Wednesday, 2018-10-17

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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ansible-role-ara master: Automatically install pymysql or psycopg2 if necessary
helloweenx@dmsimard: did you even go to sleep yet? :-D06:22
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helloweenxhey guys, i started wondering, why should i use ara, when there is basicly more complex solution in form of AWX? is it just because i want only funcionality that offer ARA and nothing else? or is ARA better in what is does compared to AWX?09:12
helloweenxfacepalm, sorry, should have read FAQ first ;)09:14
Xaroththe tl;dr is that it's trying to do one job, and do it well, compared to AWX/Tower's suite of functionality09:15
XarothI use it a lot when testing with playbooks, seeing it's a much easier way of interacting with ansible's output than the console09:16
helloweenxyea, thats what i understood from FAQ now, thanks for confirmation. Im fairly new to Ansible and stuff around it, so i ask stupid questions pretty often09:20
Xaroththe only stupid questions are the ones you fail to ask :)09:23
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dmsimardhelloweenx: Xaroth is correct. Also, AWX and ARA aren't mutually exclusive. You can use either on their own or use them together.11:42
dmsimardARA only cares about reporting so it is simple to use, understand and doesn't get in the way of your workflows11:43
helloweenxdmsimard: hey, you are up early :-D yea i get it now, thank you11:44
dmsimardYeah, I need to send kids to school haha11:44
helloweenxcan i annoy you with my ARA instalation via role this early?11:44
dmsimardIn an hour or so11:45
helloweenxalright, let me know please then ;-)11:45
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dmsimardhelloweenx: hey, have a bit of time if you want to chat13:18
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helloweenxoh yes13:18
helloweenxi moved forward a bit from yesterday after you told me, that i have problem in paths13:18
helloweenxso i moved my folder with role to right path13:19
helloweenxand now i am stucked at this error:13:19
helloweenxfatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to find required executable easy_install in paths: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin"}13:20
helloweenxat this task TASK [ara : Install pip for Red Hat distributions]13:20
helloweenxbtw i am on Ubuntu 18.0413:20
helloweenxand i revert to my snapshot before yesterday installing ARA without role, so now i have just pure ansible running13:22
dmsimardhelloweenx: ah, yeah, I need to fix that easy_install bit.13:26
helloweenxso can i work around this somehow for now?13:27
dmsimardBasically you just need pip installed. If it's installed, just delete that one easy_install task from the file13:34
dmsimardI'll fix it later13:34
dmsimardSorry, I've been neglecting the role to try and get 1.0 released13:35
helloweenxdude dont be sorry :-D thank you, gonna try it now13:36
dmsimardI'm Canadian, sorry :P13:38
helloweenxi know Canadians only from SouthPark, so now i can just picture you with those two part head, thats all what comes in my mind when you say you are Canadian :-D13:40
dmsimardWe have laws in Canada to protect people from saying sorry :D13:44
dmsimardIt's an interesting culture phenomena13:46
helloweenxwell its much better then here in Czech Republic. Not sure if you here about this at NA, but we would need law to stop our president to talk like trash :-D13:48
helloweenxyou know, you can find something like this everywhere, so your "sorry thing" is fine :-D13:48
dmsimardRed Hat has a large office in Brno but I've never been there yet13:50
helloweenx@dmsimard: are you still here?14:04
dmsimardhelloweenx: o/14:08
helloweenxi am a bit further now, end up at this:14:09
helloweenxTASK [ara : Get the location of ara-manage] *************************************************************************************** fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "which ara-manage", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory", "rc": 2}14:09
helloweenxbtw Brno is not bad location to visit, not much crowded by tourists like Prague and Cesky Krumlov and also have some good stuff to see ;)14:10
dmsimardhelloweenx: hmmm, is "which" installed ?14:11
helloweenxhow can i tell? :-D14:11
dmsimardLog in to the machine and do like "which bash"14:12
dmsimardIt should print out something like /bin/bash14:12
helloweenxreturns this14:12
helloweenx /bin/bash14:12
dmsimardOk so which is installed14:13
dmsimardBut isn't able to find ara-manage14:13
dmsimardDo you have an /opt/ara-venv directory ?14:14
helloweenxshall i create it manually and start role over?14:14
dmsimardHow are you running the role exactly ?14:18
helloweenxi'm running mod_wsgi.yml from /etc/ansible/roles/ara/example-playbooks14:18
dmsimardOk, give me a bit of time and I'll try to run it. Ubuntu 18.04 right ?14:19
helloweenxyea thats right14:20
helloweenxi'll have to go in 10 minutes anyways, so no rush14:20
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helloweenx@dmsimard: man scratch that, i remembered that i changed some values at /etc/ansible/roles/ara/defaults/main.yml14:25
helloweenxso i just put it back to defaults, run mod.wsgi.yml again and it ended up just OK14:25
helloweenx PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************ localhost                  : ok=30   changed=11   unreachable=0    failed=014:26
helloweenxalright, thank you very much for your help, i am pretty sure, ill be back tommorow with something else :-D14:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-server master: Merge the tox-pep8 and tox-format jobs and use tox-linters
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-server master: One does not simply send emails to gvincent *scnr*
dmsimardapollo13: left comments on
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gvincentahah yes remove all my copy paste relica15:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-web master: Make the permalink and clock icons for playbooks larger
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-web master: First iteration of playbook status icons based on playbook.status
dmsimardgvincent: :P15:19
dmsimardapollo13: regarding configuration with flat files (on top of env)15:19
dmsimardI'm not saying it's the best approach but just for the sake of discussion, there's something in 0.x that we do that /could/ be an option15:20
dmsimard0.x ensures that an ~/.ara directory is created (the location of this directory is configurable)15:21
dmsimardPart of the bootstrap involves setting up the logging and this is done here:
dmsimardtl;dr, what does is to create a default ~/.ara/logging.yml file if it doesn't exist15:22
dmsimardbut it always ends up sourcing that file for configuration15:22
dmsimardallowing users to customize their config if they want15:22
dmsimardjust like in ansible, env vars would have precedence15:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-server master: Use playbook.updated instead of "now" for calculating duration
dmsimardhmmm, there's a regression around where we save files15:37
dmsimardapollo13: if you still intend to iron out the kinks with the files model and API, I think once we set up the fk from file to, we need to set a unique constraint for file.path with playbook.id15:40
dmsimardno reason for us to even attempt to save the same path more than once for the playbook, even if it ends up being the same one blob of data15:42
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apollo13jupp, there are certainly a few constraints and indices we can add19:34
apollo13as for config file; from an ops perspective yaml files are imo an horror (hard to template etc…)19:36
apollo13also in the end we will need to map 90% of it to anyways19:36
apollo13what I did quite well with in the past is in addition to supporting env vars, support and envfile -- this makes it easier if you want to set multiple options19:37
apollo13and if someone still needs more they can always write their own settings module and point DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to it19:37
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dmsimardapollo13: yeah agreed on yaml, I picked it for logging because I felt it was a better fit.. ini logging config file are hard to read imo21:57
dmsimardFiguring this out isn't urgent for the moment21:57

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