13:28
ogzykatyafervent: done that13:28
openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed stackforge/murano: Updates k8s DIB element
ogzykatyafervent: what else?13:29
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ogzykatyafervent: is there any cli for murano to test whether it is installed?13:31
katyafervent2) make sure that you are logging in into the right horizon13:31
katyaferventmurano command should be available13:32
ogzykatyafervent: how many horizon do i have?13:32
katyaferventand check 8082 port13:32
openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed stackforge/murano-dashboard: Update from openstack.common
katyaferventogzy, I don't know :)13:33
ogzykatyafervent: normally at devstack, i have only one13:33
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/murano-specs: Plugable pythonic classes for Murano
ogzykatyafervent: murano-ap is listening at port 808213:34
katyaferventWell, you can start another server13:35
katyaferventgo to the /opt/stack/murano-dashboard/muranodashboard13:35
katyaferventand type python runserver 808013:36
katyaferventwe have tests running on devstack and everything seems to be ok13:36
ogzykatyafervent: with juno?13:36
katyaferventno, tests based on master13:37
ogzykatyafervent: is under murano-dashboard and runserver gave error13:38
ogzykatyafervent: Could not import settings 'muranodashboard.settings' (Is it on sys.path? Is there an import error in the settings file?): No module named settings13:39
katyaferventit seems like murano is from kilo13:41
ogzykatyafervent: hımm, there is stable/juno branch, i used that for devstack13:42
katyaferventwell, never tried that, but last chance - copy modified to murano-dashboard/muranodashboard13:42
katyaferventand try once again13:42
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/murano: Configurable environment's default network config
katyaferventso I thing it's a bug13:43
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/murano: Functional tests for environment template functionality
katyaferventso you did run devstack in stable-juno branch, and murano installed from kilo13:43
katyaferventand btw exists, right?13:44
ogzykatyafervent: murano from juno also, i used stable/juno brancj13:44
ogzykatyafervent: only here /opt/stack/murano-dashboard/muranodashboard/local/_50_murano.py13:44
katyaferventbut this file was created only in kilo13:44
katyaferventso somehow murano is installed from master13:45
katyaferventand settings file also was deleted in kilo only13:45
katyaferventcan you please file a bug to us with all steps that you made?13:45
ogzykatyafervent: MURANO_BRANCH=stable/juno is what i have13:45
ogzykatyafervent: sure i can file a bug13:46
ogzykatyafervent: till that time what do you suggest me for devstack, installing manually?13:46
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/murano-dashboard: Remove oslo deprecation warning
katyaferventyou can keep your devstack with all openstack components running and install murano into venv
katyaferventor you can try devstack master13:51
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katyaferventogzy, please, run 'git status в /opt/stack/murano'13:55
ogzykatyafervent: On branch stable/juno13:55
ogzykatyafervent: it is not Kilo :)13:56
dteselkin'в' means 'in' :)13:56
katyaferventhow is that possible)13:57
openstackLaunchpad bug 1433607 in murano "Juno devstack installation with Murano enabled doesn't display Murano menu at horizon dashboard" [Undecided,New]14:00
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katyaferventogzy, thanks a lot, sorry, that I couldn't help14:01
pashkinI suggest to say whatever do you think about new TOC proposal here:
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ogzykatyafervent: i still feel, something we are missing, seems murano is installed and configured and running14:04
katyaferventand everything is fine with file14:08
katyaferventtry to remove all .pyc files from your system14:08
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ogzykatyafervent: i removed all .pyc files under /opt/stack14:14
ogzykatyafervent: nothing changed14:14
katyafervent:( I have no other ideas14:15
ogzykatyafervent: ok np, thank you14:17
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ogzykatyafervent: by the way i copied to /opt/stack/murano-dashboard and run python runserver 8080, the new horizon interface doesn't have the Murano menu :)14:29
katyaferventon http://localhost:8080 ?14:29
katyaferventwell, could you paste you settings file  please?14:30
ogzykatyafervent: aah i already erased it, , let me redo it14:30
ogzykatyafervent: i needed to add line 5614:34
ogzykatyafervent: and change Debug to True14:34
katyaferventtry to move murano section to 326 line14:37
katyaferventmay be update_dashboards function will be executed with murano dashboard included14:37
katyaferventpashkin, I like your proposal14:39
katyaferventbut if you will have time, you can describe each section14:39
katyaferventfor example: should we keep murano pl class definitions in our documentation14:40
ogzykatyafervent: nothing changed14:43
katyaferventlast try: try to replace settings with
ruhepashkin: i would split documentation in four main areas, each area targeted for specific persona:14:47
ruhe1. DevOps engineer - the one who installs OpenStack and Murano14:48
ruhe2. Application developer14:48
ruhe3. Application user14:48
ruhe4. Murano contributor14:48
ogzykatyafervent: for manage.oy runserver or the normal horizon
katyaferventfor manage14:50
katyaferventruhe, you can also, comment in the document itself14:50
ogzykatyafervent: You must set settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS if DEBUG is False., i have to debug true14:51
ruhekatyafervent: will do14:51
ogzykatyafervent: and i also need to add 'Settings' object has no attribute 'OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL'14:52
ogzykatyafervent: nothing changed14:54
openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support for Configuration Language. File Downloading
openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support Configuration Languages. File Download
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ruhepashkin: I left several comments in your document15:03
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openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed stackforge/murano-apps: Revert "Implement ability to enable cluster monitoring"
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/murano-apps: Revert "Implement ability to enable cluster monitoring"
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openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed stackforge/murano-apps: Improved Kubernetes implementation
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openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed stackforge/murano-apps: Adds optional cAdvisor monitoring
openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed stackforge/murano-apps: Adds optional cAdvisor monitoring
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pashkinkatyafervent: "should we keep murano pl class definitions in our documentation" - of course not, nobody puts sources in documentation17:22
pashkinruhe, "i would split documentation" Initially I also supposed to make 4 parts, but then I came to idea, that large number of parts is bad: 1) It hurt readers mind 2) And many parts have common texts, so placing them in different parts will be unlogical. It will be strange to have same texts in different parts17:26
ruhewell, common text can be placed in separate files and then linked or included from other documents. wouldn't that work?17:27
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pashkinruhe, from technical point of view this is not a problem. But I think, that if we go this way, we eventually turn our docs into a mess with bunch of duplicates. Did you seen an examples of documentations that use such approach?17:37
openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support for Configuration Language. File Downloading
openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support Configuration Languages. File Download
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openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed stackforge/murano: Fixes incorrect handling of <...> in execution plans
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openstackgerritHenar Muñoz proposed stackforge/murano-agent: Support for Configuration Language. File Downloading
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