Friday, 2017-06-30

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/heat master: Add an example on how to use 'contains' as condition
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ramishraseems gate broken with devstack change, already in the queue to fix it.04:50
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openstackgerritRabi Mishra proposed openstack/heat master: DNM Test cloud-init issue
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strigaziramishra ricolin Have a look again at  Do you want me to change anything?08:04
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therveramishra, What's the status?08:49
therve should be the one?08:50
ramishratherve: yep, I think so08:50
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toMeloosHi guys09:12
toMeloosWe upgraded Neutron LBaaS v1 to v2 but now we are stuck with the heat stacks that use the lbaasv1 resources. Both delete and abandon result in errors like "ERROR: HEAT-E99001 Service neutron is not available for resource type OS::Neutron::PoolMember, reason: Service endpoint not in service catalog.". Any suggestions on how to force remove them?09:12
andreykurilinhi folks09:14
thervetoMeloos, Delete from heat database09:25
toMeloosAha. I already removed all the neutron/nova/etc. stuff manually but diving into the database is really the only option?09:26
toMeloosFeels like this calls for a --force flag for "openstack stack abandon" then09:27
therveYeah that might work09:28
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toMeloosUpgrades seems like a major issue here. LBaaS v1->v2 removed resource types, so will FWaaS v1->v2 probably as well as other projects. Any way this can be supported in a way that upgrading those services don't break running heat stacks that used these services?09:32
therveYou may be able to have both versions09:34
therveIt's something to manage as an operator. Neutron left people behind a bit on that front IMO09:34
toMeloosYou can dispense with the "a bit" part ;)09:35
therveAs much as I am sympathetic with that situation, we (Heat) don't have the manpower to handle that issue09:37
toMeloosI would expect (unlike with LBaaS) a decent upgrade path that migrates existing resources to the new version. Calling on all your users to perform the upgrade by tearing down and rebuilding their services is not very customer-friendly.09:39
thervetoMeloos, You would expect that from Heat?09:41
toMeloosDefintely not09:41
therveAh ok :)09:41
toMeloosBut the heat problem actually manifests if there is an automated migration script, because the resources referred to in running stacks no longer exist09:41
therveTrue. Then maybe using some kind of abandon/adopt you may recover09:42
therveOr if you keep both versions running, a stack update09:42
toMeloosFor example, if there would have been an LBaaS v1->v2 upgrade path with migration script for operators to make this a smooth upgrade, users having active stacks with heat lbaasv1 resource types would still find themselves unable to remove their stacks....09:43
therveWell there is
toMeloosTried it, didn't work ;)09:44
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toMeloosYes well option 1 won't work because abandon also doesn't work if resource types have been removed :(09:44
toMeloosWhich leaves option 2 which requires A) old and new version of services being able to run in parallel and B) customers to run "stack update" for all their stacks09:46
toMeloosSo in order to not break running heat stacks we need all openstack services to provide support for parallel versions and customers to handle the upgrade (no automated upgrading by the operator). Not ideal....09:49
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therveWell yeah09:51
therveWe could support deleting resources when the service is not available09:51
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therveBut that's as far as we could got I think09:52
toMeloosThat would definitely be a big step. Either delete, or at least abandon when the service is not available09:55
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toMeloosIdeally there would be some translation system, so the migration script could log that old-resource-type:old-uuid has been replaced by new-resource-type:new-uuid. So that (in this example) when you delete the old stack with an lbaasv1 resource, you actually remove the lbaasv2 resource it was migrated to.09:59
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openstackgerritVan Hung Pham proposed openstack/python-heatclient master: Switch from oslosphinx to openstackdocstheme
openstackgerritkavitha h r proposed openstack/python-heatclient master: Rename to
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openstackgerritkavitha h r proposed openstack/python-heatclient master: Rename to
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andreykurilinhi folks! we have too much `HTTPInternalServerError: ERROR:` from heat for the last several days (we cannot merge anything today). Can anyone help me with investigation?11:57
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therveandreykurilin, Sure11:59
andreykurilintherve: thanks. so we have a rally job which makes some actions with heat. the error message doesn't include at all)
andreykurilinit is an example of failure while obtaining heat stask12:00
andreykurilinand I see nothing useful here -
therveandreykurilin, probably then.12:05
andreykurilinI can try make a revert and launch depends-on change12:05
andreykurilinshould I?12:05
therveYeah that's worth trying, though I'm not sure it will work12:08
therveandreykurilin, Do you know what those tests are doing?12:09
andreykurilin therve: you need the full actions or just failed actions?12:10
therveandreykurilin, Whatever that would help reproducing :)12:10
andreykurilingive me a moment12:10
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andreykurilintherve: tha last several traces are about where template is
andreykurilinit fails while obtaining created stack12:15
andreykurilintherve: from the logs I can see that previously 3 stacks were created successfuly12:16
therveandreykurilin, How often does it happen?12:16
andreykurilinin a loop12:17
therveI mean the failure12:17
therveWe have the same thing in our tests, but we don't resolve outputs, so we don't get there12:18
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openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/heat master: DNM resolve outputs to check test failure
therveandreykurilin, You can add resolve_outputs=False to work around it for now12:19
andreykurilinthe failures are quite often. as I said, we cannot merge anything today12:20
openstackgerritkavitha h r proposed openstack/python-heatclient master: Rename to
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andreykurilin therve: should I add it to get method?12:32
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therveandreykurilin, Yep12:37
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openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/heat master: DNM resolve outputs to check test failure
thervezaneb, ^^  looks like there is a bug in with attribute storing patch13:59
zanebtherve: I noticed that yesterday :)
therveOh sweet14:01
zanebin related news, is the gate broken?14:01
zanebbecause there's no way that can have broken the legacy job14:01
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zanebtherve: we should probably merge your patch to fix it now. mine is at the end of a long series14:02
therveYeah I was going to say14:04
therveThough it will make your series conflict again I suspect14:04
zanebit'll mean yet another rebase :/14:04
therveI'll start by filling a bug14:04
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thervezaneb, tripleo is getting another failure with conditions during upgrades, I wonder if you have an idea14:08
thervezaneb, It happens when depending a on resource conditionally created, presumably after a first failure14:08
therveI'm thinking it's another backup stack related issue, but I don't manage to reproduce it14:08
zanebdid the patch for the other thing merge yet?14:09
zanebah, no it didn't
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* zaneb has too many patches14:12
zanebthere's a good chance that might resolve this one too14:13
therveHum it didn't merge indeed14:14
therveBut I'm not sure it's the same14:14
therveIt's not about conditions not being found, it's the resource itself14:14
zanebgood point, I guess that one only affects the 'if' function14:16
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zanebonce we create a resource, we should copy it into the current template
zanebbut maybe if we don't have the new conditions because of a failure it will appear not to exist?14:22
zanebtherve: do you have a link to the actual failure?14:23
thervezaneb, No unfortunately14:29
thervezaneb, is an example I think14:29
openstackLaunchpad bug 1689553 in tripleo "The specified reference "ControllerUpgradeBatch_Step2" (in ControllerUpgradeConfig_Step0) is incorrect." [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Jiří Stránský (jistr)14:29
therve is the other one I got14:30
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zanebwhy does step 0 depend on step 2???14:41
zaneboh, they're steps of different things14:41
zanebtherve: ah, I think I might know what's happening14:59
zanebtherve: so your fix works when all the resources are in the template but some are disabled14:59
zanebtherve: but when we copy resources over as they are created, we only copy the ones that are enabled15:00
zanebso you can end up with a new resource in the template that depends on a non-existent resource that isn't even in the template15:00
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack/heat master: Strip disabled resources from depends_on in add_resource()
zanebtherve: ^ I raised
openstackLaunchpad bug 1701677 in heat "Dependencies on conditionally disabled resources cause problems in legacy updates" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Zane Bitter (zaneb)16:28
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anupnHi All, I am trying to create a stack with simple template as a start, here is my template But i am seeing in h-eng logs, "baremetal" flavor could not be found Any idea why is this? I am seeing baremetal flavor on running flavor list17:22
anupnand after unable to find this flavor it is trying to create my devstack baremetal node which is failing due to some other reason17:23
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thervezaneb, Thanks for looking! I think your diagnosis is good, though I don't really understand the patch yet19:18
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zanebtherve: we use add_resource() to add the definitions to the existing template. so the patch is just to skip any depends_on that depend on resources not actually in the template19:20
thervezaneb, Does it catch when you just pass random dependency?19:20
zanebit strips those too. but by the time you get to the point of actually updating resources, you'll already have validated that there is nothing completely random in there19:21
thervezaneb, shardy suggested something in the other bug19:22
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thervezaneb, Which is aliasing the resource to OS::Heat::None when disabled19:22
therveInstead of removing it19:22
zanebI'm not convinced this is the whole story, because the tripleO gate shouldn't be failing and then retrying the upgrade19:22
therveThat would solve the dependency chaining issue that tripleo has19:22
* therve nods19:22
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therveThe last occurrence is on a failure though19:23
therveFrom what I've been told. CI was passing.19:23
zanebok. one of those bugs had a link to some gate logs, but they'd already been deleted so I don't know what actually happened19:24
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zanebthe OS::Heat::None idea is probably a good one, but implementing that is its own whole can of worms19:24
therveYeah we need to make sure we properly switch the type19:25
therveAnyway, throwing that out there, considering we have at least your pending fix19:26
therveThat tactic would presumably make it obsolete19:26
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openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/heat master: Don't store attributes if resource not stored
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thervezaneb, Responded to btw20:32
zanebtherve: are you saying that json.dump() would have converted to unicode already anyway?20:34
thervezaneb, json doesn't support bytes20:35
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zanebclearly it did in python220:36
zaneb(not disagreeing, I just tried it and it indeed doesn't)20:36
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therveYeah py3 is stricter about that :)20:36
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zanebmy concern is that we can expect a random, user-defined command to necessarily print a valid utf-8 bytestrem to stdout20:42
zaneb*NOT expect20:42
zanebmaybe we just need to pass errors='replace' instead of (the default) errors='strict'20:44
therveyeah that sounds fine to me20:46
therveI said ignore but replace works too20:46
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack/heat master: Fix a DB error when updating the resource attributes
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