Friday, 2019-06-21

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idir___hi, i have this warning { Timeout value connect was 30, but it must be an int, float or None. } when iu'm trying to define the api timeout in ansible.cfg or as a env variable12:05
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idir___dmsimard : The problem was the proxy !13:07
dmsimardidir___: the proxy ?13:08
cyberpearit's always the proxy!13:09
idir___yes i have a proxy localhost:port wihxh timed out after 3013:09
dmsimardoh, okay, so it works now13:09
cyberpearfor good measure, I always `export,0,1,2,[...],254,255` to ensure nothing goes to the proxy that shouldn't, including bare IPs13:10
dmsimardfor the timeout, it might be because the value is not typed as an integer here
dmsimardit's an easy fix if you'd like to send a patch :D13:10
idir___i don't think it's can be a patch because it not a bug13:11
dmsimardneed to add " type: integer " to the timeout documentation block ^13:11
idir___i don't think it's bug but, i found that, we have to extend the time out the first time when executing a playbook13:13
idir___i tried this, but it doest work because of type13:13
idir___i used no proxy to fix this with domaine name13:14
idir___but there something else13:14
dmsimardidir___: if you're going over the 30 seconds timeout, there is something very wrong13:15
idir___yes i think13:15
dmsimardbut the "timeout must be int" bug can be fixed by adding type: integer in that area I linked13:15
idir___now i received to reporting bur it's not a complet reporting and the warning is13:16
idir___"  [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_play_start) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback./opt/jenkins- slave/mdsa403/workspace/ara_reporting/ansible/lib/python3.6/site- packages/ara/plugins/callback/ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f13796b4780>): 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 11: ordinal not in range(128)"13:16
dmsimardyes, that's an encoding issue -- I would like to be able to reproduce that issue so we can fix it13:17
idir___and this one too, when trying to getfacts13:17
idir___ [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_playbook_on_task_start) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback./opt/jenkins- slave/mdsa403/workspace/ara_reporting/ansible/lib/python3.6/site- packages/ara/plugins/callback/ara_default.CallbackModule object at 0x7f13796b4780>): 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable13:17
dmsimardthere will be a lot of cascading failures if something fails early on13:17
dmsimardbecause of relationships (playbook -> play -> task -> result <- host) so if you can't create the playbook, everything else will fail13:18
dmsimardwe need to investigate the first failure13:18
dmsimardwe need better exception handling too, but yeah13:18
idir___i will investigate the bug and tell you if i found something13:20
dmsimardencoding errors are typically due to non-ascii characters somewhere (éè€, etc.)13:21
idir___yes, but where lol13:22
dmsimardin file paths ? inside playbook / role files ?13:23
dmsimardI also have this "where" question, btw, I'd like to fix the issue :p13:23
idir___hhh i'm joking bro13:24
idir___the char is this one "â"13:25
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idir___this char is not used, may be in a comments but, we never use it elsewhere13:31
dmsimardout of curiosity13:32
dmsimardcan you try a basic playbook without and with the character to see if it's really that ?13:32
idir___it complicated because i'm using jenkins getting playbooks from git13:40
idir___entreprise work!13:40
idir___but i'll something13:40
pabelangerdmsimard: my hunch is is the reason ara bombs on encoding.  I should have database in next hour.13:48
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pabelangerthat should have bad data14:04
pabelangerI'll look more into it shortly14:04
pabelangerdmsimard: it also is likely limted to python2714:05
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed recordsansible/ara master: Make sure the API client timeout is an integer and not a string
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed recordsansible/ara master: ara-api role: Set proper path for the gunicorn pid file
dmsimardidir___: fix for the timeout bug:
dmsimardpabelanger: so this one then ?
pabelangerdmsimard: yah, think so14:25
idir___dmsimard, you think thatn this can solve the problem of the proxy?14:28
dmsimardidir___: no, that has nothing to do with the proxy14:29
idir___ok, does the fix available on pypi?;14:29
dmsimardidir___: it will be available on pypi when the patch merges and is released14:43
idir___ok, i tried another playbook and i have same error with ascii14:46
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dmsimardidir___: and without the special character it works ?14:50
idir___the problem is : there isn't special characters14:52
idir___in all my files : playbooks - roles- inventories - group_vars - host_vars14:52
dmsimardwhat about the filesystem path in which these files are located ?14:52
dmsimardis there like /home/école/something/playbook.yml14:53
idir___the files are clone from git14:53
idir___directely in a jenkins slave14:54
dmsimardidir___: so what's the full path to the playbook file for example ?14:55
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed recordsansible/ara master: Relocate api_root_dir outside of /tmp for integration tests
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed recordsansible/ara master: Relocate api_root_dir outside of /tmp for integration tests
dmsimardpabelanger: looking now15:14
dmsimardpabelanger: hum, that database looks broken to me15:15
dmsimardI think the webserver is presenting it as a string instead of a binary file15:16
dmsimardneeds to be binary15:17
idir___dmsimard : do you think that it can be a ansible bugs15:19
openstackgerritMerged recordsansible/ara master: ara-api role: Set proper path for the gunicorn pid file
dmsimardidir___: hard to tell without a reliable way to reproduce the issue15:19
dmsimardfor example we have tests for those non-ascii characters such as
dmsimardbut it seems you are hitting an issue not covered by tests15:20
dmsimardso I want to know what exactly is going on, add a test to reproduce the issue and then fix it15:21
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed recordsansible/ara master: Relocate api_root_dir outside of /tmp for integration tests
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed recordsansible/ara master: Add distributed_sqlite db backend and WSGI app
idir___when i execute from the host directly whitout using jenkins it's good15:23
dmsimardso you need to find out what is causing that15:23
dmsimardneed to compare the environment where the issue reproduces and the environment where it doesn't reproduce15:24
dmsimardfor example, is /etc/locale.conf the same ? I dunno15:24
dmsimardfor example I have LANG="en_CA.UTF-8"15:25
idir___in dev hosts where i execute manualy it ok15:27
idir___i'll check ppr hosts, i don't have access15:28
pabelangerdmsimard: oh, possible. There might be something wrong with htmlify logs and swift15:28
openstackgerritMerged recordsansible/ara master: Make sure the API client timeout is an integer and not a string
openstackgerritMerged recordsansible/ara master: Add toggle to disable sql migrations for the offline client
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openstackgerritMerged recordsansible/ara master: Relocate api_root_dir outside of /tmp for integration tests
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed recordsansible/ara master: Run actual integration tests for the ara-api role jobs
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