Wednesday, 2014-07-30

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bharathserg_melikyan, ping02:48
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bharathHow to pass IP address details of instances we created in the package to execution plan?06:17
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sergmelikyanI think we need to consider updating our DB layer, since oslo.db is released11:12
sergmelikyanruhe, what do you think?11:12
ruhesergmelikyan: yeah, i have a local WIP branch with oslo.db11:35
sergmelikyanruhe, cool!11:35
ruhei just want to write more tests for db layer before we switch to oslo.db; also, i'm eager to refactor db layer, but i understand it's not the best time11:36
ruheby refactor i mean just re-arranging of functions and files11:37
smurashovhi guys11:50
smurashovmay be return to discussion of
smurashovi want to start implementing it11:51
smurashov1st variant is easier than 2nd, because we will not need change our ci settings11:53
smurashovbut if in the future we will launch our engine tests against murano devstack installation, would be better implement a 2nd variant11:55
ruhesmurashov: in case if we start without tempest now11:56
ruhesmurashov: and would like to switch to tempest in future, would it cause a lot of changes?11:56
smurashovwe will not have many changes in tests11:58
ruhesmurashov: in that case, i think that we can start without tempest11:58
smurashovmost of changes would be in infrastructure of our ci11:59
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smurashovok, i will implement a firsh variant11:59
smurashovand when the time comes12:00
smurashovi will upgrade it12:00
ruhesmurashov: ok. great12:01
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano: Move and rename functional tests
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Move functional tests under muranodashboard/tests
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-deployment: Update dasboard script due to test reorganization
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-deployment: Update murano engine ci script
ruheok. now when we moved all the functional tests around we need to make sure that other patches can me merged and pass murano-ci13:46
ruhefor instance13:47
ruhei can apply locally on master, but murano-ci says "This change was unable to be automatically merged with the current state of the repository"13:47
ruhedteselkin: could you please take a look? ^^13:47
katyaferventso we should restart murano-ci in all patches13:54
katyaferventBTW, why murano-ci on engine returns UNSTABLE instead of ERROR?13:54
dteselkinWe've merged so there is no 'tests' subfolder.13:54
dteselkinSomeone must reapply 109151 to the files in their new locations13:55
ruhekatyafervent: that's because of some jenkins plugin13:58
ruhekatyafervent: it requires a rewrite of murano-ci shell scripts to make it comment ERROR13:58
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ruhedteselkin: but i can apply this change to murano master without any modifications14:02
dteselkinThat's strange. I checked out latest master, create a patch based on commit you've provided, and when I tried to apply it it failed.14:06
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ruhedteselkin: i'm just using checkout link from review14:14
ruhegit fetch refs/changes/05/110305/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD14:15
ruhegit fetch refs/changes/51/109151/3 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD14:15
ruhethe latter one is correct link14:15
openstackgerritDmitry Teselkin proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Fix url_prefix in tests
dteselkinWhen you checkout the change, you are switching to the commit which parent is commit in master before the change.14:16
ruhewhat about cherry-pick? it works for me too14:18
ruhehow does zuul apply the change?14:18
dteselkinDoes zuul apply the change? AFAIK it only pushes the link to the git ref inside jenkins job.14:19
dteselkinI belive the best check is try to rebase the change on top of master14:20
dteselkinI've tried to cherry-pick the change. It failed.14:23
ruhedteselkin: ok. thanks14:24
dteselkinSomething went wrong, let me double-check :(14:25
dteselkincherry-pick was successfull14:27
dteselkinHowever, the raw patch is unable to be applied14:32
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sjmc7morning all14:59
sjmc7every time i set up one of our environments i get hit by the proxy issue described in
sjmc7it looks like there is an HTTP client in the oslo incubator - are there any problems anyone knows about with moving to that? or it just hasn't been done yet?15:00
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stanlagunare there any objections for me taking ?15:10
stanlagunsjmc7: ^^15:10
sjmc7no, please do :)15:10
sjmc7while you're working on it, i noticed yesterday that the engine is under very high CPU load during the repeated downloads as well15:11
stanlagunthats strange. Downloading is pure I/O, it should not affect CPU usage15:12
sjmc7yeah, i was surprised too. it was taking a long time between each request, so something was going on15:12
sjmc7i didn't get a chance to look into it much, and it may not matter once that is fixed15:12
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bharathserg_melikyan, Hi15:13
stanlagunI know15:13
stanlagunI guess it parses all YAMLs and then all YAQL expressions in it15:13
sjmc7yeah. a lot of times for the core package15:13
stanlagunparsing is CPU-constraint thing15:13
sjmc7out of interest, what was the reason for having the API communicate with the DB rather than the engine (as in heat)?15:13
stanlagunthis is unavoidable but with proper caching this will happen only once per package15:14
sergmelikyanbharath, hi!15:14
sergmelikyanHad chance to take a look on examples that I had shared a little bit closer?15:15
bharathserg_melikyan, I was trying to develop a small package which create two instances and to store IP address of every instance in a file in each instance15:15
bharathsergmelikyan, yeah15:15
sergmelikyanbharath, you also can use this example:
sergmelikyanthis one is most suitable for your needs. This example shows how to get IP of instance and send it to VM15:16
bharathsergmelikyan, Okay I will have a look at it15:16
stanlagunsjmc7: because API can tell current state of the world so it must access DB. So the decision was do we want 2 components to access DB or just one API. If engine relies on API it will be easier to migrate it to Glance plugin15:16
sjmc7tnurlygayanov - in your comment to you mention rewriting with the requests library. was that instead of the client in oslo? or was the oslo client new?15:16
sjmc7aaah, ok15:16
sjmc7makes sense stanlagun15:17
tnurlygayanovsjmc7 it is about python client - we want to rewrite client on requests library15:17
stanlagunsending rpc request from API on each call es very inefficient. Especially when there is a lot of polling happening from dashboard. I believe that is bad design in Heat15:17
sjmc7yeah, it's less efficient in that case stanlagun15:18
sjmc7tnurlygayanov - yeah - but there's an apiclient module in oslo -
sjmc7which uses requests15:19
sjmc7that might also get us keystone v3 for free15:19
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sjmc7seems crazy everyone's got their own HTTPClient15:24
sjmc7.. but nobody is apparently using the oslo one15:25
bharathsergmelikyan, so here I can change that line to ipaddress1 => $.instances[0].ipAddress15:28
ruhesjmc7: we need proxy support too. and i guess we'll need to use requests instead of code from oslo (just because everybody else uses requests)15:38
sjmc7the oslo one uses requests15:38
ruhethere is some db related code in oslo which i wanted to use. but then it turned out that nobody's using it and it is not being tested15:39
sjmc7that's an example usage - it's a just a basic client to handle auth and make requests15:39
sjmc7ok. i'll spend an hour seeing if it works as a drop-in replacement15:39
ruhei'll ping assignee of to see why it stopped15:40
sjmc7looks like some projects are starting to use it (at the bottom of that list)15:41
ruhei found references to apiclient from python-glanceclient15:43
sjmc7glanceclient is using its own15:44
sjmc7lots of projects have the code imported, but they're not using it15:44
ruhealso, according to our folks who were related to this BP, this code is no longer maintained15:45
ruhethere is ongoing work on common client sdk15:45
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sjmc7they just abandoned this and started again? wonderful15:46
ruhewell, it seems to be complicated. the original BP was blocked by some decisions in keystone. and now there is a new group of people working on that sdk15:47
sjmc7ok. i won't use it then. they really need to remove stuff if they're abandoning it and nobody's using it15:48
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bharathsergmelikyan, can we access one instances like instances[0]?16:18
bharath*one instance16:18
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bharathstanlagun,  so can I use this statement ?16:55
bharathstanlagun, I dont have img right now which has murano-agent installed to test?16:59
stanlagunyou can, but it will fail if there will be less then 2 instances or no ipAddress in any of them. Also all of this is useless if you don't have Murano Agent17:01
bharathstanlagun, I thought we can create n number of instances using $.instances.pselect($.deploy())17:04
bharathstanlagun, ipAddress is member in instance right?17:04
stanlagun$.instances.pselect($.deploy()) just deploys all the instances in $.instances list. There can be any number of them (including 0)17:06
stanlagunthe same goes for ipAddresses17:06
bharathstanlagun, oh okay17:10
bharathstanlagun, can we have repo  from where we can download images?17:14
bharathstanlagun, I mean murano-agent installed images?.17:14
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openstackgerritGeorgy Okrokvertskhov proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add caller information to Begin execute log entry
gokrokveI propose to change log level for entries like "DEBUG murano.dsl.executor [-] ef24f00d295a496da5fa8107454f0bfb: Begin execution: io.murano.system.InstanceNotifier.trackCloudInstance" to Info level17:21
gokrokveDebug level is to verbose as it dumps the whole HTTP traffic17:23
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Add keypair '+' button
openstackgerritGeorgy Okrokvertskhov proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Add caller information to Begin execute log entry
stanlagungokrokve: those "Begin execute..." messages are for debugging only. Thats why they have DEBUG level. They are useless in production17:28
stanlagunas for HTTP traffic that can be configured. You can have custom levels per individual libraries17:29
gokrokveThey are useful in production if someone wants to trace execution17:29
stanlagunThat is the same if someone would like to debug in production. That can happen17:30
gokrokvePer library change is bad for operations17:30
stanlagunBut most of the time cloud admin that looks at those logs has no idea what those methods are doing and what is the correct order17:30
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano: Use with_variant method for dialects db types
gokrokveHm. Probably we need to think how to pass this infor to the user17:31
stanlagunActually begin/end messages are what is called "trace". They need to be of TRACE level :)17:31
gokrokveBut this is trace for MuranoPL so for engine it is just info what is going on17:32
stanlagunI believe we need a separate debugging back door :) Like DebugView utility in Windows17:32
gokrokveThat always a problem when there are multiple layers of execution17:32
gokrokveBy the way do we add task# in logs?17:33
gokrokveIf we have this number we can easily grep fro particular trace17:33
stanlagunactually because we have so many garbage messages we often don't see important warnings or errors if they don't come with stack trace17:33
stanlagunwhat is task#?17:34
gokrokveYes. This is exactly my motivation to bump MuranoPL trace to higher level17:34
stanlagunprobably thats environment ID17:34
gokrokveTask number17:34
gokrokveOr env ID17:34
gokrokveWe need something which will help to distinguish traces from different deployments17:35
gokrokveand envs17:35
stanlagunBegin/End messages that are printed by hundreds for each deployment are also fall to garbage category17:35
gokrokveas engine can simultaneously execute different deployments17:35
gokrokveNo. It is not hundreds. For single VM it is about 10-1517:36
stanlagunwe need MuranoPL debugger :) Thats what you want for real17:36
gokrokveSo it is quite possible to trace it even by eye17:36
gokrokveNow I want to have at least poor's man debugger17:36
stanlagunreal environments are tens of apps17:37
gokrokvelogs with traces to understand what was going wrong17:37
stanlagunand on production server that handles all deployments from all users there will be thousands of them17:38
* stanlagun need to go17:38
gokrokvelets talk about that later17:38
gokrokveI think it still can be valuable to end-users17:39
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sjmc7tsufiev - looks like there were some changes in horizon/openstack_dashboard's css that are causing us CSS problems18:43
sjmc7 being one of them, but much of the dashboard looks messed up18:44
serg_melikyanMy proposals for summit are published :)19:37
serg_melikyan[23:36:07] Serg Melikyan:
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openstackgerritGeorgy Okrokvertskhov proposed a change to stackforge/python-muranoclient: Provide method for calling action in an environment
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openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed a change to stackforge/python-muranoclient: Convert muranoclient to 'requests'
serg_melikyan - spammers are everywhere %)20:43
serg_melikyan - head is definitely needed when you do provisioning %)20:47
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