Sunday, 2020-01-26

zbrdmsimard: how reliable is mitogen these days?11:58
zbri was wondering If I could try to use it during molecule functional tests,... without breaking them.11:59
zbrouch: Ansible 2.8 interpreter discovery and become plugins are not yet supported.12:00
dmsimardzbr: I do not currently use it on a regular basis so can't quite vouch if it's reliable or not13:53
dmsimardBut I get questions about if it works for ara so I figured I'd write a small job for it13:54
dmsimardSame for awx, I'll have a test job for it soon13:54
dmsimardOh, and ansible-runner too.13:54
sshnaidmzbr, should be supported for 2.814:12
zbrsshnaidm: unusable due to -- vote/comment.14:22
zbrit faile don the first playbook i tried, w/o python detection is of no use to me14:22
sshnaidmzbr, hmm.. that was told they fixed this a half year before14:23
sshnaidmmaybe a new issue14:23
zbrwell, not really. and not even related to rhel-8, it failed on my bsd router, with has standard python14:23
sshnaidmzbr, did you try with 2.8 or 2.9?14:23
sshnaidmbsd? not really standard.. :)14:24
zbrfor routers, ojhh. yeah.14:24
zbri think that >90% of networking is running on BSD-variants14:25
zbri wanted to switch to linux distro, but there is none that would have even a mediocre web interface14:26
sshnaidmzbr, cockpit?14:27
zbrwhat? not doing official work today14:27
sshnaidmother cockpit :D14:28
zbruhh, bit releaved.14:28
zbrthat is not a router-os, more of "web version of glances"14:29
sshnaidmI think any distro can use it'14:30
zbrsshnaidm: i was interested to try mitogen with molecule functional tests, to speed them up. you are welcome to take the challenge.14:30
sshnaidmzbr, if ansible is not the bottleneck there, it won't help much14:31
sshnaidmzbr, I tried mitogen with oooq and tripleo14:31
zbrit is a signifiant part of it, maybe even >50%.14:31
sshnaidmzbr, ok, then maybe will work, it's great when a lot of small and short ansible tasks14:32
sshnaidmzbr, it's actually 2 env vars to set14:33
zbryep. and then you fail to detect python14:34
sshnaidmzbr, and if explicit ansible_python_interpreter?14:34
zbrand I have no plans to hardcode path for each image14:34
zbrprobably it will work, but didn't bother14:34
sshnaidmworth to check anyway, if it helps at all14:34
sshnaidmand worth an effort14:35
zbrmaybe, i preferred to implement other fixes.14:36
zbrfocusing on longest func tests, one by one.14:36
zbrsadly zuul performance does vary between jobs making harder to measure outcomes. locally i have more reliable results.14:37
zbri bet with few days of work, I could bring functional duration to ~50% of what it was.14:37
zbrnow it takes at least 3h to gate a change, 1.5 check, 1.5 gate and I do not want to do sharding.14:38
sshnaidmwhat does take 1.5h?14:39
zbr -- mainly functionals are running after the quick ones14:41
zbrquick ones are <15min, functionals are >1h, usually ~1:1514:41

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