Monday, 2021-07-26

kata-irc-bot<david_hay> Perhaps a dumb question, but looking at the `kata-agent-ctl` docco, specifically this I know that I can invoke the `CreateContainer` command and pass in the path of a container image bundle via `spec=` ...  This works with an externally hosted image bundle - however, I've added some APIs to `kata-agent` and `kata-agent-ctl` to handle image pulling, signature verification and unbundling ( from manifest/OC to bundle ) *inside* the18:22
kata-irc-botPod Sandbox  Trying to work out how to leverage the `spec=` route to have `CreateContainer` run against the bundle file-system *inside* the Pod Sandbox itself18:22
kata-irc-bot<david_hay> Now trying to work out how to get `kata-agent` to create a container from the *inside the Pod Sandbox* bundle ....18:24
kata-irc-bot<david_hay> Have hacked a "clone" of the `do_create_container()` function, but that feels messy - wondering whether there's a better way ?18:25
kata-irc-bot<rco> I'm seeing this error from the kubelet while trying to run the a kata-qemu container on minikube:  ```...pod_workers.go:191]  Error syncing pod... failed to "CreatePod Sandbox"... runtime \"/usr/local/bin/containerd.shim.kata.qemu.v2\" binary not installed \"containerd-shim-qemu-v2\": file doe s not exist``` I've followed [this21:47
kata-irc-botguide](  kata-deploy did install containerd-shim-qemu-v2 in /usr/local/bin (though /usr/local/bin is not on the path). However, even after copying that executable to /usr/bin, and making copies in both places with dots in place of dashes, I get the same error. Also, the stuff kata-deploy put in /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/99-kata-deploy looks21:47
kata-irc-botsane to me.  kata-runtime check from inside minikube thinks everything is okay.  I'm using cri-o, kubernetes 1.19.13 (though I've tried newer versions and had the same error), minikube 1.22.0, and kata-containers commit 0e2be438bdd6d213ac4a3d7d300a5757c4137799 (HEAD, tag: 2.1.1).  The new-ness of minikube stands out to me, perhaps that is the problem?21:47
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> You'll need a newer version of CRI-O, basically.22:11
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> This was fixed in
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> And the issue
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> IIRC, a possible workaround would be renaming your binary to something like "containerd-shim-kata-v2" and place it as part of the PATH (for instance, in /usr/bin/)22:15
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> As also had a play on this /o\22:15
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> So, kata-deploy will put the binaries at `/opt/kata`22:20
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> You'll have to copy them from there to `/usr/bin`22:20
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> The adjust the names (due to the first issue I pointed out)22:20
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> And you also need to adjust `/etc/crio/crio.conf.d/...` to point to the new binary location22:20
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> If that doesn't work,please, drop an email to the kata-dev mailing list ( and Tomorrow I can give you detailed info / instructions.22:22
kata-irc-bot<rco> Okay, if i'm understanding right, the first issue is with cri-o and has to do with the fact that kata puts dashes in its executable names, and the other is with containerd and has to do with it insalling them in /usr/local/bin which is not on the path in minikube?22:22
kata-irc-bot<rco> so only the first one would be applicable to my cri-o minikube cluster?22:22
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> The second issue is related to having or not the location where the binary is as part of your PATH22:22
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> both will apply to your case, IIRC.22:23
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> containerd code (which is also shared on CRI-O) would ignore the full location passed and look for the filename in the PATH and if it doesn't find it, it bails.22:24
kata-irc-bot<rco> oh dang, cri-o depends on containerd?22:24
kata-irc-bot<rco> My already-fragile mental model of the OCI/CRI universe is cracking...22:25
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> CRI-O vendors one piece of containerd, a specific piece that's responsible for spawning "shimv2" kind of runtimes22:26
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> So, drop an email to the ML and Tomorrow afternoon we talk here or over the ML, in a more fortunate time for me. :slightly_smiling_face:22:29
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Good luck, and let us know if that worked.22:29
kata-irc-bot<rco> thanks very much!22:29
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