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openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Remove partial clean-up in Instance.destroy https://review.openstack.org/118172 | 08:27 |
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openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix race condition when two Instances are deployed https://review.openstack.org/118570 | 08:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix deployment failure detection https://review.openstack.org/118584 | 09:43 |
openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Get rid of ordered decorator in func tests https://review.openstack.org/118030 | 09:43 |
openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix race condition when two Instances are deployed https://review.openstack.org/118570 | 09:46 |
openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Get rid of ordered decorator in func tests https://review.openstack.org/118030 | 10:07 |
openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix deployment failure detection https://review.openstack.org/118584 | 10:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix race condition when two Instances are deployed https://review.openstack.org/118570 | 10:54 |
openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix issue with Default for Runtime props in HeatSWConfigInstance https://review.openstack.org/118602 | 10:57 |
openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix issue with Default for Runtime props in HeatSWConfigInstance https://review.openstack.org/118602 | 10:59 |
openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix race condition when two Instances are deployed https://review.openstack.org/118570 | 11:01 |
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sergmelikyan | katyafervent, http://i57.tinypic.com/n507d1.png | 11:45 |
openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Revert "Enhance versionutils.deprecated to work with classes" https://review.openstack.org/118175 | 11:45 |
ruhe | tsufiev: can you please spend a few minutes to review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/104064/ ? | 11:56 |
tsufiev | ruhe, yep, in 10-20 minutes | 11:57 |
ruhe | it's a shame, but i'm still struggling to review UI related changes | 11:57 |
openstackgerrit | A change was merged to stackforge/murano: Enable H202, H402, H404 rules https://review.openstack.org/116600 | 11:57 |
openstackgerrit | A change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Update from oslo-incubator https://review.openstack.org/118174 | 11:58 |
ruhe | sergmelikyan: i think this one is good to go https://review.openstack.org/#/c/117192/ | 12:00 |
ruhe | katyafervent: here? | 12:11 |
openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix race condition when two Instances are deployed https://review.openstack.org/118570 | 12:16 |
openstackgerrit | A change was merged to stackforge/murano: Provide a description for syntax error https://review.openstack.org/117192 | 12:23 |
katyafervent | hi there | 12:26 |
ruhe | katyafervent: i have two questions :) | 12:27 |
katyafervent | ruhe, go ahead | 12:27 |
ruhe | 1) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/117782/ - did you look at oslo.middleware and keystonemiddleware? maybe we should migrate to those? | 12:27 |
katyafervent | you mean in addituin to the fault middleware? | 12:29 |
katyafervent | No, I didn't look at these middlewares | 12:30 |
ruhe | katyafervent: i was reading your conversation with Agnus and thought maybe wsgi went somewhere into these libraries | 12:30 |
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ruhe | 2) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/118030 - does it mean that tests will run in random order? | 12:32 |
katyafervent | ruhe, no, glance and heat have customized wsgi inside project common folder | 12:33 |
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ruhe | katyafervent: ok. i see. we need to be extra careful about that copy-paste code though. it's getting abandoned/deprecated really fast | 12:34 |
katyafervent | ruhe, no, tests will run in the same order all the time - by alphabet sort, but only inside a testsuites | 12:34 |
katyafervent | since we are running tests suites in special order | 12:35 |
ruhe | katyafervent: ok. thanks for clarification. i guess we should cover that in developer docs and even some docstrings inside python files would be nice too | 12:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add status reports to HOT packages https://review.openstack.org/118629 | 13:07 |
sergmelikyan | btully, are you around? :) | 13:08 |
openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add status reports to HOT packages https://review.openstack.org/118629 | 13:16 |
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btully | Good morning, sergmelikyan. What's up? | 14:06 |
sergmelikyan | btully, morning :) | 14:12 |
sergmelikyan | Yesterday, on weekly meeting we discussed issue with statuses for HOT packages | 14:13 |
sergmelikyan | I have created bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/murano/+bug/1364922 | 14:13 |
sergmelikyan | does this bug describe issue that we was discussing? | 14:13 |
btully | i believe so, yes. Are there specific packages that are "HOT"? I'm sorry to admit I don't know what "hot" package means vs a normal package | 14:15 |
sergmelikyan | Ones that contain only heat template + metadata.yaml | 14:16 |
sergmelikyan | https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/486062/2014-09-03_181417.png - statuses will be visible in deployment logs + when env is deployed as last status for deploying app | 14:16 |
btully | perfec. thanks! | 14:17 |
btully | perfect | 14:17 |
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sergmelikyan | btully, I mean like https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/486062/2014-09-03_181917.png | 14:20 |
btully | Yup. That's great! | 14:20 |
sergmelikyan | btully, cool :) Just ping me if you have some issues to share with us :) | 14:21 |
btully | will do | 14:21 |
sergmelikyan | btully, https://review.openstack.org/118629 - change for bug above | 14:21 |
btully | Yes, I actually just reviewed it. Looks great. :) | 14:22 |
openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add status reports to HOT packages https://review.openstack.org/118629 | 14:23 |
sergmelikyan | btully, I am not sure in status name, so if you'd like to have different status names please leave your comment in review | 14:24 |
btully | I like what you have chosen. Very clear as to what is going on and communicated to the user (y) | 14:26 |
btully | only comment i had was maybe using "Stack was successfully created" vs "Stack is successfully created" | 14:28 |
openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add status reports to HOT packages https://review.openstack.org/118629 | 14:38 |
sergmelikyan | btully, updated | 14:39 |
btully | thanks | 14:39 |
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openstackgerrit | A change was merged to stackforge/murano-agent: Add virtual environment installation scripts https://review.openstack.org/115670 | 14:58 |
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openstackgerrit | Serg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add status reports to HOT packages https://review.openstack.org/118629 | 15:21 |
openstackgerrit | A change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Get rid of ordered decorator in func tests https://review.openstack.org/118030 | 15:22 |
openstackgerrit | A change was merged to stackforge/murano: Apply fault middleware https://review.openstack.org/117782 | 15:28 |
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tsufiev | ruhe, ping | 15:42 |
ruhe | tsufiev: yo | 15:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Ekaterina Chernova proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Move wsgi module to murano/common https://review.openstack.org/118122 | 15:54 |
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sjmc7 | sergmelikyan, you there? | 18:07 |
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sjmc7 | ruhe, you there? | 18:26 |
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openstackgerrit | Georgy Okrokvertskhov proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add two new functions to manipulate with lists https://review.openstack.org/117677 | 20:34 |
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