Wednesday, 2021-05-19

kata-irc-bot1<lingniao> `# Default size of DAX cache in MiB` `virtio_fs_cache_size = 4096`  `# Cache mode:` `virtio_fs_cache = "auto"`  `# instantiate the device` `-device vhost-user-fs-pci,chardev=char-2f2ef8f2abc787de,tag=kataShared,cache-size=4096M,romfile=` `# force use of memory sharable with virtiofsd` `-object memory-backend-file,id=dimm1,size=2048M,mem-path=/dev/shm,share=on`  It seems that even if I do not enable virtio_fs_cache_size, I can still03:40
kata-irc-bot1set memory-backend-file size=2048M  Is there any relationship between these two caches? In addition, I check the VM through the vm console, kataShared I know that the corresponding parameter is viriofs -o source, but there is also a shm, which parameter controls this? Where is the value of 997M set?  `bash-4.2# df -h`  `Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on` `rootfs          943M  330M  613M  35% /` `dev             943M     003:40
kata-irc-bot1943M   0% /dev` `tmpfs           997M     0  997M   0% /dev/shm` `tmpfs           997M   16K  997M   1% /run` `tmpfs           997M     0  997M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup` `kataShared       16G  1.6G   15G  11% /run/kata-containers/shared/containers` `shm             997M     0  997M   0% /run/kata-containers/sandbox/shm`03:40
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kata-irc-bot1<fidencio> Hmm.  That's, theoretically, a build issue on QEMU and it's worth reporting to the QEMU maintainer on NixOS06:31
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kata-irc-bot1<cole.mickens> While I'm inclined to agree, it's hard to trim this down to a reasonable sized repro-case, given that I don't know all of these qemu flags.08:07
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kata-irc-bot1<fidencio> In the afternoon I may be able to get a commit referring to that and point it at your direction08:58
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kata-irc-bot1<basma.elgaabouri> Hi, can I build build a rootfs using osbuilder on a rapsberry pi 4?13:33
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