Thursday, 2019-05-30

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vincent--I was looking at the examples (for instance: and I noticed the isn't any task with "status: changed", however at the summary it says there are 20.13:13
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dmsimardvincent--: hmmm, you're right14:41
vincent--dmsimard, I'm trying to setup ara for the first time literally right now :-)14:41
dmsimardat the API level, the status is "ok" for seemingly all the results:
dmsimardso it's not a bug from the web interface, it's just displaying what the API is providing14:42
vincent--dmsimard, are there instructions on how to setup a separate ara api server? So far I have tried with creating a python3 venv, install ara[server]==, and after that run "ara-manage runserver".14:45
dmsimardah, I understand what's going on14:46
dmsimardvincent--: what do you mean by separate ?14:46
dmsimardlike a dedicated standalone api server ?14:46
vincent--dmsimard, yes. I want to have that in a separate machine.14:47
dmsimardvincent--: there is a role if you'd like:
dmsimardrole is in the source:
vincent--I'll have a look to see how it does it.14:48
dmsimardpending a better way, you can include that in your ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH and then you can use a playbook like this one:
dmsimardthis is pretty much what we do for deploying the live demos14:49
dmsimardgood news is I found the OK vs CHANGED thing14:50
dmsimardthanks for catching that :)14:50
vincent--Thanks to you if you are going to fix it :P14:50
dmsimardneed a bit of time to figure out the right fix but I'll fix it :D14:51
dmsimardfixed \o/15:01
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vincent--dmsimard, did you pushed the changes to GitHub?15:16
dmsimardno, I'll send it for review soon15:18
vincent--dmsimard, ok. I have a question regarding that role. In the "ara_api/tasks/wsgi_server/gunicorn.yaml" there is a task that notifies a handler. That handler runs if "ara_api_service_enabled is not changed". However the "ara_api_service_enabled" variable is registered from a task that runs after the one that notifies the handler. That variable shouldn't exist at that point, right?15:23
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed recordsansible/ara feature/1.0: Add missing 'changed' and 'ignore_error' to results
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_KaszpiR_dmsimard if you're interested in abominations - tl;dr vagrant provision using custom shell script to also allow fetching ara reports ;)21:22
_KaszpiR_the power of bash...21:23
_KaszpiR_it's unaviodable!21:23
dmsimard_KaszpiR_: nothing wrong with bash :)21:34

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