Thursday, 2019-03-07

ara-slackcody_deniro: @dmsimard I found this regarding custom_playbacks with AWX00:06
dmsimard@cody_deniro that thread is a bit confusing, ARA is not a stdout callback. I'll take some time to document it, it's a question that keeps coming back.00:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Remove mentions of ara_wsgi_configure_service in the role
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Include ansible-role-ara's README in the docs
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apollo13dmsimard: did you test your code after deleting ara_www_dir? (not that old static files where collected there and whitenoise used those etc)07:28
apollo13dmsimard: asking because of
apollo13dmsimard: so unless we set that we still need collectstatic I think and STATICFILES_STORAGE is also only used then afaik07:31
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krionhaha, looks like I upgraded myself to version 1.x without really noticing09:45
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apollo13krion: wait, that only exists in a feature branch12:24
dmsimardapollo13 : I have tested it, yes12:51
apollo13that is weird12:51
dmsimardDoes it not work for you ?12:51
apollo13cause I'd expect it to fail with DEBUG=False :)12:51
apollo13just looked at the code, didn't test it yet12:51
apollo13gimme a sec12:51
dmsimardIsn't the entire point of whitenoise to make it work with debug=false ?12:52
apollo13well yes and no12:52
apollo13whitenoise (compare to runserver at least) is an okayish way to serve static files12:52
apollo13ie it can use sendfile if the server supports it etc…12:52
apollo13but the thing is whitenoise still needs to find the static files12:52
dmsimardThey're there12:53
dmsimardI mean12:53
apollo13which generally means you need to set WHITENOISE_USE_FINDERS=True if you do not want collectstatic12:53
dmsimardDoes it default to false ?12:53
dmsimardOh, it defaults to settings.debug12:53
apollo13yeah immediatelly fails  with DEBUG=False here12:55
dmsimardOdd. Let me double check that once I'm on my laptop.12:56
apollo13also I get the warning: /home/florian/sources/ara/.venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/whitenoise/ UserWarning: No directory at: /home/florian/.ara/server/www/static/12:57
apollo13  warnings.warn(u'No directory at: {}'.format(root))12:57
apollo13and yes my starting point was "rm -rf ~/.ara"12:57
dmsimardSo I guess tox -e runserver works because it sets debug=true12:59
dmsimardGood catch12:59
dmsimardSo the approval13:00
dmsimardErrr, mobile typo13:00
dmsimardSo the appropriate fix is to set WHITENOISE_USE_FINDERS to True instead then13:00
apollo13that alone doesn't see to do it here, the middleware seems to get ignored13:01
apollo13gotta see what whitenoise is up to13:01
apollo13    raise ValueError("Missing staticfiles manifest entry for '%s'" % clean_name)13:01
apollo13obviously, cause there is no manifest13:01
apollo13that only exists if you use collectstatic :D13:01
dmsimardSanity check: does tox -e runserver work for you ?13:02
apollo13yeah, but if you use that you do not even use whitenoise13:02
apollo13because if DEBUG=true runserver will already serve the file13:02
apollo13unless you do as described here:
dmsimardOhhh --nostatic.13:03
krionapollo13: oh really ?13:12
apollo13krion: mhm, how did you install ara-clients etc?13:13
apollo13pip install ara should just install ara 0.16.313:13
krionpip install iirc13:13
apollo13ara or ara-server explicitly?13:13
krionyes, ara-server explicitly13:13
apollo13you shouldn't do that13:13
krionbut I was acting like a monkey13:14
krionoh really, absolutely shouldn't ?13:14
krionI don't mind giving a shot to ara 1.x13:14
apollo13either install ara-* or just ara13:14
apollo13ara-* is 1.0 ara is still 0.1613:14
dmsimardkrion: current state of 1.0 is not a great user experience but I'm working to fix that. Lot of progress this week that hasn't been released.13:18
krionoh you know, i'm using zabbix, so i'm used to poor ux experience13:19
krionI'm not complaining at all, don't worry13:19
dmsimardThe last tag for 1.0 was alpha2, I'll tag alpha3 after landing a few outstanding patches and then I will be less embarrassed to let you try it out13:20
dmsimardThere's even going to be ansible roles out of the box to get started13:21
apollo13krion: haha I replaced zabbix with icinga13:21
krionI was just suprise that ara-manage runserver wasn't working anymore, and remember afterwards that I did install ara-clients ara-server yesterday13:21
krionapollo13: oh ? why didn't you give it a try at the next de-facto standard in the name of promotheus ?13:22
apollo13krion: prometheus and icinga are solutions to different problems, that said we will probably be deploying prometheus too soonish13:22
krionisn't icinga just a frontend to nagios ? like thruk or shinken ?13:24
dmsimardI like a lot of what netdata is doing13:24
apollo13krion: icingaweb is a frontend to icinga13:25
dmsimardkrion: no, icinga has it's own engine and everything, especially since icinga v213:25
apollo13icinga basically is nagios13:25
apollo13but "better" :D13:25
krioni see13:25
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bcocahe .. people keep posting question to the 'openstack-unregistered' channel ...18:33
bcoca^ that is how i know i need to join THIS one18:34
dmsimardbcoca: :(18:41
dmsimardI mean, it's either that or we get silly spam18:41
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-infra master: Stop sending hugo logs to a specific file
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-infra master: Website playbook should target
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-infra master: Stop sending hugo logs to a specific file
dmsimardapollo13: from the whitenoise docs19:30
dmsimard"As part of deploying your application you’ll need to run ./ collectstatic to put all your static files into STATIC_ROOT."19:30
dmsimardWas I lied to ? :(19:30
bcocathat implies willfull deception19:30
dmsimardbcoca: more like sad realization that I assumed something wrong :p19:31
dmsimardI should RTFM properly next time19:33
apollo13dmsimard: that is not true if you a) set WHITENOISE_USE_FINDERS = True and b) remove STATICFILES_STORAGE, then it should work ™19:38
dmsimardapollo13: yeah, it just works here ™ but the doc is slightly misleading19:41
apollo13dmsimard: so all in all there are two things involved19:42
apollo13for whitenoise to find files they have to be in STATIC_ROOT or it has to use the finders19:42
apollo13using the finders is kinda limiting, ie no manifest support etc, since it literally loads the files from it's origin19:43
dmsimardapollo13: I get the error that you mentioned earlier about the static_root not found19:43
dmsimardbut it's just because the directory doesn't exist19:43
apollo13yeah, that is probably a oversight in whitenoise19:44
apollo13especially if USE_FINDERS is set imo19:44
apollo13STATICFILES_STORAGE is also used to generate urls for the files, which if you set it to a manifest storage and never run collectstatic cannot work because the manifest is never generated19:44
dmsimardapollo13: It's this part:
dmsimardI can send a PR for that19:44
dmsimardor at least file an issue19:45
apollo13looks like it yeah19:45
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Use whitenoise for serving static files
dmsimardapollo13: ^ fixed I think, delta is (readme.rst comes from rebase)20:06
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Use whitenoise for serving static files
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-infra master: Add playbook for deploying
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-infra master: Add playbook for deploying
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-infra master: Add playbook for deploying
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-infra master: Website playbook should target
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-infra master: Update fedora image used for website tests to fedora-29
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-infra master: Website playbook should target
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-infra master: Update fedora image used for website tests to fedora-29
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara master: WIP: Default task filtering to (changed|failed|unreachable)
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Use whitenoise for serving static files
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Rename the ara role to ara_api and move nginx out to it's own role
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Rename the ara role to ara_api and move nginx out to it's own role
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-infra master: Add playbook for deploying
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: WIP: Import role for deploying ara-web
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Rename the ara role to ara_api and move nginx out to it's own role
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: WIP: Import role for deploying ara-web
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-infra master: Add playbook for deploying live demos on
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-infra master: Website playbook should target
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-infra master: Update fedora image used for website tests to fedora-29

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