Thursday, 2021-10-21

opendevreviewzitoun proposed openstack/cloudkitty master: Adding two options in keystone_fetcher to filter which tenants should be billed. ignore_disabled_tenants (Default=False) ignore_rating_role (Default=False)
opendevreviewzitoun proposed openstack/cloudkitty master: Adding two options in keystone_fetcher to filter which tenants should be billed. ignore_disabled_tenants (Default=False) ignore_rating_role (Default=False)
jonheri saw the notes from the etherpad, i didn't see the meeting in time, but i think cloudkitty is a bit hard to get started with, it needs some better docs and preferrably a stable backend that does not require an enterprise license of influx17:24
jonherthere was also a publiccloud-billing initiative group back in 2019: speaking of some of the challenges in making billing work17:25
jonheri'm guessing some of you are familiar with that, but some might not be17:25

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