Tuesday, 2022-05-24

kata-irc-bot<meng.mobile> According to this article https://www.zdnet.com/article/kata-containers-rewritten-in-rust-and-gets-a-major-speed-boost/ " Kata Containers 2.0 has been rewritten in Rust and the result is containers which are smaller and faster than ever. According to its developers, this new Kata Containers agent has a much smaller attack surface. What users will see, however, is a 10-fold improvement in size, from 11MB to 300KB. This rewrite and20:01
kata-irc-botrefactoring also introduces utilizing ttRPC, further improving a user's footprint. " Is this claims hold its truth? I do a "make optimize" and get   `-rwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        9.5M May 24 19:09 kata-agent`20:01

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