Monday, 2016-06-13

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openstackgerritKengo Hobo proposed openstack/networking-midonet: Add entry_points for l2gateway, gwdevice and bgp service plugins
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/networking-midonet: Fix a few pep8 error in doc/source/
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/networking-midonet: Clean up pep8 exclude list
Mech422Hi!  Any advice for installing midonet on Mitaka?06:33
Mech422I've found an install guide (for liberty I think), something called 'Bees', and some Dockerfile stuff06:33
Mech422I'd prefer midonet in containers, if that is working ?06:34
yamamoto_Mech422: are you looking for docker images?06:40
Mech422yamamoto_: it would be nice - but I can do a host install if needed06:41
Mech422yamamoto_: I'm currently installing OpenStack Mitaka with Kolla06:41
Mech422I wanted to add Midonet and Kuyr in some way06:41
yamamoto_there are docker images for midonet components
yamamoto_i haven't tried them though06:41
yamamoto_toni seems to have something too
Mech422yamamoto_: I saw  - is that the 'current direction' for midonet?06:42
Mech422yamamoto_: oh yeah - saw a lot of celebdor stuff too06:43
yamamoto_i have no idea about bees06:43
Mech422yamamoto_: oh - sounds cool... I eventually want to have a 'mixed' cloud with KVM and Docker hosting06:43
Mech422I think I need the kuryr stuff for that ?06:44
yamamoto_you can use kuryr yes06:45
apuimedoI have container images for midonet/agent and for midonet/cluster06:46
apuimedoMech422: you're from Kolla, right?06:46
Mech422apuimedo: err...not really - I'm just a user...06:47
apuimedohere go the links06:47
Mech422apuimedo: I just hang out on the kolla channel to learn06:47
apuimedothe full description of each explains how to run it06:48
apuimedoyou'll also need to have neutron, keystone and zookeeper06:48
apuimedoMech422: the easiest way of just trying it06:48
apuimedoand by it I mean MIdoNet with mixed VMs and containers06:48
apuimedois to run devstack06:48
Mech422apuimedo: Unfortunately, I need multi-node - its a POC for work06:49
apuimedoMech422: nice!06:49
apuimedoMech422: OS?06:49
Mech422apuimedo: yeah - fun stuff...I left midonet for last since I'm not good with networking06:49
apuimedoMech422: which distro is it?06:50
Mech422apuimedo: Yep :-)  OpenStack Mitaka with Ceph - via Kolla installer06:50
Mech422Ubuntu 14.0406:50
apuimedoyamamoto_: how are we on mitaka?06:50
apuimedodid we release a plugin for it?06:50
apuimedo(I know networking-midonet master works though, right)06:51
Mech422apuimedo: oh - I use OpenVSwitch for the 'base' networking on the host... when Midonet takes over, will it reset my existing bridges/ports?06:51
yamamoto_i think has some snapshot packages06:51
apuimedoMech422: With "I use ovs for the 'base' networking on the hosts" do you mean that you alraedy used neutron with ovs to create nets for VMs?06:52
Mech422apuimedo: no - I mean the box boots with its mgmt interface in OVS06:53
apuimedoMech422: yeah... That has to be torn down06:53
Mech422apuimedo: we bond 2x10GigE interfaces, trunk a bunch of vlans to them, then use OVS to break the vlans out to internal ports06:53
Mech422oh ouch!06:53
apuimedoMidoNet doesn't play well with userspace ovs tools06:53
apuimedodo you have a separate interface for data?06:54
apuimedothe one for the VM and container traffic?06:54
Mech422apuimedo: not really - pretty much everything comes in the bond (for HA)06:54
apuimedoMech422: yeah... That's what I thought06:54
Mech422apuimedo: I might be able to find a 1x1GigE port on the machine that could be used for mgmt - but thats about it06:55
apuimedoI'm not a field engineer (I'm one of the Kuryr developers)06:55
apuimedobut, midonet does not have a bonding driver06:55
apuimedoso usually06:55
apuimedoyou have to use the Linux bonding driver06:55
apuimedoin this particular case06:56
apuimedoI guess it would be possible to have a linux bonding06:56
apuimedothen linux vlan devices on top06:56
apuimedoand have midonet bind to one of them06:56
apuimedobut I have not tried that06:56
apuimedoyamamoto_: would ^^ work?06:56
yamamoto_i think you can use ovs and midonet on a host, sharing the kernel datapath, if you want.06:56
Mech422ok - so that part is gonna be 'fun' :-)06:57
yamamoto_apuimedo: i guess it works06:57
Mech422can I just write a script that get mido net to re-create my ovs setup after it fires up ( I would probably lose ssh till it re-configured..)06:58
Mech422yamamoto_: oh? that would be good news :-)  We're using bog standard OVS kernel + openvswitch-vswitchd06:58
Mech422yamamoto_: so I don't mind keeping the kernel datapath (its a cluster for our QA group, so we don't need really high performance from networking)06:59
apuimedoMech422: well07:00
apuimedoif it were me07:00
apuimedowhich distro did you say you use?07:01
apuimedoah, ubuntu trusty07:01
apuimedoso I'd make a /etc/network/interfaces07:01
apuimedothat configured the bond and the vlans I need07:01
apuimedoand then, after deploying midonet07:01
apuimedoI'd sent the API request to the MidoNet cluster saying07:01
apuimedoin Host X bind to vlan interface Y with address Z07:02
apuimedoso that even if you do not start midonet, you still have all the rest working on the machine07:02
Mech422apuimedo: makes sense07:03
Mech422apuimedo: the test gear is just in the next room atm, so I can muck with it a bit without too much trouble07:03
Mech422Since we're just doing POC now, we'll probably deploy on Neutron in Oct/Nov. when it comes out...07:05
Mech422any idea if midonet will support neutron ?07:05
apuimedoMech422: it will ;-)07:08
apuimedobtw, there is a user in our upstream slack that has been doing a similar setup to yours07:08
apuimedoand modified some kolla containers (like neutron) for optimal work07:08
apuimedoso you may want to go talk to him ;-)07:08
Mech422oh? Awesome - I just beat Kolla with a hammer till it was braindead...07:08
Mech422Now I just hand kolla a pre-configured br-ex07:09
apuimedoMech422: the thing is that the Neutron Kolla container needs modification07:09
apuimedoso that it installs and uses the MidoNet Neutron plugin07:09
Mech422apuimedo: oh - yeah - thought I thought the plugin was already part of upstream..07:09
Mech422apuimedo: but yeah, I'll have to get the plugins in and modify the neutron configs07:10
apuimedoit is upstream07:10
apuimedobut the dockerfile kolla has only installs ovs plugin07:10
apuimedoMech422: the Kolla team just started working on adding MidoNet support07:10
apuimedo(some dev from RH is working on it07:11
apuimedowe will try to speed it up, but it won't be released until October/November and that would be tight for you :P )(07:11
Mech422apuimedo: yeah - I can patch that in locally - since its in the upstream repo's it shouldn't be too bad07:11
Mech422ok - so since I'm mitaka, I can't use the containers and should install from the daily builds..07:13
Mech422once thats working, I need to modify the neutron Docker files to include the plugin, and patch the configs07:14
Mech422hmm - except there is no plugin for mitaka yet..07:14
Mech422maybe I should just downgrade to liberty07:15
apuimedothat's what the upstream user does07:16
apuimedo(using liberty)07:16
apuimedoyou should really ping him07:16
Mech422heh - I've never used slack...07:17
apuimedoit's pmislak07:17
Mech422suppose I should learn :-)07:17
apuimedosorry abou that ;-)07:17
Mech422no biggie - thats what keeps live interesting :-)07:17
Mech422people keep telling me how good slack is...should be fun to try it07:18
Mech422apuimedo: yeah - that sounds like the best course - run a parallel Kolla setup using Liberty and the midonet containers, hopefully with some guidance from pmislak - then move to mitaka/neutron once I get to know midonet07:22
Mech422Sweet - got a plan :-)07:22
Mech422thanks for the help guys!07:22
apuimedoyou're welcome07:23
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openstackgerritKengo Hobo proposed openstack/networking-midonet: Add explanation for BGP service in local.conf.sample
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-midonet: Add nodepool-xenial.yml file
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