Thursday, 2018-10-18

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openstackgerritYI-JIE,SYU proposed openstack/heat master: Change "services" to "service"
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tobias-urdinricolin: how is the cfn support functionality wise? is there any plans on dropping cfn like cloudwatch was dropped?11:21
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* brtknr wonders why this channel isnt called #openstack-heat11:26
brtknranyone there who can help me with list comprehension on heat hemplates?11:28
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brtknrwhy does this syntax work `networks: { get_param: [ group_node_ports, {get_param: node_idx} ] }`11:34
brtknrwhy does this syntax NOT work `networks: { get_param: [ group_node_ports, {get_param: node_idx} ] }`11:34
brtknrand this DOES work: `networks: [ {port: { get_param: [ group_node_ports, {get_param: node_idx}, 0, port ] } } ]`11:35
brtknrthe only difference is the second wone simply gets the value of `port` from item 0 in the parent list and puts it back in the same structure11:37
brtknrthe error I get in the first case is ValueError: "''" is not a list/11:37
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brtknrim using HOT version pike12:04
brtknr      networks:12:04
brtknr        repeat:12:04
brtknr          for_each:12:04
brtknr            <%portdict%>: { get_param: [ group_node_ports, {get_param: node_idx} ] }12:04
brtknr        template:12:04
brtknr           <%portdict%>12:05
brtknri just tried this12:05
thervebrtknr: I think the for_each fails, not the get_param12:10
brtknri dont understand why12:12
brtknrtherve: ValueError: "{u'repeat': {u'for_each': {u'<%portdict%>': ''}}, u'template': u'<%portdict%>'}" is not a list12:12
brtknrthis is my new error12:12
thervebrtknr: What's your version?12:16
thervetobias-urdin: I'd say it's here to stay, but it's mostly in maintenance mode.12:18
therveWe still don't have great alternative to signed urls12:19
tobias-urdintherve: ok, thanks for the response! :)12:20
ricolintobias-urdin, it's still functional IMO. there start to have voice out about whether or not we should drop cfn, we might have to check how's current service works without cfn. Or have to start move default from cfn to other stuff before we can start to discuss about dropping it12:20
tobias-urdini've had some issues running native heat only, first one is i have to fake heat_metadata_server_url config option, but also some users dont really understand why they cant use SoftwareDeployment for example12:22
tobias-urdinso i'm thinking about just deploying it instead, even though i'd like heat native only12:22
ricolincfn signal is default for some services in heat, which means you have to specify to other signal in your template12:24
thervetobias-urdin: You can use SoftwareDeployment without CFN?12:26
tobias-urdinyeah, unfortunate for the customers using templates, but good that stuff like magnum etc are using native12:26
tobias-urdintherve: *cant*12:27
thervetobias-urdin: Why?12:27
brtknrtherve: pike12:27
tobias-urdin File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/heat/engine/resources/", line 151, in _get_ec2_signed_url12:27
tobias-urdinwhich calls get_heat_cfn_url12:28
brtknrtherve: but I'm trying to run this on devstack master branch12:28
tobias-urdindoes a lookup against the endpoints and fails since there is no cfn endpoint12:28
thervebrtknr: OK I don't know then12:28
thervetobias-urdin: Have you changed default_deployment_signal_transport ?12:28
brtknrtherve: :(12:29
thervebrtknr: Can you provide a small contained example?12:30
tobias-urdintherve: oh no, thanks, i'll check it out12:33
thervetobias-urdin: Note that there may still be an issue if users force usage of CFN12:34
therveI don't think we have a nice way to "disable" it12:34
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therveSame as zaqar or swift actually12:34
therveBut you can make it so that the default is correct at least12:34
ricolintobias-urdin, so as default_software_config_transport btw12:36
brtknrtherve: Hmm, I'll try12:50
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zanebtobias-urdin: heat-cfnclient is frozen in time, so I wouldn't recommend deploying cfn-only for that reason13:10
zanebthe native client gives a much better experience and access to a much wider range of features13:10
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tobias-urdinzaneb: ack13:20
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brtknrtherve: how do i pass a list of dict as a default parameter?13:46
thervebrtknr: Just declare it in the template?13:46
brtknris this sensible:13:47
brtknr  networks:13:47
brtknr    type: json13:47
brtknr    label: networks13:47
brtknr    default:13:47
brtknr      - - port: x13:47
brtknr        - port: y13:47
brtknr      - - port: yy13:47
brtknrtherve: ^13:47
brtknrtherve: sorry, heat newbie here13:48
thervebrtknr: I mean sure that looks like yaml. That's 2 nested lists though13:48
brtknrtherve: Yes its a list of list of dicts13:49
therveOK then13:49
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zanebbrtknr: does it fail in template-validate or when creating a stack?13:53
* zaneb is working on validation stuff at the moment13:53
brtknrzaneb:during validation13:54
brtknrim trying to create a toy example that represents the real thing13:55
brtknrbut this is failing for a different reason13:55
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brtknrsorry: this is the correct one
brtknri am not sure how to pass in a list of list an a parameter13:58
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brtknrzaneb: not sure if json is the correct format13:59
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zanebbrtknr: I think json is what you want14:02
brtknrzaneb: what then?14:03
zanebthe template-validate call doesn't use parameter values (unlike the pre-flight validation that happens when you create a stack)14:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack/heat master: Change "services" to "service"
zanebso it may just not be able to tell that a list is going to appear there14:03
brtknrzaneb: what would be the cause for  ValueError: "{u'repeat': {u'for_each': {u'<%portdict%>': ''}}, u'template': u'<%portdict%>'}" is not a list14:04
brtknris this pre-flight validation or tempalte validation?14:04
zanebbrtknr: that's what I asked you earlier :)14:04
brtknrzaneb: how would you read the port value from this list of list?
brtknr<%net%>.port doesnt seem to work14:16
brtknrnor {get_param: [<%net%>, port]}14:16
brtknrERROR: Property error: : : The Parameter (<%net%>) was not provided.14:18
brtknrwhich makes sense14:18
brtknrso how to you plug <%net%> as a param to get_params?14:18
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zanebbrtknr: I would have done what you did in that paste14:55
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zanebbrtknr: you might have more luck with
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zanebactually I missed the .port part in there16:35
zanebso "$.data[0].select({'network' => $.port})"16:36
zanebbrtknr: ^16:37
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack/heat master: Use OutputDefinition to generate attributes schema
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack/heat master: Ensure Functions can be created without stack definition
brtknrzaneb: didn't work :(17:22
brtknrfor your ref, this is what im trying to content with ^^17:23
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack/heat master: Revert "Change "services" to "service""
brtknrzaneb: my head hurts17:23
zanebbrtknr: what does the data for group_node_ports look like?17:25
brtknrits a list of list of dicts like in the example i showed you earlier17:26
brtknr[stack@bharat-devstack p3-appliances]$ openstack stack update -t ansible/roles/stackhpc.cluster-infra/files/resources/cluster-infra.yaml -e env2.yml bharat17:27
brtknrERROR: ValueError: : resources.cluster_group<nested_stack>.resources.0<file:///opt/stack/p3-appliances/ansible/roles/stackhpc.cluster-infra/files/resources/cluster-group.yaml>.resources.node_group<nested_stack>.resources.0<file:///opt/stack/p3-appliances/ansible/roles/stackhpc.cluster-infra/files/resources/instance.yaml>.resources.instance: : No function "#indexer" matches supplied arguments17:27
brtknrthis is what i get back when i apply your suggestion17:27
zaneblet me play around with some yaql stuff17:28
zanebbrtknr: "$.data != '' and $.data[0].select({'network' => $.port}) or []"17:35
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brtknrIt looks like it’s working but I need to check if it’s really working!19:07
brtknrWill come back to you!19:07
brtknrThanks for sticking around and helping!19:07
brtknrI’m on a train with lots of tunnels so connection is bad!19:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack/heat master: Revert "Change "services" to "service""
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack/heat master: Ensure Functions can be created without stack definition
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack/heat master: Use OutputDefinition to generate attributes schema
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