Monday, 2023-05-15

elodilleshi heat team, there are 2 Bobcat-1 release patches from last week that have no responses from the team. Can we abandon those or do you want to release them?14:01
elodillestkajinam ricolin : fyi ^^^14:01
tkajinamelodilles, sorry for the delay. I've voted on the patch for python-heatclient14:03
tkajinamelodilles, tosca-parser is now under Tacker's governance so it's better to ask Tacker PTL instead of us14:03
elodillestkajinam: thanks o/14:03
tkajinamjust for reference ^^^14:03
elodillestkajinam: oh, i'll propose a patch that replaces the responsible team for tosca-parser then14:04
tkajinamelodilles, thanks. do you mind also updating heat-translator ?14:04
tkajinamsorry I should have updated the release repo after that governance change was merged. I was not aware of it.14:04
elodillestkajinam: ack, will add that too14:05
tkajinamOr I can submit it so that you can vote +214:05
tkajinamif that helps14:05
elodillestkajinam: no problem, i'm about to propose it :)14:05
tkajinamelodilles, ack. thanks again !14:05
elodillesthanks too!14:05
elodillesfyi, the change:
*** d34dh0r5- is now known as d34dh0r5317:07

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