Thursday, 2018-10-25

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/heat master: Revert "Add openstack/placement as a required project for heat-grenade*"
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/heat-tempest-plugin master: Add requires_service_type test decorator
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul and Nodepool services are being restarted to migrate them to a new Zookeeper cluster. THis brings us an HA database running on newer servers.14:38
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Zuul and Nodepool database transition is complete. Changes updated during the Zuul outage may need to be rechecked.15:29
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openstackgerritHarrathi Issam proposed openstack/heat master: Add tags support for ProviderNet resource
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zzzeek_hi heat, how do I get my "param" here to be coerced to string and not integer?
zzzeek_do I have to use str_template ?17:59
zzzeek_err, str_replace18:05
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* zzzeek_ goes to try yaql18:17
zanebzzzeek_: does the param have type 'string'?18:21
zzzeek_zaneb: it's integer18:22
zzzeek_zaneb: trying this now:
zaneblist_join uses json.dumps() to encode non-string arguments18:22
zzzeek_zaneb: welp i got an error, one moment18:22
zanebI think str_replace might work better18:23
zzzeek_zaneb: CREATE_FAILED  resources.ControllerServiceChain: Error in 140 output role_data: Error in MysqlPuppetBase output role_data: Items to jo18:23
zzzeek_in must be string, map or list not 204818:23
zaneb(than list_join)18:23
zzzeek_that doesnt seem to be using json18:23
zanebah, sorry, only list or dict:
zanebthat seems like an oversight :(18:28
zzzeek_zaneb: yeah just foudn
zzzeek_zaneb: that SO answer seems wrong18:29
zzzeek_zaneb: also, yes, we're in a declarative templating language seems reasonable it *should* do this18:29
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zanebagree, this should work18:30
zzzeek_see this is the curse of being me, I'm the one to find all these edge cases whenever i use anything18:31
zzzeek_anyway the yaql thing seems like a get out of jail free card for any imperative expression18:32
zzzeek_so if that works I'll just keep a note of that18:32
zzzeek_it's heat so...we have to wait 25 minutes to see if it works or not :)18:32
zanebstr_replace should work:
zzzeek_this thing is using punch cards behind the scenes isnt it18:33
zanebwho told you?18:33
zzzeek_can hear it clacking18:33
zzzeek_punch cards on the edge18:33
zzzeek_that is a great band name18:34
zzzeek_zaneb: the yaql worked:  "maxconn 2048"18:50
zzzeek_i like this /var/lib/mistral thing where I can see everyhing at once18:51
zzzeek_did heat have that before and I didn't know how to find it?18:51
zanebno idea what you're referring to :)18:51
zanebI haven't really kept up with TripleO18:52
zanebit's not a part of Heat itself, whatever it is18:52
zzzeek_zaneb: oh.  well it's a mistral thing then :)18:52
zzzeek_that's specific to tripleo then, I guess.18:53
zanebyeah, tripleo has its own actions defined in mistral. so assume related to one of those18:53
zzzeek_so, yes tripleo now does heat for like the first half of the show then it's doing some "mistral" thing which involves a lot of ansible18:54's easeir to see what's going on than before, or at least i know better now how to look around18:54
zzzeek_we're not looking at stacks and deployments in the DB anymore18:54
zanebah, right. yeah, Heat now generates ansible playbooks rather than doing software deployments itself18:55
zzzeek_i think heat is still spinning up the nodes...maybe.   because they haev to be up for all the ansible things to run.18:55
zaneband then another step in the workflow runs the playbooks with ansible18:55
zanebyep, Heat does the hardware part still18:55
zzzeek_but here is the funny part18:56
zzzeek_the ansible is spinning up docker containers and then it's running puppet inside the containers18:56
zzzeek_i can only imagine how much peope would hate me if i had come up with this system one day :)18:56
zanebpath dependency is a bear19:00
zanebfwiw I don't think it actually runs puppet inside the containers. I think it runs puppet to generate the config that it then puts into the containers19:01
zzzeek_zaneb: i think both might be happening19:08
zzzeek_zaneb: does this mean "puppet is running"? puppet apply --debug --verbose --detailed-exitcodes --summarize --color=false --modulepath /etc/puppet/modules:/opt/stack/puppet-modules:/usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules --tags file,file_line,concat,augeas,pacemaker::resource::bundle,pacemaker::property,pacemaker::resource::ocf,pacemaker::constraint::order,pacemaker::constraint::colocation,galera_ready,mysql_database,mysql_grant,mysql_user -e19:09
zzzeek_'include ::tripleo::profile::base::pacemaker;include ::tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::mysql_bundle'19:09
zzzeek_that's in a docker container19:10
zanebI think so19:10
zzzeek_it uses docker to do everything i think.19:10
zzzeek_which is also kind of nice becasue oyu can list out all the containers and see things that happened19:11
zanebthat makes sense. but it might be one container to generate the configs and then separate containers to run the services19:11
zzzeek_zaneb: yes it is19:13
zzzeek_zaneb: there's five containers just to deploy mysql19:14
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