Monday, 2020-12-14

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eoli3ni miss something, how to install classic web ui07:45
eoli3n(not ara-web)07:46
eoli3noh ok, i think web is / and api is /api07:57
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eoli3nwhen i run podman log i get "Listening at: (1)"08:13
eoli3nbut then nc -vz on localhost 8000 gives connection refused08:14
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eoli3nok, misconfigured ports in podman08:21
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eoli3nmy ara container seems to no read ARA_ENV09:09
eoli3nARA_ENV is set to test in container09:09
eoli3nproblem is not here, logs says that it use the conf file /opt/ara/settings.yaml when i check that file inside container, i set for exemple SECRET_KEY09:14
eoli3nbut logs says that SECRET_KEY is not set09:14
eoli3nanybody ?09:18
eoli3nyou can see here that it reads the right file without finding SECRET_KEY but it is set !09:18
eoli3nHow can i automate user creation ?09:50
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dmsimardeoli3n: I'm in north america and not really awake yet, let me get back to you on that12:37
eoli3nyep, know it when i asked it was 3am for you13:10
eoli3ntake your time13:10
eoli3ni workaround this by user ARA_* env vars13:10
eoli3nby using13:10
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eoli3ni created a specific user just for writing logs13:27
eoli3nwhat perms should i set ?13:27
eoli3nhm, i don't like how ara cli client needs to be setup13:48
eoli3nif python upgrade, its done ?13:48
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eoli3ndmsimard i'm in holidays for more than 2 week in 1h and 20min :D14:40
eoli3ni figure it out for perms, no automated user creation (but that's not a problem, just wondering if its possible)14:41
eoli3ni did setup for 1 host, didn't test ansible-pull commit yet14:41
eoli3nlast thing i don't get is how to connect ara cli client to remote api serer14:42
eoli3nwith authentication14:42
eoli3nit does not seem to use [ara] in ansible.cfg14:43
dmsimardeoli3n: for user creation you could try the django-manage ansible module: however last I know there was this idempotency issue:
dmsimardara cli client can be set up through env vars or in-line CLI args14:54
eoli3nno conf file ?14:54
dmsimardno conf file because it's neither an ansible plugin or a django thing14:54
dmsimardpersonally I use a shell alias14:55
eoli3nyes but i could embeed its own config file managment, don't you think ?14:55
eoli3nmaybe you could provide a way to tell to ara cli client to use what's in ansible.cfg14:56
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dmsimard0.x actually relied on ansible.cfg to provide all the config but it also meant having an actual dependency on ansible which turned out to be problematic in a lot of cases14:57
dmsimardi'm not against supporting a config file for the CLI, would just need to think about how to do it14:57
eoli3nit could be great to just have the ability to enable this feature with a switch ?14:57
dmsimardit'd be a third config file which I'm not super excited about14:57
eoli3n"this feature" -> "read ansible.cfg"14:57
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dmsimardmaybe :)14:58
eoli3nmaybe you could mirror ansible.cfg [ara] section for the specific config file for cli client14:58
eoli3nthen you can provide a switch to let user give ansible.cfg to cli client, OR configure it the same way without ansible dep14:59
dmsimardthere are already keys in ansible.cfg for api_server/username/password so we would re-use that14:59
eoli3nyes that's what i want to mean :)14:59
eoli3ni open an issue for this14:59
dmsimardsure thing15:01
dmsimardreading through the backlog and your issue about the config file, did you end up figuring it out ?15:02
eoli3ni didn't15:02
eoli3ni open an issue15:02
dmsimardI'd recommend writing your own settings.yaml instead of passing in every possible env var15:02
dmsimardah I see in the issue that's actually the intent15:03
dmsimardeoli3n: in your issue the first thing that comes to mind is that ~/.ara/server is not necessarily /root/.ara/server15:06
eoli3nyep i noticed that15:07
eoli3nbut check next commands15:07
dmsimardthe cat inside the container works yeah15:07
dmsimardis that indentation accurate ? like is it nested under a "default" key ?15:07
eoli3ni checked and here,  ~ is /root15:07
eoli3ni indent with 2 spaces15:07
eoli3nbut here no indent, because i use flat config15:08
eoli3nlets paste the whole config15:08
dmsimardcan you nest it under a default key ? like this for example:
eoli3nactually, the first issue i get, was that i can't make ara container read test: key with ARA_ENV=test15:09
eoli3nbut lets try with default15:09
eoli3nis that real yaml ?15:11
eoli3ncan i indent with 2 spaces ?15:11
eoli3ni noticed that you used 415:11
dmsimardit's real yaml and you should be able to use 2 spaces I guess15:11
eoli3nlike in your exemple that i just opened15:12
eoli3nok thanks15:12
eoli3nit seems to work with default15:14
eoli3nlets try to move to "test" ARA_ENV15:15
eoli3nwhen i move to "test" key for ARA_ENV its broken15:16
eoli3n[ara] No setting found for SECRET_KEY. Generating a random key...15:16
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eoli3nconfig file :
eoli3nis "test" a special key ?15:17
dmsimardnot that I know of15:18
eoli3nlets try another string15:18
eoli3nsame if i use "preprod"15:19
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dmsimardeoli3n: I don't use envs personally (just template default) but I remember it working so it's possible there was a regression that we didn't catch at some point16:01
dmsimardthe configuration backend (dynaconf) has moved a lot and has caused a few regressions so it wouldn't be the first time16:02
eoli3nso, maybe you need to automate that test :)16:02
eoli3nanyway, i will try with a specific conf file16:02
eoli3nlets "sleep" on it for 15 days :P16:03
eoli3nthanks for your help16:03
eoli3nhave a nice christmas16:03
dmsimardwe test a lot of things in unit/integration tests but I'm not gonna pretend we have 100% test coverage or anything16:03
dmsimardeoli3n: bon temps des fêtes à toi :)16:03
eoli3n(that's impossible)16:03
eoli3nmerci dmsimard ;)16:03
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