Monday, 2014-03-03

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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Migrate to oslo.messaging from oslo-incubator rpc
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Always report the action in state_reason as engine encodes it
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stevebakerAny reviewers for this? I've bumped it down to medium so it won't be getting any extensions
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openstackgerritLee Li proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Remove dependent module py3kcompat
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Migrate to oslo.messaging from oslo-incubator rpc
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SpamapSstevebaker: \o/ thanks!01:39
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openstackgerritMitsuru Kanabuchi proposed a change to openstack/heat: Implement OS::Neutron::ExtraRoute as /contrib
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openstackgerritLee Li proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Using common methods from oslo cliutils
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Update config generator for oslo.messaging
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Migrate to oslo.messaging from oslo-incubator rpc
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Migrate to oslo.messaging from oslo-incubator rpc
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Update config generator for oslo.messaging
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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/heat: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Migrate to oslo.messaging from oslo-incubator rpc
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Migrate to oslo.messaging from oslo-incubator rpc
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Update config generator for oslo.messaging
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerrithuangtianhua proposed a change to openstack/heat: Ensure property 'name' can be updated
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Implement glance image constraint
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* cmyster wonders...05:11
cmysterI am trying to make this tempest work. I guess I should keep using cirrus and not something fancy05:11
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Adding "device_owner" property for Port resource
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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/heat: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerrithuangtianhua proposed a change to openstack/heat: Ensure property 'name' can be updated
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Migrate to oslo.messaging from oslo-incubator rpc
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Update config generator for oslo.messaging
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therveGood morning08:05
skraynevhello therve08:06
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Migrate to oslo.messaging from oslo-incubator rpc
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack/heat: Migrate to oslo.messaging from oslo-incubator rpc
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openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Native ScalingPolicy resource
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Update Oslo wiki link in README
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openstackgerritZhang Yang proposed a change to openstack/heat: Replace assertEqual(None, *) with assertIsNone
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DaveJ__Hi guys, still having a few issues with creating alarms / meters.  I used the sample but my alarm shows insufficent data.  Looking at the template the group adds the metadata 'Key: metering.server_group, Value: WebServerGroup'  But the meter matches on10:22
DaveJ__'{'metadata.user_metadata.groupname': {Ref: 'WebServerGroup'}}'.10:22
DaveJ__Should 'groupname' be 'server_group' ?10:22
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therveDaveJ__, You should be able to remove this, the code adds the tag by default10:27
DaveJ__therve:  Both the tag and the matching_metadata ?10:27
therveNo just the tag10:28
therveDaveJ__, Do you have data at all?10:28
DaveJ__yeah ceilometer  sample-list -m cpu_util -q resource_id=<my resource> shows samples.10:29
DaveJ__but ceilometer alarm-list reports there is insufficent data for the alarm.10:29
therveAnd if you do q=metadata.user_metadata.groupname == XXX ?10:29
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DaveJ__hmm - that's not returning anything, but I had  changed the values of the tag + matching_metadata.  Let me redeploy and check that10:31
DaveJ__matching_metadata should be {'metadata.user_metadata.groupname': {Ref: 'WebServerGroup'}} ?10:31
openstackgerritAndrey Kurilin proposed a change to openstack/heat: Sync latest oslo.db code
therveDaveJ__, If you replace the Ref by the real value, yeah10:37
cmysterguys, what's the credentials for the cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec image? I'm trying to write a test to start a few stacks and connect to them (IIRC there is an sshd on those)10:39
therveThere are none by default10:39
therveYou can specify an SSH key when creating the server10:39
shardycmyster: Heat requires an image with cloud-init, so you should be able to log in with an ssh key10:39
cmysterso I need to use F20 probably,10:40
therveI'd be surprised if it doesn't work with the cirros image10:40
cmysterwhat, just ssh -i to it ?10:41
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cmysterhmmm, sec lemme check for its IP10:41
cmysteroh, seems like in issue with Horizon, it won't show the stack.10:41
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openstackgerritZhang Yang proposed a change to openstack/heat: Set statuscode=404 in NotFoundException in tests
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Order imports in alphabetical order (6/9)
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shardytherve: Hey, question re when you have a moment11:11
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Add validation of nested property schema
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sgranI'm thinking of working on the AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Resource to add support for security group rules as separate resources11:18
sgranwould something like this be welcome?11:18
sgranif done correctly, this allows two things I'd like to see - it would allow you to have rules that reference the parent security group (all db servers in the secgroup DbServers can talk to each other on DBPort, say)11:19
sgranand it would allow updating the list of rules for a security group without deleting and recreating it11:19
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shardysgran: You mean implement AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress/AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress?11:22
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sgranI can see one difficulty - AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress will have to fail if the network client is nova, but I'm sure that can be made to produce a reasonable error11:23
shardysgran: sure, that sounds like a worthwhile addition, although for folks who don't care about AWS portability, we're reccomending using the native neutron resources where possible11:23
shardyI wonder if it might be possible to implement as a provider resource template in /etc/heat/templates?11:24
sgranthis will probably be useful for people still on nova network, though, right?11:24
sgrannot sure - I would have thought you'd need to modify the existing security group code as well?11:24
sgranand I've never done one, although that might be interesting to learn how to do :)11:25
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Order imports in alphabetical order (7/9)
shardysgran: I'm not sure either, but just FYI I think we're likely to gradually move towards making AWS compatible resources provider templates where possible, and keeping the python plugins as the native resource implementations11:26
shardyThat process has hardly started though so feel free to just implment a plugin if it's easier, just something to think about :)11:26
sgranfair enough :)11:38
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Order imports in alphabetical order (8/9)
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Document schema properties for Neutron router resources
sgranthe current security group iterates the list of ingress/egress rules and makes rule directly now11:43
sgranin updating to allow for individual rules, I'd need it to instead create new objects11:43
sgranis there an existing example of doing something like that?11:43
shardysgran: don't the rule resources just have to be a container for the data, where Ref: <RuleResource> returns a json dict?11:45
shardyI don't see why SecurityGroup has to change at all11:46
sgranIf they're not resources, you can't have a rule in a group referencing the group11:48
sgranor am I not understanding you?11:48
shardysgran: Oh wait, the interface is backwards from what I thought11:49
shardysgran: Do you have a use-case for when this is needed?11:50
sgranyes.  I want to spin up a group of postgres servers.  Part of the replication catch-up process is to ssh into the master and copy some write ahead logs.  Normal replication needs access to the database port (typically 5432).  I'd like to be able to create a security group for my postgress servers that allows the db port to be connected to from the other db servers, and the api servers.  In addition I'd like a rule that allows 22 only from the db servers11:52
sgranso this would be 3 rules in the security group, and 2 of them would be self-referential11:52
shardysgran: Ok, perhaps you could raise a blueprint, and include a template snippet example (perhaps in a linked wiki page under
sgranbut there are other use cases - tomcat session replication would reference the tomcat server group, and so on11:54
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Add admin_pass as a property
sgranok, I'll start on it11:54
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Change software_config storage of config and io columns
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therveshardy, Yes?12:04
shardytherve: Hi, I had a query about the signal interface to your native ScalingPolicy resource12:05
shardyso you expect that to only work with native signals?12:06
therveNot really12:06
therveIt should fairly agnostic AFAIU12:06
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shardytherve: what I mean, is do we definitely want to override FnGetRefId, as that won't work with ceilometer will it?12:07
therveAh, I see12:07
shardyI really want us to work out the non ec2 way to do that, but atm I think ceilometer just expects to hit the URL12:07
therveYeah I'm not sure12:08
therveshardy, We can keep it both. Or maybe add ec2 auth to the native API.12:08
shardyI'm not sure if doing what you have is best, then work out how to make it work later, or align with the current ceilometer capability and end up with an interface we don't want to maintain..12:08
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shardytherve: Hmm, I'd rather not do that if possible - IMO we should aim for the point where every native resource works without ec2 auth12:09
therveWe don't provide any guarantee of integration with ceilometer for now12:09
shardyas some deployers I know don't enable it12:09
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* therve nods12:10
shardytherve: sure, just wondering if in it's current state it will actually be useful, I suppose it will work if you use the internal watchrule based alarms?12:10
shardytherve: have you tested it, and if so how?12:11
therveshardy, Well you get integrate with any external system12:11
therveI haven't tested it yet, no12:11
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shardyideally I think we want to pass ceilometer a trust, and get it to notify us via heatclient on the user's behalf12:12
therveI was expecting the whole stack user thing to land so that we can test everything12:12
therveThat'd be nice.12:12
therveI don't know if we can still make that change in the cycle, though12:12
shardybut that will have to wait till Juno I guess12:12
shardyyeah probably not hence my query on what interface makes sense now12:13
* shardy was expecting the stack-user stuff to land by now too..12:13
shardythe whole remaining series is ready to merge, just need moar reviews :)12:13
therveWe'll get there :)12:13
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DaveJ__therve: Thanks - finally got my stack relaunched.  Removed the tags as suggested, and just referenced the AutoScaling group.  Cheers12:17
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therveDaveJ__, So it works?12:18
DaveJ__therve:  The alarm is getting the stats now  (reporting OK state) - just going check that the state changes now12:19
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therveshardy, I'm getting " You are not authorized to perform the requested action, identity:list_roles." when trying to create a RDSInstance12:25
therveIt seems to fail when creating a WaitConditionHandle12:25
shardytherve: latest master heat?12:26
therveI think so12:27
shardyOk, wasn't sure if you meant you were testing my instance-users branch12:27
cmysterback, meetings...12:27
cmysterso it seems that demo's stack view in horizon causes a very nice and long exception, has anyone seen something like that ?12:28
shardytherve: if you're not running the instance-users stuff, the user creating the stack is presumably missing the admin role?12:30
therveAh yeah12:31
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Change Resource timestamps to save correct info
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Fix stack_get_all call on stack watcher
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Alter stack_count_all_by_tenant to stack_count_all
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Unscoped List Stacks
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Add project to unscoped stack list response
openstackgerritZhang Yang proposed a change to openstack/heat: Ensure parameter timeout_mins available in update
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cmystershardy: ping13:09
openstackgerritcalfonso proposed a change to openstack/heat-templates: Updating yum repo variables and making variables consistent
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed a change to openstack/heat: Validation for Outputs template section
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openstackgerritRabi Mishra proposed a change to openstack/heat: Allows vip from a different subnet for lbaas resource
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openstackgerritAlexander Ignatov proposed a change to openstack/heat: OS::Savanna::Cluster resource implementation
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zigoAs it stands, we have (Add -N option to force using the local environment) which has been abandonned, and (removal of that has a bad review. IMO, one of the 2 should be approved ...14:07
zigoPreferably the former, IMO.14:07
shardychmouel: ^^14:08
shardyzigo: that patch looks fine to me (the -N one), so if chmouel can restore it I expect we can get it in14:09
shardyI don't quite get what jpeeler's objection was14:09
sgranshardy: hmm.  First hurdle, and I'm looking for advice14:10
sgrando you have a minute for me to pick your brain?14:10
shardysgran: sure14:10
sgranso, if secgroupingress/egress are separate rules, I need to create them as individual entities (not, I think as a subtemplate - I'll explain in a sec)14:10
sgranso I'm looking to see if heat has a mechanism already to do such a thing?14:11
sgranthe problem with a subtemplate, I think, is that it delays creation of the parent until the subtemplate is created, which creates a dependency loop14:11
sgrannext I'll have to figure out how to check and delete default egress rules if there are any egress rules defined, but I think a call back aking to _lb_reload can do that (maybe)14:12
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therveYeah _lb_reload is not a really good example to follow :)14:13
sgranok :)14:13
sgranI'll keep looking, then14:14
therveI'm not sure I understand your problem though14:15
sgranok, let me try to restate the problem14:15
shardysgran: Isn't there some underlying API the resource can just call, e.g whatever nova secgroup-add-rule calls?14:15
sgranin terms of ordering of resources, what I think is correct is that the security group itself should be created, as a standalone and empty entity, then each of the rules should be created afterwards, referencing that security group id14:16
shardysgran: In general you want to avoid any non-trivial coupling between resources, just have the ID of one thing passed into the other via Ref, then use API calls to do your required stuff14:16
sgranthis allows you to have self-referential rules in a security group14:16
sgranbut since the declaration allows you to declare rules in a block inside a group declaration, I have to somehow create the rule resources 'inline'14:17
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sgranbut not as a subtemplate, since as I understand it, that reverses the ordering and makes the group dependent on the rules14:17
shardysgran: Is it not possible to leave AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup alone, and just make the new resources work independently?14:18
sgranwhat do you do with rules created inside the AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup definition?14:18
shardyCreate the group and add the rules?14:19
shardyI think the depenency-hack nature of these resources is still not that clear to me tbh, did you do a wiki page with some examples?14:19
therve(For me the discussion would need to step back again, I still don't know what we're talking about)14:20
sgranthere's a sample in the blueprint14:20
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pshchelohi all, I have a question on resource updates. how can I reference the old value of the parameter in the handle_update?14:21
pshchelo it seems something has changed recently, as now in handle_update has properties of the updated stack, but before it was still holding the old values14:21
sgrancurrently, that template sample creates a dependency loop and raises an exception14:21
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shardy(for the benefit of therve and anyone else following..)14:23
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therveMaybe it's a generic problem we want to solve14:23
sgranlet's not let the perfect be the enemy of the good here :)14:23
sgranI think it's a good thing that, in general, self-referential things cause loops14:24
sgranbut where they are needed, I think it means that finer grained resource management is needed14:24
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shardysgran: If you were to have any one of the three SecurityGroup* resources able to create the group, and if any found it already existed, ignore it and just add rules, would that solve the problem?14:27
sgranpotentially, but it seems an odd way to model the resources, to me14:28
shardywell they are odd resources ;)14:28
sgranthey're not that strange :)14:29
shardyThe problem is in (nearly) all cases, we expect a resource to create and own the underlying thing, only in this case, we don't because the dependency constraints mean that's not actually possible14:29
sgranit's just a many-to-one relationship, the flip side of the autoscaling group one-to-many relationship14:29
thervesgran, FWIW your problem seems solved in OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup14:30
sgranok, let me look there.14:30
therveAlbeit in a non super great fashion14:30
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sgranyeah, almost.  It doesn't allow for rules being created outside of the security group declaration, but maybe that's ok14:32
sgranfor now, at least14:32
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thervesgran, Does the AWS one allows it for neutron?14:33
therveIt actually feels weird that it does for nova14:34
sgranhmm.  No, wait.  I don't the neutron security group resource will allow for self-referential rules, will it?14:34
therveYou don't... see how?14:35
sgranyes, sorry - thinking faster than typing :)14:36
sgranI don't think that you can create rules referencing the containing security group with that code.  Did I miss something?14:36
therveIIUC, if you say  remote_mode=remote_group_id and remote_group_id=None, it will self-reference14:36
sgranbecause you would still have a resource with a ref: to itself14:36
therveSure you can't self-reference14:37
sgranI see.  I think I agree that it's a non super great way :)14:39
sgranbut it looks functional, at least14:39
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therveWell, yeah14:40
thervesgran, The best way would be to add a SecurityGroupRule resource14:40
therveI think14:40
sgranyes, I agree :)14:41
sgranthat's what I'm looking at doing for the AWS type14:41
therveAh I guess they have separate AWS rules?14:41
sgranyeah, SecurityGroup for the group, SecurityGroupIngress and SecurityGroupEgress for the rules14:42
therveWell I'm not super excited for introducing new ones, but why not14:42
therveIt should be fairly straightforward14:42
therveAh it's interesting, they mention they introduced them just because of self-referencing14:43
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openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Make server resources use nova_utils.refresh_server()
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therveSo I've found a bunch of issues with TemplateResource15:27
therveIt doesn't work with resource-list, which means for example resources are missing from the documentation15:28
therveAnd resource-show breaks for them15:28
therveI also noticed that there is not template validation15:28
therveWould it make sense to generate a class with properties_schema/attributes_schema, instead of doing it in init?15:29
therveIt's a bit meta-programming-y, but it's the path of least change15:29
therveshardy, ^^^15:31
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add handle_update to VolumeAttachment
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openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/heat: Restructure contrib/ directories
openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/heat: Generate docs for contrib plugins
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openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add host_routes property to Neutron subnet resource
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openstackgerritRandall Burt proposed a change to openstack/heat: Refactor CLB to work with groups
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radixgood morning16:31
openstackgerritRabi Mishra proposed a change to openstack/heat: Allows vip from a different subnet for lbaas resource
radixtherve: nice, just saw your ScalingPolicy :)16:37
therveradix, Yeah I hope it does the trick16:38
therveI'm a bit annoyed by ChangeInCapacity and all16:38
therveBut changing it looks tricky at that point16:39
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radixtherve: I don't think it'll be too bad16:39
therveNo me neither16:39
radixtherve: here's the trick: separate the interface from the internal message passing16:40
radixwe can continue to use "ChangeInCapacity" as the thing that gets passed to methods16:40
radixI was just about to write a comment about that :)16:40
therveYeah it's not that trivial :)16:40
radixhow come?16:41
zigoshardy: Chmouel restored his patch:
therveradix, Well I need to reimplement some code if I try to do that16:42
therveNamely the call to adjust I think16:42
radixtherve: oh, yeah, I think it'll require a bit of a refactor there16:42
radixbut at least you don't need to touch *Group16:42
radixtherve: but that can be a super small refactor, just replace CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY with self.CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY and add the class variables16:43
shardyjpeeler: ^^ can you clarify your objection to that patch pls?16:43
shardyzigo: Thanks, +2 from me16:43
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/heat: Updated from global requirements
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jpeelershardy: i just thought that such a change would sync all virtual env related, and we were missing the warning about running a local copy of flake816:48
therveradix, Yeah I meant it's little bit more than that :)16:50
shardyjpeeler: Ok, cool - another iteration to fix that up seems fine, but do you think adding some comments to the patch explaining exactly what is missing would be helpful? It's not that clear what needs to be done from your comment IMO :)16:51
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radixtherve: hmm, what else am I missing?16:55
radixoh, right16:55
radixtherve: maybe properties for getting the value to pass16:55
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radixor accessors anyway16:56
radixself.change_in_capacity() or whatever16:56
radixI think I'm going to need to do something similar for the rolling updates code16:56
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jpeelershardy: any suggestions for better wording on for the most part, i've been trying to be consistent with phrasing found elsewhere17:00
DaveJ__therve: Thanks for you help earlier.  Looks like the alarms / meters are partially working.  I have two mestled stacks in my template ''AWS::CloudFormation::Stack'.  They both reference the same template, which defines a scaling group.  Looks like one group gets meters created, but the second one doesn't.  I'll dig a bit more, but I'm guessing this might be17:01
DaveJ__some sort of issue with nestled stacks ?17:01
openstackgerritTim Schnell proposed a change to openstack/heat: Adds Parameter Label to template validate call
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shardyjpeeler: Ok, I see the admin-only badness is rife throughout the Neutron resources, so we can consider how to fix that in some future patch17:35
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Native ScalingPolicy resource
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DaveJ__therve:  Collapsed my nestled stack into just a single template.  With two auto-scaling groups, I don;t seem to get meters create for the second group.  Seems like a potential bug. I didn't see anything in launchpad, do you know of anything or should I raise it ?17:48
therveDaveJ__, If you can offer some reproducible behavior, please open it17:49
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therveThat sounds weird though17:50
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zanebI think we should start using the term "nestled stack" :)17:53
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randallburtzaneb:  +1 sounds so much more cozy17:59
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jasond`zaneb: don't forget to update the glossary :)18:00
zaneb"Nestled Stack: like a Nested Stack, but cozier"18:01
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aweitekai tried locking down my heat stack with AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup. Egress rules are failing with "Egress rules are only allowed when Neutron is used and the 'VpcId' property is set."18:21
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aweitekais this a known issue?
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aweitekajpeeler, fyi ^^ if you attemp to lock down your openshift heat template18:23
shardyaweiteka: Can you use OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup instead?18:24
shardyand/or set the VpcId as stated in the error?18:25
radixtherve: woot :)18:25
aweitekashardy, i missed that one. i'll give that a try. otherwise you're suggesting a bogus vpcid string to satisfy the aws requirement?18:26
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openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add host_routes property to Neutron subnet resource
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shardyaweiteka: Specifying VpcId will make the resource use neutron instead of nova-network, which doesn't support egress rules18:29
shardyaweiteka: I would assume it needs to be a neutron network ID not a dummy value though18:29
aweitekashardy, ok. i'll try neutron::securitygroup. thx18:30
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aweitekashardy, looks like os:nova:securitygroup was added in icehouse. i'm on havana. i'll try the vpcid at some point19:27
sdakeshardy seen this before?19:27
sdake2014-03-03 12:27:33.862 WARNING heat.engine.parser [req-0daabd94-5de1-4b3c-add7-3aab444be372 None admin] Unable to set parameters StackId identifier19:27
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stevebakeraweiteka: The vpcid should be the neturon network id19:29
openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Keep trying to get SSH transport for up to 30 sec
aweitekastevebaker, ok, thanks. i'll pop that in an give it a go.19:30
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Remove redundant default value None for dict.get
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Restructure contrib/ directories
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Generate docs for contrib plugins
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Document schema properties for Neutron subnet resource
stevebakerMurano have their incubation discussion in the TC meeting today for those who are interested in how it relates to Heat19:54
stevebakershardy, sdake, zaneb ^19:54
jpeelerwas it decided the vim headers could all go away?19:55
zanebstevebaker: thanks for the heads-up, that might be interesting19:55
stevebakergrab yr popcorn19:55
zanebjpeeler: I think there was consensus within the Heat project that they could19:55
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openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Remove vim header from files.
openstackgerritPaul Van Eck proposed a change to openstack/heat: Allow proper instance with volume suspension
stevebakeroh, wait. TC meeting is tomorrow20:01
zanebstevebaker: you had me all psyched up for it :/20:03
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stevebakerzaneb: you've got 24 hours to decide if building an imperative DSL to generate heat templates is a good idea20:04
openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Add stack-preview support
zanebstevebaker: I don't need 24 hours to know that that is not a good idea20:05
zanebis that seriously what they're doing now?20:05
stevebakeryes, currently XML based20:06
zaneboh God20:06
zanebit's getting worse20:06
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stevebakerzaneb: making the DSL yaml probably wouldn't help
zanebagree, but XML is adding insult to injury ;)20:09
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Parse JSON as JSON when converting to YAML
randallburtyo dog. I heard you like imperative DSL, so I put some imperative DSL to generate your declarative DSL.20:21
zanebrandallburt: I suspect at least 70% of the people in this channel are not going to get that reference ;)20:24
randallburtzaneb:  its ok. I sometimes just amuse myself ;)20:24
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zaneb"Change has been successfully merged into the git repository."20:26
zanebandersonvom: ^ and not a moment too soon :)20:26
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andersonvomzaneb: I was about to ping you because I saw this morning that YET ANOTHER rebase was needed, but then I saw you had accepted it already o/20:27
andersonvomzaneb: change away now! ;)20:28
zanebyaaaaay! I can finally rebase20:28
mspreitzHas anybody run DevStack in the last 23 hours?20:29
mspreitz(I did one, and it produced an installation in which deleting a stack fails)20:31
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openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Make Keystone client pluggable
openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add Keystone V2 plugin
radixwas that imperative DSL stuff about murano?21:23
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randallburtradix:  yes21:23
openstackgerritAndrew Plunk proposed a change to openstack/heat: Nova keypair validation breaks client plugins
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aweitekaanyone have experience with LBaaS session_persistence? i've tried types APP_COOKIE and SOURCE_IP with no luck.21:51
shardystevebaker: hey, around?21:54
stevebakershardy: yo21:54
shardystevebaker: Hi, just wanted to sync up re the FF deadline and instance-users remaining patches..21:54
shardythanks for all the reviews so far, do you have any blocker issues with the remaining patches or are we looking good to get them in?21:55
shardyI saw the _suspend_user comment and replied, can't we just use the superclass handle_suspend?21:55
shardyshadowing all the handle_foo methods seems pretty cumbersome unless we really need to21:56
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stevebakershardy: my only concern is that the tripleo CI cloud will fall over if instance-users lands without them putting in config changes first. Is that a think that could happen?21:56
stevebakershardy: like with will heat even fail to start if there is no configured stack_user_domain?21:57
shardystevebaker: I'm really not sure, I pinged SpamapS re this and the move to trusts and he was +1 on it, ref comment on bug #128615721:58
shardystevebaker: probably not but all the stuff related to deferred auth will fail21:59
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stevebakershardy: also could you clarify, are instance-users still used if trusts isn't?21:59
shardystevebaker: really, I'm not clear on how or where to get the required changes in to tripleo, we've done all the work to make everything in to allow the gate jobs to work, so I don't see how we can gate features on another project22:00
stevebakershardy: as long as they are aware, that is likely all we can do22:01
shardystevebaker: they are two different use-cases - instance-users solves the admin requirement when creating users associated with resources (e.g SignalResponder)22:01
shardylifeless, SpamapS: ^^22:01
shardystevebaker: and trusts solves the requirement to pass a password as well as a token22:02
shardy(as well as improving the general security model)22:02
shardythe two things can be merged independently, but it seemed to make sense to get instance-users in first, because of the switch of users in tempest from admin to demo22:03
stevebakerok, thanks22:03
shardystevebaker: however I've now posted a devstack patch which adds heat_stack_owner role to admin and demo, so it doesn't matter22:03
shardystevebaker: The issue with switching to trusts by default is it's a one line heat patch which breaks $all the tests22:04
shardyI'm still working on solving that22:04
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stevebakershardy: btw I'm working on changes to Server and SoftwareDeployment to support keystone auth for polling and signalling22:07
shardystevebaker: sounds good, other than the auth those patches all look great to me22:08
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stevebakershardy: I'm OK with it going in for now, but is there any reason to set self.password rather than just passing password in on _create_user()?22:09
shardystevebaker: Not really, I did it like that because I originally expected subclasses to set self.password then call the superclass handle_create22:10
shardyrather than having a separate create method22:10
stevebakerah, I might change that in my series22:10
shardyok, cool, either is fine with me :)22:11
stevebakershardy: also, could you provide a list of auth info that needs to be sent to the server for native auth (username, password, auth_url, instance-user-project-name?, region-name?)22:12
shardystevebaker: not sure what you mean, we can just use heat resource-signal and a username/password?22:13
stevebakerwill need auth_url, and won't the tenant name come from the project used for instance-users?22:14
shardystevebaker: Oh yeah sorry, username/password/project/auth_url22:15
stevebakerand the project comes from CONF?22:15
shardywe will probably need to use project_id unless we also pass the domain22:15
shardyNo the project is created per stack and stored in stack.stack_user_project_id22:16
stevebakerah, ok22:16
shardyThe domain ID comes from the conf as it's a one-time thing22:16
shardybut I wanted project isolation between each stack22:17
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stevebakershardy: Only one nit
stevebakershardy: you need to shop around for more reviewers now22:20
openstackgerritRandall Burt proposed a change to openstack/heat: Return None when get_attr cannot resolve a value
shardystevebaker: Thanks, doh missed that commented stuff, 2mins I'll push a new series22:23
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/heat: migrate User/AccessKey resources to StackUser base class
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/heat: StackUser add _delete_keypair function
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/heat: engine: allow stack_user_project users to retrieve stack
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add test for StackUser._create_keypair
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add config options to specify stack domain admin
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/heat: StackUser add suspend/resume support
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/heat: migrate StackUser base class to stack domain users
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/heat: heat_keystoneclient add delete_stack_domain_user_keypair
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Modify stack_user_domain config option to take domain ID
shardystevebaker: when are you planning to branch for i3?22:28
stevebakershardy: not sure yet, I haven't spoken with ttx22:29
shardystevebaker: Ok cool not imminent then, we should have tomorrow at least to get thru the ever growing review backlog ;)22:30
stevebakershardy: I intend to ask for an extension for any High priority blueprint not yet landed22:31
shardystevebaker: Ok, sounds good - if possible I'd really like instance users to make the i3 cut though, so we can increase the test exposure (and time to fix fallout in the event of problems ;)22:32
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stevebakershardy: yes, agreed22:32
shardystevebaker: Ok, well thanks, off for some sleep now, I'll hit the reviews in the morning!22:33
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openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add admin_pass as attribute to CloudServer
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stevebakerandersonvom: can management-api be marked Implemented? all posted changes are merged22:46
* SpamapS reads backscroll22:47
SpamapSshardy: reading22:47
SpamapSshardy: I'm not sure I understand 100%. The change to trusts requires a domain? Or the instance-users requires a domain? And if so.. is there something we need to do in TripleO to enable that? can we just assert that the domain exists and be done with it?22:49
andersonvomstevebaker: done!22:51
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zanebfor everyone else sick of the voting interface for talks:
zanebyou're welcome22:57
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SpamapSzaneb: \o/23:00
zanebSpamapS: I'm glad it's not just me23:00
zanebI complained to them last time23:00
zanebthey said they would appreciate feedback23:01
zanebI told them exactly how to fix it23:01
zaneband this time it's exactly the same :(23:01
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zaneb <- does this guy have _any_ idea what he's talking about?23:03
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asalkeldsuper sucky web site23:09
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zanebasalkeld: it sure is23:21
asalkeldoftc any one?23:23
zanebasalkeld: who/what is there?23:24
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asalkeldwe are moving from freenode23:24
asalkeldto OFTC23:24
asalkeldcome on get with the times;)23:24
asalkeldall the dos attacks on freenode me thinks23:24
zanebI just removed OFTC from my favourites list23:24
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zanebhaven't actually seen anyone in the #matahari room in years23:25
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asalkeldyeah I still had that23:25
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