Friday, 2018-09-28

openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-plugins master: Fixed namespacing to use python3 style namespace packages.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-clients master: Fixed namespacing to use python3 style namespace packages.
dmsimardapollo13: oh wow I didn't know how much I wanted isort in my life until today03:28
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-server master: Only ara is a namespace package, subpackages are not.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-web master: Connect ara-web with ara-server
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-web master: Read versions in Navbar from config
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-web master: Introduce ListItem in playbooks container
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-web master: Add playbook parameters in playbook item
dmsimardsshnaidm|off, tristanC, apollo13: I started brain dumping what's up and todo with 1.0
dmsimardI'll continue tomorrow, going to sleep04:30
tristanCdmsimard: about static log generation, it seems like that this is still needed for zuul swift log upload and it may be an issue for zuul to use the version 1.004:33
dmsimardtristanC: I am aware04:34
dmsimardhtml generation (or an equivalent feature fulfilling the use case) would come in a 1.104:35
dmsimardI need to ship something, I can't do everything or it won't ship.04:35
dmsimardI've officially been talking about 1.0 for more than a year now:
dmsimard(Interesting how a lot of those ideas I wrote a while back stood the test of time despite changing so much)04:37
dmsimardgood night :D04:40
tristanCdmsimard: i meant, the first web interface may fulfill that needs, if only we could make it fetch a static ara.sqlite from zuul log server05:01
apollo13dmsimard: haha, yes isort & black are basically go fmt for me :)06:24
openstackgerritFlorian Apolloner proposed openstack/ara-server master: Only ara is a namespace package, subpackages are not.
openstackgerritFlorian Apolloner proposed openstack/ara-server master: Added CI for black/isort.
apollo13dmsimard: hrmpf, my fix still breaks ansible integration: -- the problem is that pbr seems to convert that git requirement into a package name which does not exist on pypi & it's mirrors06:46
apollo13so much for build reasonably06:50
apollo13anyways, that is something we have to tackle together; will wait till your are back and then talk options :)06:51
openstackgerritFlorian Apolloner proposed openstack/ara-server master: Small cleanups for django best practices.
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dmsimardapollo13: the namespace stuff is unfortunately not a priority for me right now, if it's going to break stuff I'd revert the patches on clients and plugins and we can revisit later12:45
apollo13dmsimard: well it is not the namespacing per se imo; python install is broken imo since it installs ara 0.1.6 due to how pbr resolves packages12:46
dmsimardyeah, it's not ideal, I agree12:46
dmsimardIt's something I want to fix but it's not a blocker is what I mean12:46
apollo13dmsimard: I have a fix idea :)12:53
apollo13dmsimard: could you upload ara-server and ara-clients right now onto pypi?12:53
apollo13with version 0.0.0.something or so12:54
apollo13the locally installed version from the integration tests should be higher, this way we might get around the issue12:54
apollo13+ it is probably a good idea to reserve the names on pypi12:54
apollo13also ara-plugins is already on pypi, so that would seem fitting to12:55
apollo13and would allow us to test if our strategy works (after all we will have that situation in the future too; ie released versions do exist on pypi, but we want to test against the local git checkouts)12:55
apollo13I understand your concerns about low priority, but I'd argue that I'd want to have a testing strategy now and in the future that works; not that it turns out one repository would be better12:58
apollo13which it probably would be aside from the fact that it most likely makes packaging harder *sigh* (can something be easy once?)12:58
dmsimardapollo13: if you're willing to hunt that down I'm not going to stop you :p13:13
dmsimardapollo13: before uploading ara-server to pypi we need to land
dmsimardI had to pull it before it'd let me upload it to testpypi13:13
dmsimardotherwise it'd complain about namespacing13:13
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dmsimardare we good to merge that ?13:16
apollo13Imo we are good to merge it but zuul won't let it pass13:17
apollo13we kinda have a chicken egg problem :)13:17
apollo13also ara-clients should probably not even have a dependency on ara-server (after all it is just optional if you use the offline client)13:19
apollo13maybe that would already fix the test issue for now, would you be good with that?13:19
apollo13on the other hand ara-plugins requires ara-clients, so that at least would need to be on pypi13:20
dmsimardzuul will let it pass13:29
dmsimardBecause ansible-integration is non-voting13:29
dmsimardapollo13: yes, +1 on dropping dependency from client to server13:30
apollo13oh clients does not have any tests yet, so that should be "easy" :D13:32
openstackgerritFlorian Apolloner proposed openstack/ara-clients master: Dropped hard dependency to ara-server.
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dmsimardapollo13: thanks a lot for your help, it's much appreciated13:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-server master: Only ara is a namespace package, subpackages are not.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-server master: Small cleanups for django best practices.
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apollo13dmsimard: np, way more fun than my current fight with an oracle db14:37
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dmsimardapollo13: ^15:17
apollo13oh nice, I failed against oracle anyways, let me test that :)15:17
dmsimardapollo13: We can also set up Zuul to automatically release each commit to pypi until we hit 1.0 or something15:18
apollo13I rather not to be honest15:18
apollo13wasted storage on pypi15:18
apollo13let me see what ansible-integration now produces locally15:19
dmsimardWell, the main reason why I set up git in the reqs.txt was because I was interested in testing the master branch of everything together15:19
dmsimardsince nothing had yet been released15:19
dmsimardGranted, we can probably handle that business logic in the jobs instead of reqs.txt15:19
apollo13wow, the integration tests seem to work now15:20
apollo13gotta check which packages it actually used15:20
dmsimardwith the packages from pypi ?15:20
apollo13seems like it15:20
apollo13that was not what I expected :/15:21
apollo13I thought the git urls would win15:21
apollo13actually I do not know15:22
apollo13which version would it use from the git checkout?15:22
apollo13  Running (path:/tmp/pip-install-7wpxukfq/ara-plugins-dummy/ egg_info for package ara-plugins-dummy produced metadata for project name ara-plugins. Fix your #egg=ara-plugins-dummy fragments.15:23
apollo13I am testing, but I think pip no longer likes a version there15:24
apollo13pbr should probably drop that behavior XD15:24
apollo13dmsimard: ha, win; verbose output confirms that it is __not__ downloading from pypi15:25
apollo13 or do you see anything there? if not, win on the whole line :D15:26
dmsimardapollo13: looks ok to me15:43
openstackgerritFlorian Apolloner proposed openstack/ara-server master: Ensure that add files to a playbook succeeds completly or not at all.
apollo13dmsimard: so, thoughts on black and isort? do you want me to add a patch that runs isort & black over the codebase?15:46
dmsimardapollo13: did you see my last comment on that patch ?15:48
dmsimardI legitimately don't know if we want to enforce (gate) very strict standards15:49
dmsimardpep8 is one thing, black is one step higher15:49
apollo13dmsimard: so to make this easy for you; black does not support a set of parameters15:50
apollo13it ensures a coding style valid in the eyes of pep008 and tries to format the code in a way that change requests are minimal15:50
dmsimarddoes django enforce those, for example ?15:50
dmsimarddo you know of a project that does ?15:50
apollo13but django would loose a bunch of history15:50
dmsimardI'm just curious what it looks like in practice15:50
apollo13ie git blame would break15:50
apollo13which is not really an issue for ara in it's current form15:50
apollo13well black on it's own uses black; and that style be what __every__ project using black gets15:51
apollo13(since there are no options)15:51
apollo13as for who is using it, no idea; I know people using it but not sure how much of that is public and not just enforced inside company projects15:52
dmsimardI mean, looking at the diff, it's mostly good things:
dmsimardPretend we fix that, I just don't know if we want to make it voting15:53
dmsimardWe could have the job non-voting but then the burden is on the reviewers to actually go look when it fails15:53
dmsimardI have to drop, I'll be back in ~2h15:54
apollo13have fun15:54
openstackgerritFlorian Apolloner proposed openstack/ara-server master: Added CI for black/isort.
openstackgerritFlorian Apolloner proposed openstack/ara-server master: Fixed tox warning.
apollo13rebased my remaining patches15:55
apollo13dmsimard: to be honest I see black rather helpful; I've set my editor to use black on save. This is imo easy to tell contributors and ensures a consistent style15:57
apollo13no back and forth because project X wants style Y and project Z doesn't know what it wants :D15:58
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dmsimardapollo13: yeah, don't get me wrong, black is nice17:26
dmsimardthe question is only about whether or not we want to gate on it, that's all17:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-server master: Ensure that add files to a playbook succeeds completly or not at all.
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-clients master: Add requests to requirements.txt
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-clients master: Dropped hard dependency to ara-server.
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara-clients master: Add requests to requirements.txt
dmsimardapollo13: do you have an opinion on how we should load the configuration for the backend ? I'm not a fan of in terms of UX23:36
dmsimardI guess we could have parse an ini file ? a yaml file ? something else ?23:36
dmsimardI don't know enough about django to be able to tell what are the best practices out there23:37

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