Thursday, 2013-12-12

openstackgerritRandall Burt proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add nested resource references to resource group
zanebasalkeld: yeah, I'm going to squash some of them. wanted feedback first, because I have a magic script for reformatting that stuff, but it relies on each class being in its own patch00:23
zanebonce the squashing starts, it's all manual from there out :D00:23
asalkeldzaneb, it might be ok00:23
asalkeldbut don't make a huge series00:23
asalkeldif possible00:24
asalkeldif they are all leaves, it does make them easier for you to manage00:24
asalkelda b-gillion branches - but so what00:24
asalkeldswell we don't have "resource_types" in the client00:31
asalkeldzaneb, ^00:32
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stevebakerasalkeld: I think you just volunteered :)00:42
asalkeldyip, I'll add it00:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1260130 in python-heatclient "resource_types is not supported in the client" [High,Confirmed]00:43
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Fix missing policy enforcement in CFN API
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openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Add support for resource_types
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openstackgerritJun Jie Nan proposed a change to openstack/heat: Enables db2 server disconnects to be handled pessimistically
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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/heat: Imported Translations from Transifex
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AlienyygHi all: I have struggled with autoscaling for serveral days, I successfully create the stack, but after I stress the vm , nothing happens, one more instance should be launched. I don't know where went wrong, so I paste my template here ,can anyone help me ?07:38
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skraynev_morning all)07:42
Alienyygshardy: most of the autoscaling on internet are done with ec2loadbalancer and cfn tool, can you provide some template that do autoscaling  with neutron ?07:43
Alienyyg<skraynev_> ,morning07:43
Alienyyg<skraynev_> can you spend some time and take a look at my template? I don't know where went wrong, and I need to finish auto scaling in a few days for a simple demo07:45
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skraynev_Alienyyg: of course, I will try ;)07:46
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Alienyyg <skraynev_>
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skraynev_Alienyyg: firstly, could you give some information about your stress test?07:48
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skraynev_I mean: What did you use and time period of influence?07:49
Alienyyg<skraynev_> I install stress on the guest vm and do stress -m 3 --vm-hang 12007:49
skraynev_Alienyyg: hmmm. And how long did you wait after that?07:51
Alienyyg<skraynev_> a long time , more than half an hour07:52
skraynev_Alienyyg: wow!07:52
Alienyyg<skraynev_> and I keep stress ti07:52
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skraynev_Alienyyg: ok, did you check that memory usage really crossed the threshold?07:53
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Alienyyg<skraynev_> more than 90% in the guest vm07:54
Alienyyg<skraynev_>I ssh into the vm and got this via free07:54
skraynev_Alienyyg: for more detail information I prefer use 'top'07:55
skraynev_Alienyyg: but it doesn't matter now07:55
Alienyyg<skraynev_> you are right, top is more accurate07:56
Alienyyg<skraynev_> I got some strange things,07:57
skraynev_Alienyyg: wait) I have a good guess07:57
Alienyyg<skraynev_> the memeory goes down after 3s via top, but the free still got a very high usage07:58
openstackgerritRyo Miki proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add OS::Neutron::RouterL3Agent for
Alienyyg<skraynev_> I think this is the process for malloc,07:59
Alienyyg<skraynev_> what do you get ?08:00
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skraynev_Alienyyg: try sort list of process using: shift+M08:00
skraynev_Alienyyg; it's about your strange results08:00
Alienyyg<skraynev_> yeah , that it08:01
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skraynev_Alienyyg: memory still goes down?08:02
Alienyyg<skraynev_> no08:02
Alienyyg<skraynev_> very high08:03
skraynev_Alienyyg: fuh. it's good.08:03
Alienyyg<skraynev_> I think there are two step, first ,the alarm should get the monitor information , second ,the autoscaling policy create a new instance, how can I know if the alarm got the monitor information??08:05
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skraynev_Alienyyg: Did you check, that ceilometer send correct alarm? I mean, that after enable stress, it sent message08:06
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skraynev_As far I remeber you have used RDO deployment. Is it right?08:07
Alienyygi find nothing in alarm-notifier.log08:08
skraynev_So, try check logs ...08:08
Alienyyg<skraynev_>and the inform in alarm-evaluator.log   is INFO ceilometer.alarm.service [-] initiating evaluation cycle on 2 alarms ,nothing else08:09
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skraynev_Alienyyg: At now I see two variant: 1. check, that alarm in ceilometer was created. 2. Get from redhat guys some information about ceilometer in RDO08:12
skraynev_because unfortunately I have not had working experience with RDO deployment08:13
Alienyyg<skraynev_>I can see the two alarm via  ceilometer alarm-list ,but their state are  insufficient data08:14
skraynev_according your logs information, I could guess, that problem with alarm system. That is all.08:14
Alienyyg<skraynev_> thanks you very much,you remind me again08:19
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skraynev_Alienyyg: I have had short talk with gues who is familiar with ceilometer08:22
skraynev_so thay have said, that your problem may be related with ceilometer timer options.08:23
Alienyyg<skraynev_> what is that?08:24
skraynev_because in default state ceilometer collect data every 6 min08:24
skraynev_anyway this time bigger than time is used in autoscaling08:25
skraynev_they recommend look at  file etc / ceilometer / pipeline.yaml08:25
skraynev_and set parameter interval to 30 sec.08:27
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skraynev_interval: 60008:29
skraynev_- > interval: 30, and than restart ceilometer services08:29
Alienyyg<skraynev_> I have finish this, and wait for the miracle...08:30
skraynev_Alienyyg: I hope, that it will help you)))08:31
skraynev_Alienyyg: to increase the chance you could close your eyes and pray ))))08:32
skraynev_Alienyyg: I am kidding ;)08:32
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skraynev_hello, therve08:35
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Alienyyg<skraynev_>but  nothing happens again :(08:39
skraynev_Alienyyg. ehh. what about log message?08:39
Alienyyg<skraynev_> just the same as it was before08:42
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openstackgerritRyo Miki proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add OS::Neutron::RouterL3Agent for
Alienyyg<skraynev_> I chave paste the four log file in
skraynev_hi, shardy08:54
openstackgerritJun Jie Nan proposed a change to openstack/heat: Enables db2 server disconnects to be handled pessimistically
shardytherve: Hey, did the information I provided re the admin/trusts stuff make sense?08:59
shardytherve: Also wanted to draw your attention to dolphm's most recent response re oauth:09:00
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shardySo it sounds like we may be able to offer an OAuth access key alternative in due course09:00
therveshardy, Yep a lot! I just responded09:01
openstackgerritJun Jie Nan proposed a change to openstack/heat: Enables db2 server disconnects to be handled pessimistically
skraynev_Alienyyg: Is alarm state still  insufficient data?09:01
shardytherve: Cool.  Maybe we can start looking at what we can do to move the OAuth missing-pieces along, but I'm still not confident it's realistic for Icehouse09:01
therveshardy, Considering what happened in the past cycle with trusts, I think you may be right :)09:02
therveStill even if we haven't finished we can get the ball rolling09:02
therveThe oauth resource is a nice step as it doesn't touch core features09:02
shardyYeah, this stuff is *hard* and really time consuming, but hopefully we can just keep moving things in the right direction :)09:03
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Alienyyg<skraynev_> yeah09:07
Alienyyg<skraynev_> and seems the alarm can't get the monitor information09:07
openstackgerritJun Jie Nan proposed a change to openstack/heat: Enables db2 server disconnects to be handled pessimistically
skraynev_Alienyyg: try change debug level09:13
skraynev_Alienyyg:  for more detail information in logs09:14
Alienyyg<skraynev_> got the same log as
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1243249 in devstack "ERROR in ceilometer-alarm-evaluator  log after successful tempest run" [Undecided,Fix released]09:18
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openstackgerritJun Jie Nan proposed a change to openstack/heat: Enables db2 server disconnects to be handled pessimistically
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skraynev_Alienyyg: As far as I see for this bug there is no fix in ceilometer.09:34
therveshardy, It seems your patch got approved, too!09:36
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therveNow if the gate could land it...09:37
Alienyyg<skraynev_> so I have change the "OS::Ceilometer::Alarm "to AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm,and use the legacy way09:38
Alienyyg<skraynev_> have to , not have,miss input09:38
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skraynev_Alienyyg: so, it's terrible reality...09:40
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Alienyyg<skraynev_> one more question ,why "OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm" and  "OS::Ceilometer::Alarm" too? both exit? they are so similiar.09:43
Alienyyg<skraynev_> I think one of then is enough to do monitor things09:44
skraynev_Alienyyg: As far as I know it's different things09:46
skraynev_Alienyyg: "OS::Ceilometer::Alarm" - use Ceilometer, "OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm" - based on AWS CWAlarm09:47
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skraynev_Alienyyg: please look  this ./etc/heat/environment.d/default.yaml09:48
Alienyyg<skraynev_> I have modified this file09:48
Alienyyg<skraynev_>because the two resource are both for monitor09:49
skraynev_Alienyyg: Yes. They has same aims.09:49
skraynev_Alienyyg: but use different way for this09:50
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix asserttion of types
skraynev_Alienyyg: also in old openstack releases was appeared only CWAlarms09:50
Alienyyg<skraynev_> it is just for compatible to AWS?09:51
skraynev_Alienyyg: I am not sure... But I think so.09:52
shardyAlienyyg: Yes, we started with the AWS-compatible cloudwatch resource, which used an internal (to heat) metric store09:53
shardyThen more recently asalkeld implemented a provider template which does the same thing, via ceilometer09:53
shardythe default in default.yaml is still the old implementation09:53
shardyeventually we'd like to remove all of the metric-store stuff from Heat and only rely on ceilometer based alarm resources09:54
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Alienyyg<shardy> OK ,learn more, but just now, I have to set     "AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm" to "file:///etc/heat/templates/AWS_CloudWatch_Alarm.yaml",wish some guys will fix that bug:)09:59
shardyAlienyyg: What bug?10:00
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1243249 in devstack "ERROR in ceilometer-alarm-evaluator  log after successful tempest run" [Undecided,Fix released]10:01
shardyskraynev_: How is that impacting your usage of Heat?10:02
Alienyygshardy :
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1243249 in devstack "ERROR in ceilometer-alarm-evaluator  log after successful tempest run" [Undecided,Fix released]10:02
shardyAccording to that bug, it *is* fixed, so I'm unclear what remains to be fixed10:03
skraynev_shardy: He have tried launch autoscaling stack with Ceilometer alarms10:03
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skraynev_shardy: Bug is fixed for devstack, not for ceilometer.10:05
shardyskraynev_: It's marked invalid for ceilometer10:05
shardyMaybe there is a bug in the distribution you're using, so it's impacted by the same service-start ordering issue?10:06
shardyAre we talking about ceilometer from RDO?10:06
Alienyygshardy: yeah10:06
skraynev_shardy: yes10:07
shardyAlienyyg: Then please raise a bug at against RDO, and we can fix it :)10:07
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Alienyygshardy: OK, I will do it10:08
skraynev_shardy: cool solution))10:08
shardyAlienyyg: Please include as much detail as possible about how to reproduce your problem, and link the upstream bug you mentioned as the possible fix10:09
Alienyygshardy: got it10:09
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Change assertTrue(A in B) to assertIn(A, B)
lsmolashardy: hello10:14
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shardylsmola: hi10:16
lsmolashardy: I have a quick question10:17
lsmolashardy: where are the paremeter for heat-template saved?10:17
lsmolashardy: parameters10:17
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lsmolashardy: meaning after you stack-create10:18
shardylsmola: They are stored into the parameters column of the stack table in the DB, but heat.engine.parser.Stack10:19
openstackgerritJun Jie Nan proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix stack_get_by_name does not list embedded stack issue
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lsmolashardy: ok, thank you10:20
lsmolashardy: and is there a fix set of parameters? or you can define your own, that you later use in the template?10:21
shardyYou can define parameters in the template, and either pass the values directly when creating the stack (heat stack-create --parameters="...), or via an environment file, which can be global or specific to a stack10:22
lsmolashardy, excellent, thank you :-)10:22
lsmolashardy: great, thank you10:23
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shardypshchelo: Hi, question about your assertIsInstance patch11:13
pshcheloshardy: yes&11:13
shardySo the docs say that is python 2.7+, but the tests for py26 seem to work?11:13
pshcheloyes, IsInstance is added by testtools themselves11:14
shardyOk, cool11:14
pshcheloalong with Is, IsNone, In11:14
shardyMight be worth mentioning that in the commit for the avoidance of confusion, as python2.6 is why we did it like that11:14
pshchelook, will do11:15
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix asserttion of types
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shardyHey sdake, up early!12:11
sdakedidn't sleep well12:12
sdakemy bitcoin miner has made 4k usd in 11 days12:14
shardyYou'll be able to give up working at that rate ;)12:15
sdakethe downside is I lose a percentage of the network hash rate every 2 weeks12:16
sdakeso in 2 weeks, it makes less bitcoins12:16
sdakeeg, 3 months = its obsolete12:16
sdakefor example, when I got it it was making .48 bitcoins a day12:17
sdakenow it makes .37 bitcoins after 1 difficulty change12:17
sdakeand in a couple more weeks it will make .32 bitcoins12:17
sdakestill pretty sweet, my wife says i'm insufferable12:19
sdake"because I was right and she was wrong"12:19
denis_makogonhey, guys, my apologies, i skipped meeting yesterday due to some reasons, could some one review this BP, and can i get approve to remove ignored flake8/pep8 rule "import only modules"
sdakedenis_makogon try stevebaker in about 7-8 hours when he gets in12:21
denis_makogonsdake, thanks, i'll do that12:21
sdakeatm we don't have distributed blueprint approvals12:21
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sdakeshardy ^ pic of my printing press12:35
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Alienyygshardy: I have raised this bug at :
uvirtbotAlienyyg: Error: Could not parse XML returned by HTTP Error 404: Not Found13:21
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aignatovhi guys, I have a question about Cinder::VolumeAttachement resource, is properties of this resource are the same like in the cli "nova attach-volume <server> <vloume> <device>"?13:41
aignatovwhere <device> parameter in nova is "mountpoint" of VolumeAttachement resource?13:42
aignatovam I correct?13:42
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix comparison with singletons
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix comparison with singletons
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sdakecat fight out front13:56
sdakethose cats were pissed!13:56
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openstackgerritJun Jie Nan proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix stack_get_by_name does not list embedded stack issue
openstackgerritJay Lau proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Enable deleting multiple stacks with single call
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openstackgerritLiang Chen proposed a change to openstack/heat: Marconi message queue resource implementation
openstackgerritLiang Chen proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add marconi client
zanebaignatov: you're correct. 'device' is called 'mountpoint' in the cinder API I believe; I wasn't aware that the nova CLI calls it 'device' :(14:35
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aignatovok, I've already filed the bug
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1260345 in heat "OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment does not support "auto" value for mountpoint" [Undecided,New]14:36
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert Instance to new Schema format
zaneblet the madness commence :)15:44
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grncdrDoes anybody know of a way to wait for a particular service to come up on a VM in a Heat Template?15:47
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thervegrncdr, WaitConditions15:48
grncdrdo WaitConditions support port checks of any sort?15:48
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grncdror do I just have to set a generous timeout and hope for the best?15:48
sdake_port checks?15:48
grncdrwhat I really want is to say "when the service on port 3389 starts accepting connections"15:49
therveWell that's not how it works15:49
grncdryeah, I didn't think it was15:49
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert [Cinder]Volume to new Schema format
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert [Cinder]VolumeAttachment to new Schema format
therveWaitConditions are generic URLs in Heat that you call when you want things to progress15:49
grncdrwhich is why I was asking if there *is* something that works like that15:49
therveYou need to do the port checking yourself15:50
sdake_you could us esome scripting before the wait condition in the user data15:50
grncdrhm, so if I understand correctly, a waitcondition has a unique URL, and I can notify heat of completion by making some sort of request to that URL15:51
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert Server to new Schema format
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grncdrwell, I can make that work, but with my particular use case it doesn't really improve things beyond just waiting for CREATE_COMPLETE and doing the port checks myself.15:54
therveIt means you can make other resources rely on that, though15:54
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grncdrright, I'm not saying it's not useful, just that it doesn't really help me15:54
openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed a change to openstack/heat: Added session_persistence property to VIP
grncdrall I'm looking for is a way to say "are all the services I need in this stack running" before considering it "ready"15:55
sdake_do the port checks in the userdata by writing your own port checking scripts15:55
sdake_ideally we would have a resource you could embed that would do that for you though15:55
sdake_seems like a valid use case15:56
grncdrthat's what I was going to ask next15:56
grncdrI might be able to create it15:56
grncdrwould modelling it after the existing WaitCondition be a good place to start?15:56
sdake_start with a blueprint15:56
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: tests: Don't access properties_schema directly
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert Ceilometer Alarms to new Schema format
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openstackgerritRandall Burt proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add nested resource references to resource group
grncdrdoes that description make sense?16:06
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zanebsdake_, grncdr: isn't that systemd's job?16:17
grncdrzaneb: maybe?16:18
grncdrmy use case might be a bit weird/unique16:18
grncdrin this app, content creators create their stack definitions using a custom UI, then users launch instances of those stacks16:19
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grncdrthe users then access the stacks over ssh/rdp/vnc in the browser16:20
zanebgrncdr: can you not poll the status (from systemd or whatever) in your user_data script and then trigger the WaitCondition when it's ready16:20
grncdryes, I can, but I'm not as happy with that as I then need to write user_data scripts that work on arbitrary images16:20
grncdrincluding windows, centos, fedora, ubuntu etc.16:21
grncdrwin2k3 2k8 2k12 ...16:21
zanebah, right16:21
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grncdrnot to mention that we intend to allow content creators to upload their own images at some point in the future16:21
grncdrit's way simpler to just have something external try and connect to the port and see if it works16:22
therveIt's one indication, but it doesn't really tell you if the service is ready16:22
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert Autoscaling resources to new Schema format
grncdrit's a much better indication then what I have now (which is the VM goes to CREATE_COMPLETE state)16:23
grncdralso, it's a very poorly behaved service that begins accepting connections before it's ready to do something with them16:24
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert Autoscaling resources to new Schema format
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sdakezaneb I am not sure if systemd can check a port16:25
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zanebdepends how well-integrated your app is with systemd, I think16:29
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert User resources to new Schema format
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert Swift resources to new Schema format
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert resources to new Schema format
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix misused assertTrue in unit tests
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert AWS network resources to new Schema format
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert Neutron resources to new Schema format
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert OSDBInstance to new Schema format
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jasondwow, 84 reviews in the queue17:15
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: rackspace: Convert Scaling resources to new Schema format
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randallburtjasond:  yeah, but its mostly zaneb now ;)17:18
randallburtgood news is those are easy to review :D17:19
zanebheh, not all of them ;)17:19
zanebI had 62 patches though, lucky for y'all I am squashing a lot of them ;)17:19
randallburtyeah. had to be done though. thanks for taking that on, not a fun task I'm sure.17:19
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert Rackspace CloudLoadBalancer to new Schema format
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openstackgerritBartosz Górski proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add an external gateway property to neutron router
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zanebrandallburt: well, I wrote a script to do them. so actually it was a lot of fun ;)17:43
randallburtzaneb:  smart.17:43
zanebthe manual tidy-up at the end, not as much fun17:43
zanebbut it wasn't too bad17:44
zanebI have no complaints17:44
openstackgerritBartosz Górski proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add an external gateway property to neutron router
openstackgerritPablo Andres Fuente proposed a change to openstack/heat: OS::Neutron::Router needs property 'tenant_id'
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: rackspace: Convert resources to new Schema format
openstackgerritBartosz Górski proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add an external gateway property to neutron router
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: rackspace: Convert CloudLoadBalancer to new Schema format
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert Neutron resources to new Schema format
zanebI think that's the lot :)17:59
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skraynev_zaneb: Great work!)))18:00
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zaneb40% failure rate on gate tests so far18:03
zaneblooks like we're a long way from achieving stability still18:04
SpamapS40% is armageddon18:04
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SpamapSthe neverending stooooooorrrryy... it goes on and on and on18:05
zanebSpamapS: that's out of 10 that have completed so far too... so you might as well flip a coin18:05
skraynev_zaneb: 42% - it will be better than 40%. Like as a question of all life)))18:07
openstackgerritPablo Andres Fuente proposed a change to openstack/heat: WaitCondition Count property is now updatable
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SpamapSshardy: <-- can we just do a change to get the sphinx doc first, and then pull in the hacking upgrade once we've addressed the new pep8 fails?18:14
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SpamapSin fact, let me JFDI18:15
SpamapSwait n/m .. looking at old e-mails18:16
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shardySpamapS: I started doing that and it looks like we already have it18:33
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shardySpamapS: So we just need to fix up the pep stuff so we can merge the hacking update next time jenkins rebases and proposes a change18:34
shardyI didn't spot that earlier when I sent the ML message18:35
shardymorning stevebaker18:35
SpamapSshardy: ok, yeah I was like "oh what? I thought we approved that!"18:37
shardySpamapS: Yeah, my bad, apologies18:39
denis_makogonstevebaker, thanks for approved blueprint18:42
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denis_makogonstevebaker, would it be better to start with enabling "import only modules" ?18:44
stevebakerdenis_makogon: maybe H30618:46
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stevebakerAs I said in the blueprint, many of those ignored rules will be there for reasons other than "we haven't go around to enabling that yet"18:47
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SpamapSstevebaker: IMO we should document/reference those reasons in tox.ini so we don't have to go round and round with "why"18:50
stevebakerSpamapS: +118:53
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jpeelerhow does this review pass the python26 gate, given it's using a 2.7 feature?19:12
stevebakerjpeeler: because we're using testtools?19:14
jpeelerah right19:17
zanebjpeeler: yeah, shardy already asked him to mention that in the commit message19:22
zanebI hate that testtools reimplements half of unittest2, differently19:22
zanebit's impossible to know what is and isn't supported without going hunting19:23
zanebstevebaker: ship it?19:23
openstackgerritBartosz Górski proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add an external gateway property to neutron router
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SpamapSzaneb: your hatred makes you strong. Use the dark side!19:33
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openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed a change to openstack/heat: Necessary pep8 fix: assertEquals -> assertEqual
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Deny API requests where context doesn't match path
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openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Validate number of instance metadata entries
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openstackgerritPablo Andres Fuente proposed a change to openstack/heat: WaitCondition Count property is now updatable
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openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Validate number of instance metadata entries
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix misused assertTrue in unit tests
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stevebakerasalkeld: could you take a look at my reply to ?21:28
asalkeldo, sure21:29
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asalkeldso, stevebaker there was another review as well where I suggested something simerlar21:31
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asalkeldto me if the conversion can be done in a property that would be more user friendly21:32
openstackgerritTim Schnell proposed a change to openstack/heat: Adds parameter_groups to HOT specification.
asalkeldelse you have layers of functions21:32
asalkeldan option is a special type on the property so you can override the behaviour21:33
stevebakerso that doesn't match my current use-case, which is getting cloud-config into the user_data property21:33
stevebakerif there was a yaml_string property, and that mapped to a yaml_string parameter, then that could be used for a ansible/saltstack SoftwareConfig resource provider21:34
stevebakerbut even then, it might be easier to just use as_yaml_str inside the provider template21:35
asalkeldstevebaker, I really don't want to hold the patch up21:35
asalkeldI just want to make sure it's the right approach21:35
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Change assertTrue(A in B) to assertIn(A, B)
asalkeldhas anyone else reviewed?21:35
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asalkeldzaneb, shardy?21:36
asalkeldSpamapS, ?21:36
zanebI'm awake!21:36
asalkeldguys have a quick loook at stevebaker 's patch21:36
stevebakerintrinsic functions to aid building cloud-init config,n,z21:36
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asalkeldso my question was "can/should this be done with a special property"21:37
stevebakerI could have done them as resources, but it is just string manipulation so functions seem more appropriate21:37
asalkeldrather that intrinsic functions21:37
stevebakermy answer was that this will mostly be used in server user_data, which is just a string property21:38
SpamapSstevebaker: reading :)21:39
stevebakerThomas is worried about the proliferation of intrinsic functions in the hot spec - to which I would suggest not putting them "in the spec"21:40
SpamapSstevebaker: I love as_yaml_str .. is the precedent for calling strings 'str' in HOT btw? Would much prefer as_yaml_string if not.21:40
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix assertion of types in tests.
zanebstevebaker: for my part, I think we should encourage people to do this by including external files over adding more formatting functions21:41
stevebakerSpamapS: str_replace is the precedent :/21:41
SpamapSgot it21:41
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asalkeldlol -
zanebremember that time somebody asked dennis ritchie what he would have changed in UNIX if he did it over again, and he said he'd have put an 'e' on the end of 'creat()'?21:43
asalkeldok, i  off to take kids to school - brb21:43
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stevebakerzaneb: I'd like external files as well, but that as_yaml_str would still allow intrinsic functions to be evaluated in that file, if they preferred that to substituting via str_replace21:47
zanebI... don't think we should process intrinsic functions in external files21:48
stevebakerzaneb: in fact, a get_file inclusion mechanism is the very next thing I want to work on21:49
stevebakerzaneb: as_yaml_str will generally be used for snippets of cloud-config - in many cases that will be a hassle to maintain in separate files21:52
stevebakerthat cricket thing was funny21:58
asalkeldyeah, I'd watch that game21:59
asalkeld(I don't watch cricket)21:59
stevebakerwas that afrikaans or nonsense words?22:00
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asalkeldnot sure22:01
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asalkeldstevebaker, it would be neat if all string properties could take a string or one of those yaml things22:03
asalkeldactually maybe not22:04
asalkeldstevebaker, I am more infavour of yaml_str than mult_part_mime22:04
stevebakeras an aside, mult_part_mime could be extended to attempt to parse inputs as other mult_part_mimes, then just append them22:07
SpamapSposted comments22:08
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asalkeldSpamapS, also this one:
openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert numeric values in instance metadata to strings
SpamapSReading these two..22:09
SpamapSI just had a twitch somewhere in my head.. "Don't be PHP"22:09
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SpamapSProbably similar to what Thomas is worried about.22:10
stevebakerI have had the same though22:10
asalkeldyeah, I think we are all a bit hesitant here22:10
stevebakerI mean, I could make them resources again22:10
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asalkeldso we have mime, cloud-config, and others (puppet, ...)22:12
SpamapSa namespace keeps it a little more in control..22:12
asalkeldwe could have a files section22:12
asalkeldthat the ref does the conversion22:13
grncdris it possible to use waitconditionhandle's as outputs?22:13
grncdror does that even make sense?22:13
grncdralso, my stack seems to be completing even though it contains a wait condition & handle that are never signalled...22:13
asalkeldgrncdr, show us your template22:14
asalkeldpastebin / link22:14
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stevebakerasalkeld: yes, 2 resources, multipart and cloud-config22:15
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grncdrthere's a lot of stuff in there, the waitcondition and outputs are at the bottom22:16
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asalkeldoo, windows server22:16
stevebakerAnyway, I'm planning to write an epic mail to lay out the software config progress. I should probably write another one to talk about cloud-init config22:16
asalkeldgrncdr, DependsOn: {Ref: "bla..."}22:17
asalkeldgrncdr, DependsOn: "bla..."22:17
asalkeldline 11622:17
grncdrum, really?22:17
asalkeldgrncdr, let me double check22:18
grncdrsorry, it's just that I've been using DependsOn: "blah" in other places so it's news to me22:18
grncdrI'll double check the CFN docs as well22:18
SpamapSI've been bit by that too22:18
SpamapSit is a happy accident that it works IIRC22:18
grncdrI don't know how important compatibility is for you guys… but according to CFN docs it should always be strings (or a list of strings)22:19
grncdrwhich reminds me that I once hacked up a patch to support the list of strings (since it was blowing up with an exception)22:20
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grncdrI should find that again...22:20
asalkeldgrncdr, that is fine as is22:20
asalkeldsorry for the noise22:21
grncdrno worries22:21
grncdrany ideas on why the waitcondition doesn't seem to be doing anything?22:21
asalkeldso you are not referencing the handle in the server22:21
grncdrshould I be?22:21
grncdrI basically want the wait condition to prevent the stack from being complete before an external system hits the signal API22:22
asalkeldI see22:22
grncdryeah, it's kind of a mess22:22
asalkeldbut then make the server DependOn the handle22:23
grncdrso the server depends on the handle, and the condition depends on the server?22:23
grncdrI feel like I'm doing things opposite to the usual way this is used22:24
openstackgerritJun Jie Nan proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix stack_get_by_name does not list nested stack issue
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asalkeldyou want a dep order of: {server, waitcond} -> handle22:25
openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed a change to openstack/heat: pep8 fix: assertEquals -> assertEqual
openstackgerritJay Lau proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Enable deleting multiple stacks with single call
grncdrso the waitcond depends on the handle implicitly, but the server needs to do it explicitly…22:26
asalkeldthat is explicit22:26
grncdrI might be misunderstanding, but the handle is supposed to be signalled after the server is up and running. If the server depends on the server, isn't that circular?22:26
grncdrer, if the server depends on the handle22:27
asalkeldthe handle depends on nothing22:27
asalkeldso it is made first22:27
asalkeldthen the server depends on the handle22:27
asalkeldand the waitcond depends on the handle22:27
asalkeldso these are made in parallel22:28
asalkeldat some point, someone PUT's to the waitcondhandle url22:28
asalkeldand in the mean time the waitcond. sits there reading the handle's metadata to see if it has been hit22:29
openstackgerritTim Schnell proposed a change to openstack/heat: Updates template_validate call to validate parameter_groups.
grncdrhm, that makes sense, but why does the server need to depend on the handle?22:32
grncdrshouldn't the condition depending on it be enough?22:32
asalkeldgrncdr, if you are PUT'ing the signal from extenally , and the server is not really involved - then yes forget the server22:33
asalkeldthe issue is then getting the url into your output22:34
grncdrinterestingly, making the server depend on the handle caused a failure22:35
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grncdrthe WaitConditionHandle failed with a 40322:35
asalkeldgrncdr, when you posted to it?22:35
grncdryeah, that's what it shows in heat stack-show22:36
grncdra 403 that says admin_required22:36
grncdris that normal? that my user account would have to be an admin to create a waitconditionhandle? (this is on Grizzly btw)22:36
asalkeldit needs to create a user22:36
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asalkeldsuper sucky, but been worked on22:37
grncdrbeen or being?22:37
asalkeldlike currently22:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1089261 in heat "Avoid needing admin role for stack create/delete" [High,Triaged]22:37
asalkeldit is not a nice problem22:37
asalkeldthat needs admin ^22:38
asalkeldwe need to make an unprivileged user (we don't want the keypair associated with the enduser)22:40
grncdrah I see22:41
grncdrhm, let me back up to earlier today, when I created this blueprint:
grncdrsince it describes what I'm actually trying to accomplish22:41
asalkeldmmm, not a bad idea22:42
grncdrit seems that the above could be done without requiring the creation of a user, since the checking does not require any authorization and would happen internal to heat22:42
grncdrso no need to generate a signed URL22:42
asalkeldand you can make sure to start X service last22:43
asalkeldor even make it a bit like a loadbalacer22:43
asalkeldso it can check content22:43
grncdrI'm honestly not even concerned about that22:43
grncdras far as I'm concerned, if your service accepts a connection before it's ready, that's bad behaviour22:44
grncdrif the port is accepting connections, then other things can proceed22:44
asalkeldnice idea tho'22:44
asalkeldso when is it going to be done?22:44
grncdrwhen somebody approves the blueprint?22:45
grncdrcool, my only other issue is that I am (for better or worse) deploying on Grizzly22:45
asalkeldnot really an issue22:45
grncdrthough I might be able to use this as further motivation to at least upgrade to Havana22:45
asalkeldwell as long as you can put the new resource in place22:46
asalkeldshould be ok22:46
asalkeldgrncdr, if you need help let me know22:48
grncdrI will, I assume I should just start a branch and eventually push it up to gerrit?22:49
grncdrI've made one trivial patch in Heat before, so I think I remember the process22:49
grncdrat least, I found it before, so I can find it again22:49
asalkeldalso as soon as it works put, it up to gerrit and mark it "work in progress"22:51
asalkeldso we can have a look22:51
grncdrok, should be not too long22:58
asalkeldgrncdr, something like that ^?22:59
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grncdrthat's pretty much exactly what I was doing23:02
asalkeldso will this work in a update?23:02
asalkeldthe port will just be up23:02
asalkeldso it won't help to see if software has been updated23:02
asalkeldbut maybe that is a seperate issue23:03
grncdrhm, to be honest I've never used update23:03
grncdrso I'm not sure what the concern is exactly23:03
asalkeldso a waitcond, could be run from the metadata23:03
asalkeldso when updated you get the same wait23:04
asalkeldbut, I think this has it's own advantages23:04
asalkeldso don't worry23:04
grncdryeah, I think it's a separate enough use case23:04
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asalkeldstevebaker, nice idea here ^ ,
grncdrI don't think I understand your last two points under disadvantages23:11
grncdrI don't know what you're comparing it against? a waitcondition?23:12
asalkeldwell, the port might be open, but some part of your setup has failed23:12
stevebakerhmm, what if you want security_group/firewall rules that would otherwise block heat-engine from polling the port?23:12
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asalkeldstevebaker, it's your problem to open them23:13
stevebakerthat might encourage overly liberal access rules, since the IP of heat-engine might be hard to discover23:14
stevebakerschool holidays start now, off to get the kids23:15
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zanebok, bugzilla busy-work complete >:|23:55
zaneby'all, I am out tomorrow. Gonna try and find a place to live. See you Monday23:55
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randallburtzaneb:  good luck!23:59
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SpamapSzaneb: I hear it's fun to stay at the YMCA23:59

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