Tuesday, 2015-02-17

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katyaferventjolsen, Hi!09:30
katyaferventThank you for the commit. Let me take a look09:32
katyaferventYou can click to 'gate-murano-dashboard-selenium' and get the description of what exactly failed, even screen shots are attached09:34
katyaferventyou find a bug - to switch environment in the application catalog page, need to click twice to the environment selector instaed of one09:42
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed stackforge/murano-dashboard: Fixed grammar/spelling issues. Rewrote descriptions  https://review.openstack.org/15637909:49
katyaferventSince those tests didn't related to the commit, I add test skipping.09:49
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed stackforge/murano-dashboard: Do not show topology page for the new environment  https://review.openstack.org/15570609:50
openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed stackforge/murano: DIB elements for Docker  https://review.openstack.org/15653610:42
openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed stackforge/murano: DIB elements for Kubernetes  https://review.openstack.org/15653810:43
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/murano-dashboard: Fixed grammar/spelling issues. Rewrote descriptions  https://review.openstack.org/15637910:51
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed stackforge/murano-dashboard: Make selectors work with single click  https://review.openstack.org/15654511:00
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openstackgerritAlexey Deryugin proposed stackforge/murano: DIB elements for Docker  https://review.openstack.org/15653612:47
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jolsenKatyafervent and Ekaterina, thank you for your help!!13:10
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jolsenAll - I've proposed a new blueprint (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/murano/+spec/package-drag-drop-upload) I'd like to receive feedback on and see if this would make sense to implement.14:00
katyaferventjolsen, looks like a real good feature!14:18
katyaferventjust need to discuss: should we keep the old button and give user opportunity to upload files the way he wants14:19
katyaferventbutton is useful when user uploading just one file, right?14:19
katyaferventDropbox provides an ability to choose the way of uploading files - with button or drag-and-drop14:25
katyaferventbut google drive does't use drag-and-drop at all14:26
katyaferventanyway, the fist step that I suggest is to provide the ability to upload several files at once. this should be a separate blueprint14:26
katyaferventand then implement that blueprint with drag-and-drop14:27
katyaferventjolsen, what do you think?14:27
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ruhekzaitsev_: ack14:46
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jolsenI agree katyafervent15:05
jolsenOne suggestion for button upload method is to have it match the other buttons just like the one recently created in the "Empty ENvironments" page15:06
jolsenWhat I mean by match is cosmetically.15:06
jolsenI think this is a really good example https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload15:08
katyaferventok. will you create a blueprint for supporting multiple files uploading or should I do that?15:21
jolsenI can create it. Just to clarify, I should keep the existing blueprint I made for the drag and drop?15:22
katyaferventit will be depending on the new one (with adding multiple uploading)15:42
katyaferventand then we will discuss the details15:43
katyaferventin an hour and 15 minutes we will have community meeting, let's join us and discuss this feature15:44
jolsenSounds good to me. Thanks!15:46
katyaferventit will be hold on #openstack-meeting-alt channel, I'll let you know when it begins15:49
jolsenGreat, sounds good15:49
jolsenBlueprint has been registered: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/murano/+spec/new-button-upload16:17
jolsenThe mockup is very rough, and whipped up while on a call. I can redo it for better clarity if you want.16:18
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katyaferventjolsen, thank you! I have several comments: let's implement drag and drop in a separate blueprint16:44
katyaferventand in 'new-button-upload' blueprint just add the support for multiple file uploading16:45
katyaferventmay be it will require some changes to python-muranoclient. So we will prepare everything for multiple uploading, and then implement drag and drop in a separate blueprint16:46
katyaferventI've already connected those blueprints16:46
katyaferventFor now, we need to 'Work Items' to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/murano/+spec/new-button-upload16:47
katyafervent* to add16:49
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openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed stackforge/murano: Fix inaccuracies in dashboard manual installation  https://review.openstack.org/15666316:59
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katyaferventjolsen, and everyone let's go to #openstack-meeting-alt17:02
circ-user-EAu4yI have a new Murano setup and everything appears to be working but when I try to deploy an environment I get the following error17:14
circ-user-EAu4yError loading io.murano.Object: Error communicating with HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8082): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/catalog/packages?class_name=io.murano.Object&limit=20 (Caused by : [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED)17:14
katyaferventhi circ-user-EAu4y !17:22
katyaferventlet me take a look17:22
katyaferventcirc-user-EAu4y, could you please paste all deployment logs to paste.openstack.org ?17:30
katyaferventjolsen, we do have special repository for collecting specs. It's located on stackforge/murano-specs17:32
katyaferventTake a look at my specification, that now is on review  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/137340/17:33
circ-user-EAu4ykatyafervent, http://paste.openstack.org/show/176165/  < Let me know if you need more logs17:33
katyaferventcan you find 'start processing task' or something like that?17:40
katyaferventin logs17:40
katyaferventcirc-user-EAu4y, could you double check that murano-api is running on '', port=808217:41
katyaferventdid you configure url parameter in  [murano] in murano.config file17:45
circ-user-EAu4ykatyafervent, sorry... way too much log info there. I have pasted just the interesting part. http://paste.openstack.org/show/176171/17:45
circ-user-EAu4ymurano-api service is running, but I am unable to access (I am for other services)17:46
katyaferventthe problem is that engine is not able to connect to api17:48
circ-user-EAu4yfrom the murano.conf file > url=
katyaferventand what ip you have for bind_host in the default section?17:49
circ-user-EAu4yroot@node-3:~# netstat -antp | grep 8082 tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      19362/python17:49
katyaferventso change -> localhost17:50
circ-user-EAu4yI will try putting 13.2 in the bind_host17:50
katyaferventso  url=http://localhost:8082 should be in murano section17:50
katyaferventand restart engine service17:50
katyaferventI hope the deployment will continue whithout errors after that17:51
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circ-user-EAu4ykatyafervent, changing to localhost instead of seems to have work but I have a new error now.17:56
circ-user-EAu4yPackage for class io.murano.Environment is not found17:56
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katyaferventHave you upload core library?17:57
katyaferventitem #817:58
katyaferventor you can zip murano/meta folder content and upload manually via dashboard17:59
katyaferventzipping should be made inside meta folder17:59
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jolsenrefer to: https://answers.launchpad.net/murano/+question/26211218:00
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circ-user-EAu4ywhen deploying in a windows environment, is the murano agent needed? If so, which one19:09
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