Friday, 2017-09-01

*** tianqing has joined #cloudkitty09:53
tianqingthe storage rest api is very slow...09:54
tianqingIs there any methods?09:54
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*** prodriguez83 has joined #cloudkitty15:23
prodriguez83Hello, Wondering if anyone could point me in right direction. I had cloudkitty working as expected using low archive policy but as we only use gnocchi metrics for billing by instance hours I wanted to reduce storage usage. So I created a new archive policy with just sum and max with hourly points kept for 90 days. I updated nova to use that and that it working. However now cloudkitty desc within the DB only has 0 values for disk15:27
prodriguez83, vcpu,  memory, and cpu where as before it had the correct data in there. Is it not max aggreation that it uses for those metrics?15:27

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