Monday, 2014-07-28

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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Implements the License and Requirements tabs
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Adds some minor formatting to application wizard
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openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Refactor functional tests
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Fix statuses for environment state
openstackgerritTimur Nurlygayanov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Fixed issue with incorrect tearDown method
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openstackgerritTimur Nurlygayanov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Fixed issue with incorrect tearDown method
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openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Move and rename functional tests
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sjmc7hi slagun - is there an example of how i can create an instance of an inbuilt murano class (in my case, Agent/AgentListener) for the purposes of unit tests?14:29
slagunsjmc7: hi14:29
slagunyou want to create it from Python or from MuranoPL?14:30
sjmc7python, preferably14:30
slaguntake any unit under dsl/14:30
slagunthey all do it14:30
sjmc7is there any way without creating a test muranopl class?14:31
slagunyou instantiate class by loading appropriate object model14:31
sjmc7ok. that's the only way to do it?14:31
slagunhow would you like create instance of class that is never declared?14:32
sjmc7in python14:32
slagunIf that class is registered in class loader from Python you don't have to write dummy YAMLs14:33
sjmc7ok - is there an existing example of instantiating a class directly from python?14:34
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sjmc7_for context, slagun - i'm testing a change to allow an administrator to disable the use of muranoagent (bp/disable-murano-agent), and i want to check that an exception gets raised versus it just sitting there waiting if you try to use muranoagent in a package14:39
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slagunThere are 2 ways to do it: 1) You register class as in \murano\engine\system\ then you write object Model that has instance of that class (as all unit tests do) 2) You can instantiate it directly as in but you need to have correct YAQL context which may be hard14:40
sjmc7_ok. and i have a class and package loader from the test runner?14:41
sjmc7_i don't see a package loader defined anywhere in the existing unit tests14:43
sjmc7_ah, i guess i don't need on14:43
slaguneverything is baked up in base classes14:50
slagunall unit tests inherit DslTestCase14:50
slagunand it has a property class_loader14:51
slagunyou don't need package loader14:51
sjmc7_yep, thanks. still getting a YaqlExecutionException from the test model 'Unable to run new'14:51
slagunyou can use class loader to register Python classes *prior* to object model load14:51
sjmc7_yeah - i'm doing self.class_loader.import_class; model = om.Object...14:52
slaguncan you show it (
slagunand where did you put your exception?14:54
slagunbtw you don't have rootProperty in your class14:55
slagunand you dont have "sys:" declared. Thats why it cannot resolve full class name14:56
sjmc7_ah, right. the fullname should work?14:58
sjmc7_ok, seems happier now, thanks15:00
slagunyou can just declare sys namespace in YAML15:02
sjmc7_yep, did that, thanks15:04
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openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Adds UI for 'is_public' option
openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Move and rename functional tests
openstackgerritGeorgy Okrokvertskhov proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix the concurrency issue agent queue creation and VM agent
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muralisjmc7_: do i need to restart murano after applying latest git patch updates ?15:53
muraliok i see15:54
muralisjm7_: what is the command to restart murano15:56
sjmc7_it depends how you started it15:56
muralii used devstack with murano15:56
muralii treid couple of commands but they are not working15:57
sjmc7_find the murano-api and murano-engine windows in screen (they'll be towards the end)15:57
sjmc7_they'll be running in the foreground; kill them and restart with the previous command15:57
muraliok let me try15:58
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Allow murano-agent to be disabled
sjmc7_ruhe, you there?16:13
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igormarnatsjmc7, rune got back from the business trip and took day off for today, I'm not sure he'll become online today16:15
sjmc7k, thanks16:15
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bharathsergmelikyan, Hi16:26
bharathwhat does this actually mean   ?16:33
bharathhow do we know the variable $appName?16:36
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sjmc7bharath - it's passed in by the UI16:46
sjmc7er, sorry, ignore that16:46
bharathsjmc7, it is random name?16:49
iyozhikovwe have connectivity issues with our murano-ci server, it services has been notified with ticket.16:49
sjmc7katyafervent - do you know the answer to bharath's question?16:50
ankurrrstanlagun: I heard you might be able to answer a question re: MuranoPL.  The docs  ( suggest that MuranoPL supports while-loops. Is this implemented in MuranoPL?16:52
ankurrrer, I meant slagun (not stanlagun) ^^16:53
slagunankurrr: hu!16:55
ankurrrslagun: ok, thanks. let me see if I can compare my while-loop to this example to see why I'm getting a parse error16:58
slagunshow me yours, I'll tell you16:58
sergmelikyanbharath, this example is little bit better:
sergmelikyan^^ values from first link are substituted in second file17:07
bharathsergmelikyan, yeah for telnet, it is not mentioned anywhere , right?17:11
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bharathtsufiev, sjmc7  can I abandon this ?18:24
sjmc7if you want to, yes18:24
bharathsjmc7, I mean according to the comments given, I think my changes are wrong and are not required?18:26
sjmc7tsufiev made the first comment18:27
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ankurrrslagun: here's my while loop, but it looks like the parser is failing to detect the end of a block.  anything strikes you as incorrect syntax here?
ankurrrslagun: maybe my problem is that I'm not correctly instantiating my io.murano.resources.Instance objects19:07
sjmc7ankurrr, the parentheses are unnecessary/possibly causing problems19:21
sjmc7around the string concats19:21
sjmc7the new_instance instantiation doesn't look right either19:22
ankurrrsjmc7: yeah, I changed the new_instance instantion to:  $new_instance: new(res:Instance, name => $new_instance_name, flavor => $.flavor, image => $.osImage, keyname => $.keyPair, assignFloatingIp => true)19:22
ankurrrsjmc7: will remove the parens around the string concatenations19:23
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muralisjmc7: 'module' object has no attribute 'info19:44
muraliwhat is this error mean ? 'module' object has no attribute 'info19:44
muraliwhen i do "Deploy This Component" i see above error19:45
muraliis this a bug ?19:45
sjmc7do you have a stactktrace in the engine log?19:45
murali2014-07-28 14:41:04.554 10772 TRACE murano.common.engine     data = self.load_definition(name) 2014-07-28 14:41:04.554 10772 TRACE murano.common.engine   File "/opt/stack/murano/murano/engine/", line 39, in load_definition 2014-07-28 14:41:04.554 10772 TRACE murano.common.engine'--------------Tracing the xception------------') 2014-07-28 14:41:04.554 10772 TRACE murano.common.engine AttributeErr19:47
muralihere is the complete log19:48
murali2014-07-28 14:41:04.554 10772 DEBUG muranoclient.common.http [-] curl -i -X GET -H 'X-Auth-Token: 2af40d2ce14d4d079b86d178efa0d8d1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'User-Agent: python-muranoclient' http://localhost:8082/v1/catalog/packages?class_name=io.murano.Object&limit=20 log_curl_request /opt/stack/python-muranoclient/muranoclient/common/ 2014-07-28 14:41:04.554 10772 ERROR murano.common.engine [-] Error during t19:48
sjmc7can you put it on please?19:48
muralihere ---
sjmc7use LOG.info19:50
muraliwhere do i need to use ?19:52
sjmc7where you've used logging.info19:52
muraliu mean inside
muralithe one i sent you murano-engine log.19:54
muraliit has already logging.info19:54
sjmc7the stacktrace shows you what the error is19:55
sjmc7you need to use LOG.info19:55
sjmc7the 'logging' module that's imported is not the python one19:55
sjmc7it's from openstack.common19:55
muraliso do i need to import pyhton one19:56
sjmc7no. you need to use LOG.info19:57
muraligot you thanks19:57
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Don't hide exception messages during package load
ankurrrslagun, sjm7: here's the latest.  parser chokes on line 49:
sjmc7it looks like the py2.7 unit tests are failing on the postgresql migration checks; i'll send a note to ruslan to see if he can take a look tomorrow20:51
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slagunankurrr: are you still here?21:15
ankurrrslagun: yeah, still here21:16
slagunI've looked over your code21:16
slagunI know why it fails but even you fix it it wouldn't work21:16
slagunthe error you get is from PyYAML, not from MuranoPL parser21:17
slagunand the reason is that value on line 49 starts with quote21:18
slagunthis is YAML error21:18
slagunthis can be fixed using brackets ('vm-' + str($counter)), using format: format('vm-{0}', counter) or using explicit YAML tag: !yaql "'vm-'" + str($counter)"21:19
sjmc7why does it cause an error?21:20
sjmc7quotes are normally allowed in yaml21:20
slagunIf YAML parser sees value that starts with quotes it considers it to be string and thus it also need to end with quote which is not the case21:20
slagunand anyway this need to be parsed as YAQL expression, not as a string21:21
sjmc7ah, ok21:21
slagunthe main problem with the code is that currently you cannot instantiate MuranoPL classes and deploy them. You also cannot append them to collections21:22
slagunIn short you cannot write code that modifies object model from within21:22
slagunbtw there will probably never be a method append. I will be just $.instances: $instances + $newInstance21:23
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Default is_public to false
sjmc7but even then it won't work this way?21:25
ankurrrslagun: let me see if I understand correctly:  I can't create a new instance in my class's deploy() method?  I'm fine if I have to "append" with $.instances: $.instances + $new_instance.21:27
slagunit won't. At least until we implement
slagunankurrr: You can think of it as there is no new() method except for several system stateless classes21:29
slagunthere is a description why it is so in BP21:30
ankurrrslagun: so, from the BP description, it sounds like I can get the instances created, but they wouldn't be deleted if the environment was deleted.21:30
slagun> Software components usually need some known parents in object model hierarchy (usually Environment). But instances created with new() doesn't have such parent because they are not yet placed inti object model. <21:31
slagunit will not find its environment and fail with exception21:31
slagunAnd even if it could find it it won't be persisted to object model and you get resource leak21:32
sjmc7for our purposes, ankurrr, maybe it's best to make it a boolean choice then, whether to have a single node or a cluster21:34
slagunyou just need to move that logic to UI21:35
slagungenerate object model instances. Like we do in Active Directory21:35
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openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Default is_public to false
slaguninstead of passing instanceCount you will pass instance list21:36
ankurrrslagun: ok, I'll take a look at the Active Directory example from the murano-apps-incuabtor repo.  Thanks for the info btw.21:37
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Don't hide exception messages during package load
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openstackgerritGeorgy Okrokvertskhov proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix the issue with multiple agent call
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openstackgerritGeorgy Okrokvertskhov proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix the issue with multiple agent call
openstackgerritGeorgy Okrokvertskhov proposed a change to stackforge/murano: Fix the concurrency issue agent queue creation and VM agent

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