Saturday, 2019-10-26

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apollo13dmsimard: ah yeah, that might prove hard to fix, maybe adjusting django's code to use some sys.argv magic instead?18:01
dmsimardapollo13: I think that could be a good improvement18:32
apollo13dmsimard: yes and no, we cannot generally assume that the program calling django code is actually the one that would also support migrate18:33
apollo13ideas welcome :/18:33
dmsimardYeah I don't think it's an easy fix18:33
dmsimardMaybe it could be configurable from settings.py18:34
apollo13I think we'd probably shoot down an env variable to control that, but something like that would be the best option18:34
dmsimardAnd default to python migrate.py18:34
apollo13something like that yeah18:43
apollo13I mean technically has a shebang and is executable, so no need for python there, just ./ would do too18:43
apollo13and most people probably use it like that since it's shorter to type18:43
dmsimardapollo13: do you think it's at least worth creating an issue about ?21:41

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