Monday, 2019-09-30

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kata-irc-bot1<crowther> Hey is anyone currently using NEMU? I’ve been attempting to play with it but haven’t been able to launch pods as I always get the following error: ``` Error: container create failed: QMP command failed: a used vhost backend has no free memory slots left ``` Setup: k8s 1.15, CRI-o 1.15.3, kata-runtime 1.9.0-alpha2 (as earlier versions lack k8s 1.15 support)16:43
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> @crowther hey17:01
kata-irc-bot1<crowther> Hey17:01
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> I would expect it to work fine still.  As a heads up/FYI, we are planning on deprecating NEMU in the future as well, so while it should work,  I wouldn't recommend it for use in production, etc.17:02
kata-irc-bot1<crowther> Oh, that is definitely good to know. May I ask why? I was under the impression that from a security perspective it has a smaller footprint and therefor more desirable17:02
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> I wrote about it on the ML, but in brief, latest QEMU has many of the benefits that we added initially in NEMU, and there is a lot of focus in addition on rust-vmm going forward (ie, I expect to add more support for these VMMs).17:02
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> with Kconfig, etc, we can reduce the devices very well.  NEMU's ROI for maintaining was reduced, and, again, focusing on rust-vmm seemed more logical (see Cloud Hypervisor, as an example implementation).17:03
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> The idea of removing all emulation, etc, is still there..17:04
kata-irc-bot1<crowther> Ok, that makes sense. I’d be happy to read more about this if you have a link. Also, is there a doc on what the preferred vmm’s are? I’ve seen reference to qemu, nemu, firecracker and I think cloud hypervisor, although that last one I’m admittedly lacking context on currently17:07
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kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> There isn't a doc, but I feel like this would be helpful, at a high level.17:12
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> here's a link to the the GitHub page for Cloud-hypervisor:
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kata-irc-bot1<crowther> :+1: Thanks. I’ll look deeper into cloud hypervisor. I see you have an open generic ticket open in kata-runtime to add support for it, so I’ll watch that too.17:29
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