Monday, 2018-02-12

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kata-dev-irc-bot<mayank.kumar> thanks @eric.ernst let me know when you have the kubernetes integration fixed.  I was able to demo the mixed workloads and people were excited. One question for everyone @channel, when do we think this technology will be production ready ? What are the issues we are tracking that is blocking that one.06:21
kata-dev-irc-bot<vladu> @mayank.kumar curious about the demo, any link to it ?06:54
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kata-dev-irc-bot<mayank.kumar> @vladu it was an internal demo at my company, but basically i followed instructions here and setup crio to launch trusted workloads using runc and untrusted using cc-runtime and showed two such workloads and verified that the untrsuted comes up as a vm(qemu process)07:13
kata-dev-irc-bot<peng> @mayank.kumar Our public service is built on runV, one of the predecessors of Kata. It is in prod for ~2yrs.07:23
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kata-dev-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @samuel.ortiz @xu @verytired1: Do you think we should create a kata-general mailing list for parity with our slack channels? Some folk might feel uncertain / uncomfortable posting general questions to a development mailing list imho.14:24
kata-dev-irc-bot<samuel.ortiz> @james.o.hunt I would prefer not to, but it's not a strong opinion.14:25
kata-dev-irc-bot<xu> I am afraid that we will have to many channel to listen..14:28
kata-dev-irc-bot<xu> but my opinion is not strong either14:28
kata-dev-irc-bot<anne> @james.o.hunt are you thinking for troubleshooting questions, that type of thing?14:46
kata-dev-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @samuel.ortiz @xu - It's useful to have that kata-dev mailing list, but from my perspective though, most dev discussion happens on github. Whereas general discussions may be better handled by a mailing list.14:46
kata-dev-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @anne yes14:46
kata-dev-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> clearly, anyone can raise an issue, but... ;)14:46
kata-dev-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> if we want to handle everything on github, that's fine. But they why not just delete kata-dev as everything can be handled with slack + github. It just feels to me as though we should give equal weighting to dev and non-dev users.14:48
kata-dev-irc-bot<anne> @james.o.hunt I agree putting a troubleshooting question into a 200 person channel can be intimidating14:50
kata-dev-irc-bot<anne> Same with a large ML in some ways too14:50
kata-dev-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> maybe this is something the Working Committee could discuss (/cc @amy.l.leeland, @james).14:50
kata-dev-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> yes, but general users have more options if we offer a mailing list for them too. They can decide, just as developers can currently decide whether to go via slack/irc/ML/github.14:51
kata-dev-irc-bot<anne> Would that be easier to keep an eye on than a slack/irc that's something like "#kata-help" or "#kata-101"?14:52
kata-dev-irc-bot<anne> Regardless of if it's irc or ML, we all do have to commit to responding to it :slightly_smiling_face:14:53
kata-dev-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> adding a new feed of any type is a cost to the team as it's something else to monitor. But why do we offer a ML for developers and not users is the basic question? A solution might be to either rename the ML or change the description to be more encompassing ("development and general discussion on Kata Containers" or something).14:54
kata-dev-irc-bot<anne> mmhmm, I'm all for equal treatment of devs and users, just trying to think through the best solution14:55
kata-dev-irc-bot<anne> (I _just_ rolled out of bed as well, so that thinking is moving slowly)14:55
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kata-dev-irc-bot<verytired1> @james.o.hunt the kata-dev@ list is extremely low traffic. maybe we should actually deprecate it now before it gets embedded in too many places and just move to a single kata-discuss@ list for both dev and user discussions20:26
kata-dev-irc-bot<verytired1> (basically your rename option)20:26
kata-dev-irc-bot<verytired1> i'd prefer to do that rather than add another channel since there doesn't seem to be a lot of activity there anyway (it's mostly on github as you said)20:27
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