Monday, 2018-05-14

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DiggyJrhello, all.  picking up from my friday posts, i've installed the latest ara. whenever i run an ansible ad hoc command (e.g. ansible somehost -m ping, etc.), i get the warning in stdout.18:52
DiggyJrI've pasted the output here:
DiggyJrwould appreciate if someone can take a look and help me find a fix.18:53
_KaszpiR_DiggyJr Ansible 2.3.2-2 that's ancient19:15
DiggyJryes, but later versions break a key playbook tied to a centos 5 box (also ancient). update coming soon?19:16
_KaszpiR_update playbooks/modules?19:17
_KaszpiR_and.. what centos 5?19:17
_KaszpiR_last time I had to touch centos 5 was pain because it was i386 with some ancient video encoding software which required that system version19:18
dmsimard|offDiggyJr: hey19:20
dmsimard|offSo ARA isn't able to record adhoc commands (yet)19:20
DiggyJr@_KaszpiR_ thanks for that bit of shaming :-) .19:21
_KaszpiR_it's more like a empathy, DiggyJr  ;D19:22
DiggyJr@dmsimard the fact that ARA can't record ad hoc commands yet is no prob.  i'm just wondering about the warnings i see in stdout when i run them.19:22
dmsimard|off_KaszpiR_: rhel6 is supported for a while still, don't underestimate the speed of certain industries19:22
DiggyJrI have a paste of output here:
_KaszpiR_well, Centos 5 was EOL in 31Math 201719:23
DiggyJri know, already!19:23
dmsimard|offDiggyJr: yup I saw, adhoc commands still send callback events and it's likely that ARA doesn't get all the expected data that it would get from a proper playbook19:24
dmsimard|offI haven't tested that, do you see errors when running an actual playbook ?19:24
DiggyJr@dmsimard  so, that's expected behavior/output?19:25
_KaszpiR_DiggyJr can't you convert ad-hoc commands into playbooks? ( It's pretty subjective but I started to avoid ad-hoc commands)19:25
DiggyJrno, no warnings when running playbooks.19:25
DiggyJr@_KaszpiR  why would I want to make a simple ad hoc like "-m ping" into a playbook?19:26
dmsimard|offDiggyJr: well, I wouldn't go so far as saying that the warnings are expected but it's definitely not expected to work19:26
DiggyJr@dmsimard  understood. the warnings are more of an annoyance than anthing.  doesn't stop the command from executing.  but, definitely related to the callback.19:28
DiggyJrif I remove the callback, no issue.19:28
dmsimard|offDiggyJr: if you have the ability to only enable the callbacks for playbooks that'd be best for now. I can check how much effort it would be to catch that exception19:28
BakeyI just ignore it19:29
dmsimard|offOtherwise adhoc recording is only planned for 1.0 with the API and all the other things19:29
Bakeyit doesn't affect the adhoc command from working19:29
Bakeyit just slings warnings in your output/logs19:29
dmsimard|offBakey: right but "normal" warnings kind of suck :)19:29
DiggyJr@Bakey  correct.19:29
Bakeyeh, you get used to them :D19:29
* Bakey ignores the server on fire. 19:29
BakeyThis is fine.19:30
DiggyJrno, i never get used to them :-( .19:30
Bakeyansible satest01 -m ping | grep -v WARNING19:30
dmsimard|offBakey: lol19:31
DiggyJr@dmsimard  I've added the ara callback to ansible.cfg.  how would i get it to only apply to playbooks?19:31
Bakeysee, no problem :D19:31
dmsimard|offI guess you could go one step further and wrap it in a bash alias/function/script19:31
Bakeysure, ansible_ping and ansible_setup19:32
dmsimard|offDiggyJr: I don't have any great ideas right now :p19:32
DiggyJr@mdsimard  np. but, at least the issue is out there. i'd just as soon avoid workarounds, and put up with the warnings for now.19:33
DiggyJroperative words - for now.19:33
Bakeyhey dmsimard|off how do I get my hands on one of those sweet ara stickers19:44
dmsimard|offBakey: haha19:54
dmsimard|offHummmmm, they're rare :D19:55
dmsimard|offThe ones that exist I've handed them out personally at talks or conferences19:55
_KaszpiR_Bakey you must sign that... paper... don't mind the small text on the bottom mentioning something about yout soul, and oh, you really don't need to sign it with blood, just red pen is enough19:55
dmsimard|offMeaningful contributors that have been harder to meet in person got a parcel in the mail :)19:55
Bakey_KaszpiR_: he'll have to fight for it19:56
Bakeydmsimard|off: not much of a developer, and I didn't go to any conferences this year19:57
Bakeyprobably won't get to next year either19:57
dmsimard|offBakey: what general area of the planet are you ? :)20:01
dmsimard|offer, are you in*20:02
BakeyFat jokes huh?20:02
BakeyI'm in Birmingham AL20:02
_KaszpiR_TIL, there's Birmingham in USA20:03
Bakeynot "birming-um"20:03
dmsimard|offBakey: I'm not going anywhere near you in the near future, do you know anyone that's more likely to see me and could bring you some or something ? :D20:04
dmsimard|offI'll be in Vancouver next week for the OpenStack summit/Open Dev Conf20:04
_KaszpiR_whoa it's next week already20:07
dmsimard|off_KaszpiR_: you're telling me, I'm not anywhere near ready for the stuff I'm doing there :)20:10
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Bakeycan I pipe in playbook runs from a remote host21:24
Bakeyor do I need to install ARA on the new node I just built21:24
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dmsimard|offBakey: people have typically used a mysql database for aggregating data from remote locations21:43
Bakeyyeah I should probably look into doing that21:44
Bakeydoes it say which host ran what playbook?21:44
dmsimard|offBakey: not really, but I've seen people use ara_record to identify that21:51
Bakeyyeah maybe a good thing, but a bunch of backporting to get it "standard" everywhere21:52
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dmsimard|offBakey: I think hiroki has a use case where each node self hosts its own ARA reports22:00
Bakeyyeah that's what I was going to do22:00
Bakeyit's more scalable that way I think, but you have to know which node did what job22:00
dmsimard|offFor OpenStack we use the sqlite middleware which allows sharded/distributed data but only one application/web server22:01
BakeyI don't think my use case is nearly that big22:02
dmsimard|offHighlighted here:
Bakeybut I'm going to be offloading some ansible playbook runs to a Jenkins server22:02
Bakeyand it'd be nice to also have ARA for that22:03

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