Friday, 2019-10-18

openstackgerritLuka Peschke proposed openstack/cloudkitty-specs master: Spec: Optimize driver loading in v2 API
openstackgerritLuka Peschke proposed openstack/cloudkitty master: Load drivers only once in the v2 API
openstackgerritLuka Peschke proposed openstack/cloudkitty master: Add developer documentation about fetcher implementation
jferrieuvishal: hi,08:19
jferrieuCloudKitty can be used to rate metric data coming from different services such as Gnocchi, Monasca or Prometheus. If you want to use CK to rate network use per se, you must have a metric representing e.g. network bandwidth consumption or else collected by one of these services. Then, through its collect module CK will rate the metric based on rules and a collect period defined in the configuration.08:19
jferrieuvishal: You can find examples of pyscripts usage here:
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jferrieuvishal: You can report any bugs you encounter on the storyboards dedicated to each project such as!/project/openstack/cloudkitty-dashboard for cloudkitty-dashboard09:03
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vishalmanchandajferrieu: I have created network.incoming.bytes.rate/network.outgoing.bytes.rate metric using hashmap module and create service mapping for both with some rates. Is it right?10:26
vishalmanchandaAs they are not visible in Reporting graph panel but other metrics like instance, image.size, ip.floating is visible.10:28
vishalmanchandaIs there any way I can change  color for diff. metrics like instance, image.size, floating.ip and volume.size in the graph.10:32
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jferrieuvishalmanchanda: Yes it is right to have set some hashmap mappings, but maybe you forgot to configure your metrics.yml properly to bind the metrics from your metric collector service to CloudKitty.12:37
jferrieuvishalmanchanda: Here is some documentation about metrics.yml configuration file:
jferrieuIndeed, it is necessary to explicitly declare bindings for the metrics between CK and your metric collector service through the metrics.yml file (usual path is: /etc/cloudkitty/metrics.yml)12:40
jferrieuThere is no indicated way to change the colors in the graph, sorry.12:49
vishalmanchandabut in this video there are different colors for different metrics.12:55
vishalmanchandahow can i do the same.12:55
vishalmanchandasorry for asking too many questions!12:56
peschk_lhi vishalmachanda, this video is a bit old. But even now, you'll have one color per metric. If you have only one color, it probably means that you are rating a single metric12:57
vishalmanchandapeschk_l: yeah the color  code for diff metrics is diff yet all of them are blue.13:02
vishalmanchandapeschk_l: Can't i use diff colors for diff metrics.13:02
peschk_lvishalmanchanda: no, this is not configurable right now13:03
vishalmanchandajferrieu: peschk_l : My query about creating a metric to rate Network bandwidth consumption is still not clear to me as they are not visible in my graph summary. jferrieu said I have to configure metric for network in metrics.yml but i have not created any custom metric all i have used already defined metrics i.e. network.incoming.bytes.rate/network.outgoing.bytes.rate using this steps13:15
vishalmanchandaHorizon->Admin->>Rating->>Hashmap->>Create new service->>network.outgoing.bytes.rate->>>Service mapping->> create new mapping ->>Enter cost value.13:15
vishalmanchandaI don't Know what I have missed.13:16
jferrieuYou need to check a few things: Which metric collector service are you using ((Ceilometer+)Gnocchi /Monasca/Prometheus)? Depending on this, you must ensure that the metrics you want are indeed collected by your metric collector service. Thereafter you must declare a binding to it via the cloudkitty metrics.yml configuration file.13:36
vishalmanchandaI am using Ceilometer as a collector. Should I have to use others? I am using devstack to set my environment and this is my local.conf
vishalmanchandaIs this the reason for network metrics are not displaying?14:07
jferrieuThe Ceilometer devstack plugin uses Gnocchi by default as its storage backend so it seems fine on this side.14:35
jferrieuI suspect that maybe network related metrics collection is not enabled as a default by Ceilometer14:36
jferrieuyou need to check the metrics stored in Gnocchi (the Ceilometer storage backend) and see if network related metrics are exposed14:37
jferrieuyou can try `gnocchi metric list` with a CLI14:37
jferrieuand see if the metrics you want to rate are present14:37
vishalmanchandayeah I have checked the gnocchi metric list and both metrics are present there which I want to rate but have diff. a name like I has created metrics name network.outgoing.bytes.rate using CK but I when I run 'gnocchi metric list' command it shows network.outgoing.bytes15:09
vishalmanchandaIs that can be a problem.15:10
vishalmanchandaI have no idea about the gnocchi.15:10
jferrieuYes it can be a problem, as the bindings are name-based, names must therefore match15:17
jferrieuI would advise to adjust by updating your metrics.yml file to match the metric names shown by Gnocchi15:18
vishalmanchandaAfter updating my metrics.yml which service I have to restart?15:23
vishalmanchandaSo that it can sync.15:24
jferrieuIf you just modified configuration files linked to CloudKitty; you must restart the `cloudkitty-processor` service15:26

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