Tuesday, 2022-06-28

zer0defhey, apparently most activity has moved over to slack, but both invite links under bit.ly/kataslack and bit.ly/katacontainersslack are expired, would there be a working link somewhere an ordinary user wouldn't be aware of?05:55
kata-irc-bot<zhuxiaoyang1996> Hello! Is there any way to use raw block PVC, I tried but get failed. https://github.com/kata-containers/kata-containers/issues/453805:57
zer0deflooks like the bot is flapping, so i'll restate my previous message, just so it at least gets across06:02
zer0defhey, apparently most activity has moved over to slack, but both invite links under bit.ly/kataslack and bit.ly/katacontainersslack are expired, would there be a working link somewhere an ordinary user wouldn't be aware of?06:02
zer0defoh, ok, the bot just doesn't take kindly to activity here06:02
kata-irc-bot<pol> Hi all! I am on `s390x` trying to enable AP crypto devices. This needs a kernel with the `zcrypt` module configured. So I followed the guide here to build one for Kata with the modified config setting `CONFIG_ZCRYPT=y` But now when I switch the kernel in the config I receive an error. ```root@prot1:/etc/kata-containers# ctr run --runtime "io.containerd.kata.v2" --rm -t "$image" test-kata uname -r ctr: failed to create shim: Failed to20:13
kata-irc-botconnect to QEMU instance (timeout 10s): dial unix /run/vc/vm/test-kata/qmp.sock: connect: no such file or directory: unknown``` Any help appreciated! Thanks!20:13

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