Monday, 2018-11-05

*** evrardjp_ is now known as evrardjp07:15
evrardjpgood morning07:16
peschk_lo/ evrardjp09:11
evrardjphow are things ?09:18
peschk_levrardjp: A lot of work, but it's looking good. We are planning about IRC meetings. I'll probably send a mail to openstack-dev tomorrow to annouce them. We'd like to have one before the summit.09:43
peschk_lA worklist concerning the focus on the community was created:!/worklist/49709:44
peschk_la patch for the upgrade-checks was also submitted but it's in standby for now, as there is a problem with translations. Shouldn't be much left to change09:46
peschk_lalso, the cloudkitty-specs repo was refreshed, and we'll try to use this repository as much as possible09:47
peschk_lI had a chat with the API workgroup and proposed a spec for the v2 API and for a documentation refactoring. I'd like to have at least one external review on those.
peschk_lwe'll try to organise an IRC meeting on friday, probably at 3PM UTC / 4PM CET to discuss all these topics09:50
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