Friday, 2021-07-30

opendevreviewRabi Mishra proposed openstack/heat stable/wallaby: Don't use master constraints for stable branches
ramishratkajinam: ^^ let's see how this works..03:57
tkajinamramishra, thanks03:57
tkajinamramishra, my only concern is that upper constraints might break tempest and heat-tempest-plugin, but let's see how it goes03:58
tkajinamin that case we can pin tempest03:58
opendevreviewRabi Mishra proposed openstack/heat stable/wallaby: WIP Don't use master constraints for stable branches
*** kleini_ is now known as kleini08:49
ramishragmann: Hey! All heat stable branches are broken after
ramishraI think that's because tempest uses latest python-cinderclient everywhere from train onwards13:01
ramishraWe can't use latest cinderclient in stable branches. Is there a way to use relevant uc for the branch? I tried with which does not seem to work13:02
ramishraricolin_: ^^13:02
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: There will be a brief outage of the Gerrit service on starting at 15:00 UTC today as part of a routine project rename maintenance:
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: There will be a brief outage of the Gerrit service on in the next few minutes as part of a routine project rename maintenance:
gmannramishra: we do not use python-cinderclient in Tempest, tempest has its own service clients to call API15:39
gmannramishra: checking the failure15:39
gmannramishra: tis heat using cinder v2 still, tkajinam has fixes up
gmannramishra: in stable branch I think, python-cinderclient old version should be used as heat test are mixed with tempest tests and python-client calling tests.15:49
gmanntempest tests are all fine for cinder v2 removal15:50
gmannramishra: seems like it is complex issue and mixing the both different type of tests needs to split into separate job, i commented on your patch, please check if that make sense
*** kleini_ is now known as kleini21:16

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