Tuesday, 2017-02-07

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jimbakerantonym, please try this setup. i tried to reproduce your setup, but i'm still only getting one host when i query for the hosts matching os:debian05:10
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sulo_jimbaker: i see that its working for you ?10:39
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sulois what cloudnull is talking about15:43
cloudnulldo we have a specs repo you want me to put thing in ?15:57
sulocloudnull: https://github.com/openstack/craton/tree/master/doc/source/specs15:58
jimbakersulo, cloudnull - so i see in this picture the potential for a given device to be shared by cloud; region; cell15:59
cloudnullwould you want the top level environment db model added there ?15:59
jimbakerfrom a model refactoring aspect, this should be straightforward15:59
jimbakerand similar to how we earlier modeled labels before we made them much simpler15:59
jimbakerincluding possible variable overrides; and how they can disambiguate if there is a conflict16:00
jimbakercloudnull, so what's the difference between environment and project?16:00
sulojimbaker: it seems like env=project as long as we can support multiple cloud ?16:01
jimbakerthat would be my assumption16:01
sulojimbaker: cloudnull: i think that is fairly simple modification on our part ..16:02
jimbakersulo, basically we would like something that doesn't share anything16:02
jimbakerand that's what we have been modeling as project16:03
suloright, the shared resouce thing is differnt16:03
cloudnulljimbaker: essentially: customer>cloud>...16:03
cloudnulli used the word environment16:03
jimbakerok, so if we can agree that it's project :)16:03
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jimbakerwe are good16:03
cloudnullproject > cloud > ...16:04
jimbakerand make project be what is necessary. but again, no cross project sharing16:04
jimbakergot to dupe at that point16:04
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sulojimbaker: its the same, we need cloud to be the top level rather than region16:04
cloudnullsharing between regions within a given cloud would be nice to have.16:04
jimbakercloudnull, and that's what we will work out16:05
jimbakerfortunately the REST API, and out doesn't care about sharing16:05
jimbakersulo, glad we stuck with that design decision of staying flat!16:06
cloudnulljimbaker: if we are implementing a HATEOS rest api then links and forward documents shouldn't be too much of a ask .16:07
jimbakerfrom a GET perspective. POST/PUT will likely need some minor adjustment16:07
cloudnullmost of that can happen in the app.16:07
cloudnullit doesn't need to be part of the model16:07
cloudnullbesides the foreign key that is ,16:08
cloudnullassuming we stay with normalized data in sql16:08
jimbakercloudnull, it is normalized, and will stay that way (with some minor duplication to simplify hierarchy lookups)16:09
cloudnullcool. so then assuming you can work out the ORM, creating a relation between objects should be fairly straight forward.16:10
jimbakerso in particular, the relevant change here will be that we will have an association table to link regions to devices, vs a simple parent -> child relationship in a single ID as it is today16:10
jimbakercloudnull, yep16:10
jimbakersqlalchemy is pretty good here16:10
jimbakerand i know it composes with the other aspects, namely variables, because the old label system had a similar schema16:11
jimbakerbefore we simplified it16:11
cloudnullgreat, sounds like a start.16:11
jimbakerdefinitely. and i'm glad we had this discussion, because this relaxation is a valid use case, and not just in rackspace16:12
jimbakerok, i will add a bug, and we will expand that out accordingly16:13
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1662574 in craton "Support device sharing between clouds, regions, and cells" [Undecided,New]16:20
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sulojimbaker: we should separete out the "adding cloud as top level resource" to a separete bug and this can follow that16:21
jimbakersulo, yep, adding that bug this moment...16:22
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jimbakersulo, my assumption is that workflows can be shared across a project16:23
jimbakersame with users16:23
jimbakerso a workflow could apply to multiple clouds16:24
jimbakerbut that's something we will work out more as we get back to workflows16:24
openstackLaunchpad bug 1662576 in craton "Support multiple clouds in a given project" [Undecided,New]16:24
thomasemAny particular reason we're using bugs over BPs for this?16:33
jimbakerthomasem, I expect to use BPs to actually address solutions here16:34
thomasemOh, gotcha16:34
thomasemAnd are we actually going for HATEOAS?16:35
thomasemSaw cloudnull's comment16:35
jimbakerbug (or feature req) -> blueprint -> spec -> code16:35
thomasemjimbaker: ahhhhh, okay. I see. I thought BP was for feature request.16:36
jimbakerHATEOAS? i don't know... i'm vaguely aware of this architectural pattern, but i don't know implications for craton16:37
thomasemcloudnull: mind elaborating on that ask?16:37
cloudnullwe're building a rest api right ?16:37
cloudnullfrom the Roy Fielding spec16:38
jimbakersure, but HATEOAS is about discoverability16:38
jimbakerinterestingly, the python client does bring this into play16:39
cloudnulldevice is plugged into host it'd be nice if that link was discoverable16:39
cloudnullnot to say that we have to do this16:39
jimbakercloudnull, sure, that richness is provided16:40
cloudnullby what?16:40
jimbakeror will be when sulo finishes up the container support16:40
jimbakerdevice parent_id, and corresponding links16:40
sulowe are (review pending) doing this already for pagination, and i am more to it for parent/child relation16:40
jimbakerbut HATEOAS goes a few steps further16:40
cloudnullit does16:41
thomasemYou'd hit root and get machine-friendly navigation and discoverability for the rest of the API, and so on16:41
jimbakeranyway, it's worth discussing further16:41
jimbakergiven the client is going this direction, maybe it should be further supported in the REST API. certainly can be composed in16:42
jimbakerby adding to response bodies16:42
cloudnulllink formats in json are a point of contention16:42
cloudnullbut it could be done16:42
sulojimbaker: cloudnull: we are already adding suport for it for pagination and i am adding to it for parent child relation16:43
sulotalking purely about links16:43
jimbakerthe other question is, should this be added in for openstack more generally16:43
thomasemSo, we probably want a bug to assess the extent to which we implement HATEOAS (or will) already, and generating work to shore up the rest, if we decide in the course of that that it's something we want in Craton.16:43
sulonot sure what else HATEOAS constitutes16:43
thomasemAs a part of the API WG?16:43
jimbakeryes, such as https://review.openstack.org/#/c/390973/16:43
jimbakerwhere we look at pagination specifically and try to help API WG standardize16:44
thomasemI could ask Everett and others about what discussions they may have had around it.16:44
jimbakerthomasem, +116:44
suloits already defined here: https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/guidelines/links.html16:45
thomasemI suggested HATEOAS for Carina when we were first developing it, but it turned out to be overkill.16:45
suloand http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-hypermedia.html16:45
jimbakertwo different approaches16:46
jimbakerone to documentation, the other machine readable16:46
jimbakeralthough possibly the docs are machine readable too16:46
jimbakerbut the swagger efforts that the API WG did, didn't work out16:46
thomasemHeh, don't get me started on Swagger. :(16:47
thomasemI used to have a full head of hair.16:47
jimbakeranyway, i would like to suggest that HATEOAS could be worthwhile for us to do; but it's not an immediate priority16:48
thomasemCool. For context, I brought it up because I didn't want to lose the ask in the flurry of other issues going around. :P16:52
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thomasemThis one's cleaned up and ready to go: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/42777716:58
jimbakerthomasem, vidyo meeting in craton room17:02
thomasemomw Vidyo troubles :\17:02
antonymjimbaker: yeah, your repro works as expected... guess i'll poke around some more, thanks for looking at it17:06
antonymcould that vars query show the available variables on the return so you don't have to make another call to the host to get those variables?17:15
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suloantonym: you mean on ?vars=a:b return host with its vars ?17:22
suloah i thought it was alreday that but looks like not17:22
antonymjust so i don't have to make a double call17:22
antonymright now it just returns without vars17:23
antonymi need to go figure out why vars wasn't working in my env, it's clearly working on that repro17:23
antonymi also set it all up manually outside of docker too17:23
suloantonym: ill create a bug for it17:24
sulothat should be hopefully quick fix17:24
antonymcool, thanks17:24
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jimbakergot it, good to clarify what the vars search query does17:55
jimbakerso antonym, if you use the python client, it does this automatically for you17:56
jimbakerthe assumption had been that variables could be expensive to return as details for a large host collection, so were doing this on demand17:56
jimbakerbut a natural thing that can be done is to add a query param on v1/hosts for the details (so something like ?...&details=true or whatever)17:57
jimbakersulo, ^^^17:57
jimbakerbasically treat in a similar fashion as say ?...&resolved=true17:58
sulojimbaker: +118:23
jimbakersulo, when we add namespace support, we can also push the namespace filtering into this query as well. natural extension18:24
jimbakermaybe it would be a specification of details? TBD18:25
jimbakersulo, what if we say ?...&details=all18:25
sulovs details= ??18:25
jimbakervs details=true18:26
suloyou thinking ther can be other params to details18:26
jimbakerexactly, such as the specific namespaces to be imported18:26
suloyeah i mean its the same as saying details=true18:26
sulosounds good to me18:26
suloPriority issues:18:27
openstackLaunchpad bug 1662496 in craton "Host response is missing parent_id property" [High,New] - Assigned to Sulochan Acharya (sulochan-acharya)18:27
openstackLaunchpad bug 1662574 in craton "Support device sharing between clouds, regions, and cells" [Undecided,New]18:27
openstackLaunchpad bug 1662576 in craton "Support multiple clouds in a given project" [Undecided,New]18:27
openstackLaunchpad bug 1662614 in craton "Allow search by parent_id filter to retrieve all child devices" [Undecided,New]18:27
openstackLaunchpad bug 1662618 in craton "Allow getting vars in list query result with details=true" [Undecided,New]18:27
suloafk for now .. will create more issue later18:28
jimbakerand the various CLI issues18:29
jimbakerbut those are easy18:29
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thomasemAssigned myself to https://bugs.launchpad.net/craton/+bug/166257619:40
openstackLaunchpad bug 1662576 in craton "Support multiple clouds in a given project" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Thomas Maddox (thomas-maddox)19:40
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Syed__jimbaker: hi20:17
Syed__if you get some time kindly look some of the patches i put into review20:17
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