Sunday, 2021-02-07

*** sameo_ has joined #kata-general07:44
kata-irc-bot<lingniao> [root@k8s05 ~]# docker rm busy && docker run --cap-add=ALL --runtime kata-runtime -td --name busy busybox sh busy 7df0361bfd579da0c316ef0052bdffbb832ce436eccafbc353d20f2c1c53b6aa docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: rpc error: code = Internal desc = Could not mount kataShared to /run/kata-containers/shared/containers/: no such device: unknown.  I configured the kata container according to the official09:03
kata-irc-botdocument, but this error keeps appearing. I have searched for a long time and I can’t find the reason.09:03
*** sameo_ has quit IRC23:44

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