Tuesday, 2021-06-22

*** ricolin_ is now known as ricolin05:05
*** ChanServ changes topic to "Kata Containers General discussion | https://github.com/kata-containers | http://lists.katacontainers.io/ | http://bit.ly/katacontainersslack | https://katacontainers.io/ | Dev topics in #kata-dev"12:24
*** jodh is now known as Guest18612:25
kata-irc-bot<robert> https://www.theregister.com/2021/06/22/containers_vs_vm_against_tue/18:09
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Nice, although they got the release number wrong :slightly_smiling_face:19:22
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Thanks for sharing, @robert!19:22

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