Tuesday, 2022-06-07

kata-irc-bot<norbj.d_kata> Hello :wave: I have difficulties to run kata with firecracker. I have followed this guide: https://github.com/kata-containers/kata-containers/blob/main/docs/how-to/how-to-use-kata-containers-with-firecracker.md (by the way I spotted some mistakes that I will fix once I will be able to run with firecracker :P) I have also opened an issue: https://github.com/kata-containers/kata-containers/issues/4412 Basically with kata > 2.1.115:17
kata-irc-bot(it works with 2.1.1), I got an error: ```timed out connecting to hybrid vsocket hvsock:/run/vc/firecracker/6608f1bb3e6c94e3a2bb632e828bf483/root/kata.hvsock: unknown``` I don't really know how to debug this :thinking_face: so any help is appreciated! Thanks :raised_hands:15:17
kata-irc-bot<norbj.d_kata> i checked the difference in /run/vc/firecracker between 2.1.1 and 2.2.0, and the `fcConfig.json` is different: 2.1.1: ```{     ...     "vsock": {         "guest_cid": 3,         "uds_path": "/run/vc/firecracker/7572b094657aa7ca4aa1e92b0fd775ac/root/kata.hvsock",         "vsock_id": "root"     },     ... }``` 2.2.0: ```{     ...     "vsock": {         "guest_cid": 3,         "uds_path": "/kata.hvsock",         "vsock_id": "root" 16:33
kata-irc-bot   },     ... }``` From 2.2.0, all paths are relative to `/` (vs `/run/vc/firecracker/xxx/root/` for 2.1.1). I don't know if this has something to do with jailer :thinking_face:16:33
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> You probably need more CAPs to mount?18:11
kata-irc-bot<norbj.d_kata> looks like my host cannot connect to the firecracker socket: ```$ socat stdin unix-connect:/run/vc/firecracker/3c9cb60762f7e460b88229dd7e04b27e/root/kata.hvsock 2022/06/07 21:04:11 socat[20294] E connect(5, AF=1 "/run/vc/firecracker/3c9cb60762f7e460b88229dd7e04b27e/root/kata.hvsock", 71): Connection refused``` maybe a host issue then? my config (from a cloud provider VM): ```grep -h DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION /etc/*release # Ubuntu21:09
kata-irc-bot20.04.3 LTS uname -r # 5.4.0-96-generic```21:09

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