Monday, 2018-04-23

hirokidmsimard|off: did you get a change to look at the two items ? (access to ARA on a subdomain 'http://domain.tld/ara', and the fact that generated URL's for files do not get a trailing slash prepended and therefore generating a 301 (subsequently breaking HTTPS in a reverse proxy scenario))05:24
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ssbarneadmsimard|off: any idea when we should see new ara release? It would be helpful to have it as a pre-release, as we could install it with pip install --pre.10:00
ssbarneasomehow I am more confident of installing things from pypi than using git master branch, as it may change too often.10:01
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/ara master: Allow ARA module to be run
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dmsimardhiroki: hey, I had to take some time off last week and didn't manage to get back to you, sorry12:52
dmsimardssbarnea: new release was supposed to be last week but PTO got in the way12:52
dmsimardnew releases are always tagged as release candidate (installable with --pre) before being released12:53
ssbarneadmsimard: ok, no pressure. just add a letter to the tag name to make it a prerelease and we will be able to consume it.12:53
ssbarneais better to limit the amount of affected users with this approach.12:54
ssbarneawhat am wondering about the bug I encountered regarding missing ara module.12:54
dmsimardit's not a bug, the README and latest docs mention a feature that isn't yet released12:55
dmsimardI mean, it's a doc bug if anything12:55
ssbarneacan you reproduce!/story/2001894 ?12:56
dmsimardI've never seen something like that but I'll have a look12:57
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ssbarneadmsimard: just let me know as I could provide extra info. it happened to me on tow different platforms (macos and rhel). i will try to write a simple bash script reproducer in order to narrow it now.13:07
dmsimardssbarnea: seems to be working for me (installing in a venv and then doing source <(python -m ara.setup.env)13:15
ssbarneadmsimard: doing some extra testing now to see exactly in which case it fails.13:16
dmsimardare you mixing pip and system dependencies ? the only reason I would see Ansible not finding ara is if they're not using the same python interpreter13:16
dmsimardok, thanks, let me know13:16
ssbarneadmsimard: yep, I was able to narrow it down: it happens when ansible is installed as a system packages and ARA inside VENV.13:31
ssbarneaif ansible is also inside venv, it works. but when ara is inside vevn and ansible is inhereted using --system-site-packages, it breaks.13:31
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ssbarneai am not sure if this is ara fault, but is a reasonable use case, especially as we have a policy around here to install packages from RPMs.13:32
ssbarneait seems that ansible forgets some parts of the PYTHONPATH, causing this.13:33
ara-slack2<dmsimard> I filed a similar bug against AWX13:39
ssbarneai spoke with ansible devs on #ansible-devel and it seems to be a complex issue.14:05
ssbarneamainly even if I bypass shebang line by doing:   python `which ansible` -- it will not work.14:06
ssbarneai need to define PYTHONPATH in order to make it work.14:06
ssbarneabut doing this seems not to be as easy as in theory.14:07
ssbarneai need to build a PYTHONPATH that contains both virtualenv and the original python path.14:07
ssbarneaso current question is how to build this correctly, doing "join(sys.path)" is apparently not the correct solution.14:09
ssbarneaat least on my system sys.path contains lots of paths, including some egg files, not sure is what I need.14:11
ssbarneaand here is current workaround:14:13
ssbarnea PYTHONPATH=`python -c "import sys; print(':'.join(sys.path))"` python `which ansible` -i 'localhost,' --connection=local -m ping all14:13
ssbarneait is very ugly, but it the only one that worked.14:13
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dmsimardssbarnea: they do something like this in AWX already, hang on15:14
dmsimard is what I was thinking of but that's not it, there's something else15:14
ssbarneafor the moment i implemented this hideous hack, now I am trying to tune nginx to make ara work when files jenkins artifacts. i have some "fun" with CORS>15:16
dmsimardssbarnea: I know it doesn't help *right now* but there is a todo to package ARA -- it's already in fedora rawhide and I need to package it.. probably in RDO15:17
dmsimardit can't be in EPEL because there's some base dependencies that are in RHEL and out of date15:17
dmsimardso that you can install ara with yum instead of pip (which might resolve your conflicting issue)15:18
ssbarneayep, i know that his one is tricky and in fact is not ara fault. any module needed by ansible would be affected by this issue.15:18
ssbarneai hope you can get rid of the iframe use, is a PITA due to cors.15:20
dmsimardIt's planned in 1.0, yes15:24
dmsimardthe iframe is a "clever" workaround so the data is retrieved "just in time" rather than at the initial page load15:25
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Pieshi, I'm trying to check ara. Unfortunately if I install according to, then there is no module setup in ara, so `python -m ara.setup.callback_plugins` doesn't works16:05
PiesI just replicated it in new env, with clean install ansible and ara, and I still get "(env) pies@x230:/tmp $ python -m ara.setup.ansible16:06
Pies/tmp/env/bin/python: No module named setup16:06
Bakeyso playing around with ara_record, can you link directly to the key/value pairs in a specific playbook run?16:08
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dmsimardPies: hey, this is my bad -- those instructions are meant for the upcoming release16:20
dmsimardPlease look at in the meantime16:21
dmsimardBakey: I'm not sure I understand what you mean, can you explain ?16:21
Piesdmsimard: ack, good to know. In meantime I estimated results from python -m ara.setup.ansible, so I'm already checking if ara can help me with task at hand ;)16:26
openstackgerritGuillaume Vincent proposed openstack/ara-web master: Extract Navbar component from App component
openstackgerritGuillaume Vincent proposed openstack/ara-web master: Create MainContent component with Results list sandbox
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara-web master: Extract Navbar component from App component
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openstackgerritGuillaume Vincent proposed openstack/ara-web master: Create MainContent component with Results list sandbox
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/ara master: Allow ara to be instalal in a virtualenv
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/ara master: Allow ara to be installed in a virtualenv
ssbarneadmsimard: ^^ i managed to find a way to avoid the import error.17:41
Bakeydmsimard: I'm registering custom values using ara_record.  Is there a way to link specifically to the key/value pairs shown when you expand "Records" in the web UI?  As opposed to the whole playbook report?17:42
dmsimardBakey: ah, I see what you mean. There's no way right now unfortunately.17:43
dmsimardBakey: next best thing would be to retrieve the value through the CLI17:43
dmsimardssbarnea: thanks, I'll review17:45
Bakeydmsimard: I'm trying to give this info to people not Ansible savvy, so I was hoping I could send them a link on the fly17:48
BakeyI can get close enough though, so thanks17:48
dmsimardBakey: I'm sure this is something that will be more straightforward with the API in the major version we're working on17:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara master: Rebrand Ansible Run Analysis to ARA Records Ansible
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Bakeydmsimard: I've got a playbook now that pipes a bunch of output into ara and then spits out the URL for the user to go find the data19:42
Bakeyit works19:42
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