Thursday, 2021-09-16

kata-irc-bot<christophe> @paleozogt Sorry for the delay, attending KVM Forum and a bit distracted :slightly_smiling_face: This looks somewhat similar to, don't you think?11:36
kata-irc-bot<paleozogt> wow that does seem similar...14:50
kata-irc-bot<paleozogt> Trying to follow along with that issue, but I must be missing something. The issue says it works with plain runc, but ```➜  ~ sudo ctr run --cni -t --rm kata-c1 bin/bash Incorrect Usage: flag provided but not defined: -cni``` Where is `--cni` coming from?15:01
kata-irc-bot<paleozogt> Ohhh I was using containerd/ctr 1.4.9... After upgrading to 1.5.5 I can reproduce the issue.19:11
kata-irc-bot<mcastelino> @eric.ernst @julio.montes can you look at Its a minor bug fix.19:14
kata-irc-bot<paleozogt> To try to help the issue along, I run `ctr` with `--debug` and pasted in the log. If there's any more info/tests I can provide I'm happy to do it. :slightly_smiling_face:19:36
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> lgtm19:38
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I've reviewed it, lgtm with the changes in the commit shortlog (just to match with the project's pattern)19:44
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Thanks ya’ll21:21

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