Friday, 2024-03-22

lajoskatonaHi, I have a problem (due to my lack of experience with Hot templates): I would like to create trunks but set the number of subports from parameter, like: 14:27
lajoskatona vlan_count:14:27
lajoskatona   default: 214:27
lajoskatonawe tried to use resourceGroup, where count is vlan_count, with resourceGroup the stack update works only if I increase the number of subports, in case of decrease the update fails as heat engine tries to delete first the port (subport) but the port ised by the trunk, and I can't force he heat engine (with depends_on) to first update the trunk (remove the subport from the trunk) and than delete the port14:30
lajoskatonaIs there perhaps other way which should work for such scale down issue?14:30

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