Thursday, 2020-03-19

kata-irc-bot<emanaricua> is there a tutorial on how o run containers in kata using q35 machine ?
kata-irc-bot<emanaricua> I would like to use cri-o and kata to pass the intel IGD to a container using vfio04:18
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kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> Hi @emanaricua - there are probably a couple of relevant docs to read if you have not. There is an in-flight PR which is effectively the docs to go with that code you referenced: And then there are documents around GPU and SRIOV, but maybe they are not exactly what you are looking for I guess.  /cc09:43
kata-irc-bot@archana.m.shinde @julio.montes - do we have any other vfio k8s specific docs?09:43
kata-irc-bot<emanaricua> also I'm running a tekton taskrun using cri-o and ```  podTemplate:     runtimeClassName: 'kata-qemu'``` but the kata pod's git authenticator container doesn't have access to internet09:53
kata-irc-bot<emanaricua> is this something I should fix in kata configuration .toml or is it related to cri-o crio.conf?09:53
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> do you know if that setup works when not using kata @emanaricua? That is one easy-ish way to determine if this is a kata specific issue or not... which might help narrow it down.09:56
kata-irc-bot<emanaricua> it works without kata using runc09:57
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> thx @emanaricua. Are you able to show the network details from within the (kata) container, so we can check if everything got set up OK? Maybe show both in the runc version and the kata version so we can compare. /cc @archana.m.shinde for some kata network expertise input. If we think there is an issue, then it might be best to open this on a github issue where we can gather details. thx!!10:10
kata-irc-bot<k.bouabene> hi there, I m having problem with kata-runtime+firecracker, I'm traying to make it work with containerd -> kata -> firecracker but I m having this error10:17
kata-irc-bot<k.bouabene> ```kata[29339]: time="2020-03-19T08:04:47.554282627Z" level=error msg="getting vm status failed" ID=cbe35b45bbabedede5f1b57440de0109d1b65a34c77a3f3c85b9296a44d38497 error="Get http://localhost/: dial unix /run/vc/firecracker/cbe35b45bbabedede5f1b57440de0109d1b65a34c77a3f3c85b9296a44d38497/root/api.socket: connect: no such file or directory" source=virtcontainers subsystem=firecracker```10:17
kata-irc-bot<k.bouabene> any ideas why there is no api.socket10:17
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> hi @k.bouabene - saw your irc message earlier (they get copied irc<->slack). I was trying to think who might be able to know. Also, many folks are in U.S. timezone, so the answer may come later.... but, @sebastien.boeuf @xu - any ideas, or who currently has `fc` knowledge...?10:19
kata-irc-bot<k.bouabene> @graham.whaley oh thinks for the reply, this problem is bugging me10:21
kata-irc-bot<k.bouabene> cause I have no clue how to fix it10:21
kata-irc-bot<k.bouabene> it's about vsock I guess10:22
kata-irc-bot<k.bouabene> but even when i disable vsock ```use_vsock = false``` it still  true ! ```/opt/kata/bin/kata-runtime kata-env | awk -v RS= '/\[Hypervisor\]/' [Hypervisor]   MachineType = ""   Version = "firecracker 0.19.1"   Path = "/opt/kata/bin/firecracker"   BlockDeviceDriver = "virtio-mmio"   EntropySource = "/dev/urandom"   Msize9p = 0   MemorySlots = 10   Debug = false   UseVSock = true   SharedFS = ""```10:23
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> iirc, `fc` requires `vsock`, and will not work without it. I'm not sure if we managed to get `kata fc` requirements into our main docs (we need to), but there is an old wiki page that lists a few details:
kata-irc-bot<k.bouabene> of course I have ```lsmod| grep vhost_vsock vhost_vsock            20480  0 vmw_vsock_virtio_transport_common    28672  1 vhost_vsock vhost                  45056  2 vhost_vsock,vhost_net vsock                  36864  2 vmw_vsock_virtio_transport_common,vhost_vsock```10:28
kata-irc-bot<k.bouabene> but this sentence is not clear : our container stack must provide a block based storage ('graph driver'), such as `devicemapper`10:29
kata-irc-bot<k.bouabene> my container stack is containerd runc/kata-runtime10:29
kata-irc-bot<emanaricua> @graham.whaley this is info about net ifaces of the container and10:30
kata-irc-bot<emanaricua> and this is actual config10:31
kata-irc-bot<emanaricua> how can I give net conectivity to the containers?10:32
kata-irc-bot<k.bouabene> _"The short answer is that containerd does not have graph drivers, but it does have snapshotters."_ :thinking_face:10:46
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kata-irc-bot<emanaricua> can CoreOS (rktlet) be run in a kata container?21:57
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> clear21:59
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