Monday, 2019-02-11

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kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> @daniel.gehberger - that would be my guess as well, that you need to have a devicemapper mount point at the place where fc manipulates/generates its rootfs to pass to the container. I was hoping @eric.ernst or @manohar.r.castelino might be able to enlighten us how that works, so you can figure out how to do that when 'running the runtime by hand', and not via docker or k8s.10:49
kata-irc-bot1<daniel.gehberger> @graham.whaley okay thanks! I will look into it in details then11:16
kata-irc-bot1<tuan.hoang1> Hello, I'm on s390x, and when I try ``` docker update --cpus 2 <container-id> ``` it seems to try update files in ``` /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/docker/<container-id>/cpu.cfs_period_us ``` instead of ``` /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/kata/<container-id>/cpu.cfs_period_us ```. What have I done wrong ?  My ```/etc/docker/daemon.json``` looks like this : ``` {     "storage-driver": "devicemapper",     "storage-opts": [14:41
kata-irc-bot1"dm.thinpooldev=/dev/mapper/docker-thinpool",     "dm.use_deferred_removal=true",     "dm.use_deferred_deletion=true"     ],     "runtimes": {     "kata": {     "path": "/usr/local/bin/kata-runtime",     "runtimeArgs": [     "--log=/tmp/kata-runtime.log"     ]     }     } } ``` and docker + kata was run as : ```docker run --runtime kata -ti alpine sh ```.14:41
kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> @julio.montes ^^ any ideas?14:44
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kata-irc-bot1<tuan.hoang1> the directory ` /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/kata/<container-id>` is there but seems docker insists on finding directory `/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/docker/<container-id>`. The problem should be in `runtime` code I guess.15:06
kata-irc-bot1<tuan.hoang1> I think ` /usr/bin/dockerd -D --default-runtime runc ` must be the problem. Checking ...15:11
kata-irc-bot1<tuan.hoang1> nope15:15
kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> oh, btw @daniel.gehberger - I should check which distro/kernel version you migth be on. Be aware, a kernel patch landed upstream recently that does not work with kata/vsocks. There is an in-flight fix, but it has not landed in the distros yet I think. See where it details which kernel version (on ubuntu at least) do work, so a short term workaround15:25
kata-irc-bot1is a kernel windback..15:25
kata-irc-bot1<tuan.hoang1> update, ` kata-runtime update --cpuset-cpus 2 <container-id>` also acts the same behavior. Checking `runtime/cli/update.go`...15:39
kata-irc-bot1<daniel.gehberger> Thanks for the link, this explains why Kata + Fc + Docker is not working on the other machine I wanted to try (it is running 4.15.0-45-generic). The "direct run of Kata + Fc" is not working though on -43 either. What I tried is creating a volume (losetup + format to ext4 + mount it where it misses rootfs + copy the rootfs + update the path in config.json) but I got the same error that the path does not exist, even though it15:50
kata-irc-bot1does exist... I haven't figured out what is going on :slightly_smiling_face:15:50
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kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> @tuan.hoang1 while I understand it isn't ideal, can you verify that doing it on initial command line works?  ie, if kata-runtime run --runtime=kata --cpuset-cpus 2 ....  ?16:47
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> I haven't traced through update recently; I'd need to make sure we're even receiving an OCI cmd from docker.16:48
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