Thursday, 2022-01-13

kata-irc-bot<> Saw something interesting. It looks like Kata Container doesn’t support mounting secrets in nested paths. Opened an issue: cc @shuo.chen01:48
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> What version you test with?03:26
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> I believe this was fixed - can you ensure you're using latest on main?03:26
kata-irc-bot<> 2.3.0-rc103:26
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Checkout
kata-irc-bot<> Nice! I’ll test again with the
kata-irc-bot<> hmmm…I need to look at the agent code more, but how does it do the nested mount? Wouldn’t the mount on the parent dir hide the children mount point?03:53
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> The fix was backport to the *stable* branch as well08:11
kata-irc-bot<fighterhitx> Hi, how to switch the default hypervisor from qemu to cloud-hybervisor? I am using Kata1.12.1, which was installed by this method. I have downloaded kata-static-1.12.1-x86_64.tar.xz but there seems to be no documentation telling me what to do next?16:14
kata-irc-bot<julio.montes> just create a symlink to configuration-clh.toml16:33
kata-irc-bot<julio.montes> $ sudo unlink /usr/share/defaults/kata-containers/configuration.toml $ sudo unlink /usr/share/defaults/kata-containers/configuration.toml16:35
kata-irc-bot<julio.montes> $ sudo ln -sf /usr/share/defaults/kata-containers/configuration-clh.toml /usr/share/defaults/kata-containers/configuration.toml16:35

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