Tuesday, 2016-08-30

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zhangguoqingI'm writing a article to introduce the cloudkitty in china at this week. This article include the cloudkitty architecture, user manual, how to develop, some future blueprints and some my expectations. I wish that this paper can attract more users and devlopers join us, which we can make cloudkitty better and mature. :)12:42
huatszhangguoqing: great !12:42
zhangguoqingthanks, come and go on.12:43
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kbhi ! I need some help to configure cloud kitty, i've installed devstack and cloudkitty on a ubuntu, but the example on hashmap rating doesn't work on my machine14:02
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huatsHi kb14:24
kbhi :)14:25
huatsWhich version of devstack and cloudkitty are you running ?14:25
huatsthe latest (from master) ?14:25
kbyes, i installed devstack 1 mouth ago, with unstack/stack updates devstack right ?14:25
huatshonnestly the unstack / stack mecanism is not perfect14:26
kbi've added the configuration to add cloudkitty in the devstack cloudkitty14:26
huatsand sometimes it breaks things14:26
kboh ok, maybe i should start again with a fresh install ?14:26
huatsI think it would be wiser14:26
huatsand if you have the same issue14:27
huatsplease let us know what is exactly the issue you have14:27
kbok, i start right now, the error was " http 400 Bad request" on a hashmap-mapping-create (example on hashmap features)14:28
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huatsplease let me know once the new devstack is running14:54
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kbit's solved the problem indeed ! thank you huats16:03
huatsno pb16:03
huatsif you have some questions/issues16:03
huatsyou know where to find us :)16:03
kbexactly :) i will not hesitate !16:04
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kbi'm a little bit confused, i want to charge each instance flavor at a different price, while applying a x% discount if the instance uptime is more than y hours (between 24h and 1 week > -10%, 1 week or more 15% for example). is it possible ? which field should i use ?19:12
huatskb: each instance flavor at a different price it is clearly possible19:47
huatsthe % you want to apply (depending on the uptime) is something that we have never tried (AFAIK) BUT it might be doable using the thresold in hashmap (to be verified)19:48
huatsI'll try to have a look but not today.19:49
huatsBut it is clearly a nice use-case that we never faced19:49
huatsaolwas: what do you think of it ?19:49
kbthank you for your reply, ceilometer gives us duration for a specific instance, link this duration in the process of hashmap (field to target duration, threshold for %) is the key i think21:36
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