Tuesday, 2022-09-06

kata-irc-bot<sparklelj> hi all, Does anyone use Kata for vehicle containers?12:42
kata-irc-bot<sparklelj> such as DCU12:42
kata-irc-bot<treva930> Greetings everyone! I have a couple of surveys that I'd love to get your input on. The first is for an APAC-friendly Architecture Committee meeting timeslot. If that's something that interests you, please help us to select the most convenient time: https://framadate.org/1kqEwoL78tkegh1p15:40
kata-irc-bot<treva930> The second is for KubeCon Detroit attendees. We'd like to have a meetup to commemorate the 5th anniversary of Kata Containers. If you're planning to attend KubeCon & would like to meet up with the KC group, please drop us a line to help us make the event as fun as possible for everyone: https://forms.gle/JkZrYpwUJVoNC99y815:43

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