Friday, 2014-09-12

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rushiagrI'm trying conditional put, but I'm getting a malformed request08:21
rushiagrhere is the JSON I'm passing08:21
rushiagrI've tried EQ instead of equal, but still same error08:22
rushiagrcan someone tell if I'm using wrong syntax or something?08:22
rushiagroh, ok, wait. I catched it08:22
rushiagrnope, I think I've written the JSON correctly08:23
rushiagrcan anyone help?08:23
rushiagrthere is already an item with the same attributes08:24
ikhudoshyn_hi rushiagr08:45
rushiagrikhudoshyn_: hi08:47
ikhudoshyn_"conditional_operator" part in ur request is excess part08:47
ikhudoshyn_it's always 'AND' implicitly08:47
ikhudoshyn_'comparison_operator' for put_item is redundant as well08:48
ikhudoshyn_i's always 'EQUAL' unless you use 'if not exists' semantics08:49
ikhudoshyn_for 'expected' part pls use 'value', not 'attribute_value_list'08:51
ikhudoshyn_oops,.. I assume you use openstack API, not AWS onw08:53
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rushiagrikhudoshyn_: hey, thanks09:15
rushiagrI'll try them now and let you know09:15
rushiagrikhudoshyn_: it now says HTTP 400 error09:21
rushiagrmessage": "Wrong 'value' type. Object is expected, but [{\"S\": \"si\"}] found",09:21
rushiagrhere also API is changed?09:21
openstackgerritDmitriy Ukhlov proposed a change to stackforge/magnetodb: Use unlogged batches instead of atomic batches
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ikhudoshynrushiagr, could you pls share current request09:26
rushiagrikhudoshyn: sure09:26
ikhudoshynpls try removing brackets [] after 'value'09:29
ikhudoshynit should be in form "value" : {"S": "strval"}09:29
rushiagrikhudoshyn: thanks09:33
rushiagrit passed now09:33
rushiagrikhudoshyn: thanks :)09:33
ikhudoshynu r welcome09:34
rushiagrikhudoshyn: what all operators are supported other than EQUAL ?09:34
ikhudoshynfor 'put_item' only two options: 'EQUALS' and 'exists' : true/falce09:37
rushiagrikhudoshyn: ohkay09:37
rushiagrikhudoshyn: is this wiki page up-to-date?09:38
ikhudoshynmore or less, we're trying to keep it so09:38
rushiagrikhudoshyn: if yes, I'll stop my hit-and-miss business :)09:38
rushiagrikhudoshyn: okay. Thanks09:39
ikhudoshynbasically we hope we stabilized the API, but...09:39
rushiagrikhudoshyn: okay09:40
isviridovrushiagr, ikhudoshyn it is a spec and won't be updated after implementation. The documentation we are releasing is here
rushiagrisviridov: cool!09:41
rushiagrisviridov: thanks for that09:42
rushiagrisviridov: very helpful09:42
rushiagrisviridov: how is the unit and functional test coverage for these APIs? I'm sorry, I'm finding it difficult to judge from the code, so taking the easier route -- asking you :)09:42
isviridovrushiagr, there is no regular test coverage checking process right now. We are following the rule 'anything implemented must be covered by unit and ffunctional (tempest) test'09:45
rushiagrisviridov: okay, thanks. That answers my question09:45
isviridovrushiagr, ATM there is no dedicated QA effort09:46
rushiagrisviridov: okay09:46
rushiagrrushiagr: should I update the wiki API reference to say it is now superseded by docs at readthedocs?09:49
isviridovrushiagr, yes sure09:51
rushiagrI am assuming only EQ is supported comparison operator for 'query' API10:05
rushiagrI think we should start making a list somewhere as to what operators are supported, and what are not10:05
rushiagror atleast add it to the docs, so that it is easily referencible10:06
isviridovrushiagr, I agree.10:16
rushiagrI see that 'ConditionalOperator' equivalent is not present for 'scan' API in the docs10:18
rushiagrdoes that mean that currently only "AND" conditional operator is supported?10:18
rushiagror does that mean that the doc is outdated :)10:19
ikhudoshynconditional operator you write, AND, is the only supported boolean operationthat joins conditionals on separate attributes10:25
rushiagrikhudoshyn: okay, thanks10:26
ikhudoshyna list of conditionals for separate attibutes is supported10:26
ikhudoshynlike attr1 equals "a" AND attr2 begins_with "b" AND attr2 LESS 4210:26
rushiagrikhudoshyn: okay10:27
ikhudoshynfor query list of conditionals is rather bounded due to the nature of 'query'10:27
ikhudoshynfor scan that list of conditionals is much richer, but scan itself could be much slower10:28
rushiagrikhudoshyn: I see10:28
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/magnetodb: Use unlogged batches instead of atomic batches
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openstackgerritAndrei V. Ostapenko proposed a change to stackforge/magnetodb: Fixes bug with scan on hash key attribute
isviridovajayaa, please rebase you patches, there is a fix of devstack gate. Should work now.12:32
ajayaaisviridov, rebase or recheck?12:34
isviridovajayaa, if you add this change to your code the gate probably pass12:35
isviridovajayaa, rebase12:35
ajayaaisviridov, okay. Thanks12:35
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openstackgerritAjaya Agrawal proposed a change to stackforge/magnetodb: Correct error message on creating duplicate table
openstackgerritAjaya Agrawal proposed a change to stackforge/magnetodb: Added debug env to tox
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SpyRayHi all!12:52
isviridovSpyRay, wellcome back12:55
isviridovAny news about devstack behind the proxy problem?12:55
SpyRayI finish writing the documentation for the solution of this issue12:57
isviridovSpyRay, what was the problem?12:57
isviridovSpyRay, :) I know the bug. Have have you fixed it?13:02
SpyRaythis is no bug, it is necessary to correctly identify some of the variables13:10
isviridovSpyRay, do you mean export proxy settings?13:11
SpyRayand not only13:12
isviridovWhat else?13:12
SpyRayfor git and curl also13:12
isviridovSpyRay, could you please describe it in our dev guide?13:13
SpyRayand for ANT if necessary13:13
isviridovLooking forward for your patch13:14
ajayaaisviridov, suddenly in every request to mdb, I am seeing this 500 error.13:18
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isviridovajayaa, can't check right now, have a meeting soon13:23
ajayaaisviridov, np. I am trying! :)13:24
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dukhlovajayaa, it could be when you created table using old magnetodb code and now using new magnetodb code13:26
dukhlovtry to clean cassandra keyspaces manually13:27
dukhlovand then create table13:27
openstackgerritDmitriy Ukhlov proposed a change to stackforge/magnetodb: Update cassandra version to 2.0.10
ajayaadukhlov, works.13:37
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rushiagrSpyRay: isviridov: the "MDB behind proxy" guide will be very helpful14:22
isviridovaostapenko, could you please leave all the original structure and it is described in template14:26
openstackgerritAlexei Vinogradov proposed a change to stackforge/magnetodb: Added documentation for installation devstack and magnetodb behind a proxy
aostapenkoisviridov: sure14:40
openstackgerritAlexei Vinogradov proposed a change to stackforge/magnetodb: Added documentation for installation devstack and magnetodb behind a proxy
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ajayaaShould the creation_time of table be inserted into magnetodb.table_info?15:01
ajayaaThis is an attribute we return when a table is either created or deleted.15:01
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openstackgerritAlexei Vinogradov proposed a change to stackforge/magnetodb: Added documentation for installation magnetodb behind a proxy
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aostapenkoisviridov: could you approve bp please?15:33
isviridovaostapenko, let me check15:39
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isviridovdukhlov, ikhudoshyn please look at
dukhlovisviridov: LGTM15:59
isviridovaostapenko, looks clear for me15:59
isviridovdukhlov, great! Approved15:59
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openstackgerritDmitriy Ukhlov proposed a change to stackforge/magnetodb: Improve json schema validation
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