Thursday, 2017-09-28

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ara-slack<thangola> Hi, I’m using ara 1.3, and have a new problem with web GUI. When I opened my ara home page, it showed 500 error. When I check log I see this:06:37
ara-slack<thangola> ```06:37
ara-slack<thangola> any idea?06:37
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ara-slack<dmsimard> @thangola there's no such thing as ARA 1.3? :/11:44
ara-slack<dmsimard> From looking at the stack trace, it looks like there is a record for the playbook but the playbook run was interrupted before its file could be saved which is very much a race condition11:45
ara-slack<dmsimard> I'll note the bug, we can better handle that. In the meantime, I would try to delete that playbook run. Are you able to do an 'ara playbook list' without crashing ?11:48
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ara-slack<thangola> sorry, mine is 0.13.114:27
ara-slack<thangola> no, I can it it properly: ``` ara playbook list14:28
ara-slack<thangola> could you tell me how to find the broken playbook to delete?14:30
ara-slack<dmsimard> What database backend are you using ?14:35
ara-slack<thangola> mysql14:36
ara-slack<dmsimard> ok, are you a bit familiar with sql queries ? can you open a mysql prompt ?14:39
ara-slack<thangola> sure, I can do anything, don’t worry14:41
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The infra team is now taking Zuul v2 offline and bringing Zuul v3 online. Please see for more information, and ask us in #openstack-infra if you have any questions.14:41
ara-slack<dmsimard> ok, can you do a pastebin of select * from playbooks; ?14:42
ara-slack<dmsimard> er, hang on, let me scope that a bit more14:42
ara-slack<thangola> I have 610 playbooks now, fyi14:44
dmsimardyeah, hang on14:44
dmsimardgetting a database spun up to get the right query14:44
ara-slack<dmsimard> select id,path from playbooks;14:45
ara-slack<dmsimard> that won't contain junk and show us what we need to see14:46
ara-slack<dmsimard> in that output, you probably have a playbook without a path14:46
ara-slack<thangola> all of them have path14:48
ara-slack<dmsimard> That's so weird.. hang on let me have another look at that trace14:48
ara-slack<thangola> sure14:49
ara-slack<dmsimard> ok, there's another possibility, hang on14:49
ara-slack<dmsimard> did you run any other playbooks after you started seeing the issue ?14:50
ara-slack<thangola> yes, alot, now I can visit first page, but not the 2nd14:52
ara-slack<dmsimard> oh, that can help narrowing down which playbook is the faulty one14:52
ara-slack<dmsimard> how many playbooks you have per page ? default is 10 I think14:53
ara-slack<thangola> 1014:53
ara-slack<dmsimard> ok hang on..14:54
ara-slack<dmsimard> So this should get you the 10 playbooks on the first page: select id,path,time_end from playbooks order by time_start desc limit 10;14:56
ara-slack<dmsimard> Now, the problem is that one of those 10 playbooks does not have a file in the 'files' table with 'is_playbook' set to true14:56
ara-slack<thangola> there’s 2 with time_end is NuLL14:57
ara-slack<dmsimard> ok, that's another hint14:57
ara-slack<dmsimard> now, take the path from those two with time_end14:57
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ara-slack<thangola> `/home/XXXXX/ansible/common/playbooks/statistics-clickhouse.yml`14:58
ara-slack<thangola> both are this14:58
ara-slack<dmsimard> select id,playbook_id,path,is_playbook from files where playbook_id='playbookid' and path='path';14:58
ara-slack<dmsimard> substitute playbookid and path by the right values14:59
ara-slack<thangola> and I can’t visit the page with that id: /reports/d84d5aca-a0be-4e68-beaa-4fb4de8704ec.html14:59
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ara-slack<thangola> I think that those are the error ones15:00
ara-slack<dmsimard> ok can you do select id,playbook_id,path,is_playbook from files where playbook_id='d84d5aca-a0be-4e68-beaa-4fb4de8704ec' and path='<path>'; ?15:00
ara-slack<thangola> ```          id: 3d6dd966-dd14-4584-90bd-8030cb8fabdd playbook_id: d84d5aca-a0be-4e68-beaa-4fb4de8704ec        path: /home/XXX/ansible/common/playbooks/statistics-clickhouse.yml is_playbook: 0 ```15:01
ara-slack<dmsimard> ok, can you do an update to set is_playbook to 1 ?15:01
ara-slack<thangola> sec15:02
ara-slack<dmsimard> for that file id, 3d6dd966-dd14-4584-90bd-8030cb8fabdd15:02
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ara-slack<thangola> update both15:04
ara-slack<thangola> now it works15:04
ara-slack<dmsimard> yay15:04
ara-slack<dmsimard> yeah.. that's quite a nasty bug :S15:04
ara-slack<thangola> so is it because of sudden interrupting?15:05
ara-slack<dmsimard> yeah, in the order of events, the playbook is created first and then the file record is created and then the playbook file is updated with is_playbook = true15:05
ara-slack<dmsimard> so the playbook was interrupted right after the playbook file was created but before it was updated15:06
ara-slack<dmsimard> probably a matter of milliseconds/nanoseconds between the two operations :S15:06
ara-slack<dmsimard> I'll fix it anyway15:06
ara-slack<thangola> okay, at least I know how to handle it now15:06
ara-slack<thangola> thank you very much15:06
ara-slack<thangola> I wish I can buy you a beer15:07
ara-slack<dmsimard> haha :slightly_smiling_face:15:09
ara-slack<dmsimard> I filed a bug here!/story/2001217 -- in the upcoming ara 1.0 version we're doing things quite differently but we're still susceptible to that kind of race condition15:10
ara-slack<dmsimard> for what it's worth, there are some good improvements between the version you are using (0.13.1) and the latest version (0.14.4)15:11
ara-slack<thangola> sure15:12
ara-slack<dmsimard> @thangola I'd suggest backing up your database first (never too safe) and then upgrading15:13
ara-slack<dmsimard> I don't believe there are any SQL migrations between 0.13.1 and 0.14.415:13
ara-slack<dmsimard> You can see all the release notes directly on the tags here:
ara-slack<thangola> yep, I have plan to upgrade already, just too busy/lazy15:17
ara-slack<thangola> hehe15:17
ara-slack<dmsimard> no worries, keep in mind that 1.0 won't provide sql migrations though, so you'll need to start over from scratch15:18
ara-slack<thangola> oops,  I’ll try on sandbox anyway15:19
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chernaHi, anyone has seen this error
chernaFailure using method (v2_playbook_on_task_start) in callback plugin (<ansible.plugins.callback./opt/daddy/venv/lib/python2.7/site- packages/ara/plugins/callbacks/log_ara.CallbackModule object at 0x24f0d10>): This Session's transaction has been rolled back due to a previous exception during flush. To begin a new transaction with this Session, first issue Session.rollback(). Original exception was: (pymysql.err.OperationalError)21:05
dmsimardcherna: hey, that's a fairly generic error that usually happens after another error21:06
dmsimardlooks like the previous error in this case was..21:07
dmsimard"MySQL server has gone away (error(32, 'Broken pipe'))21:07
cherna@dmsimard Ok but I see this error for those jobs which are running long21:34
chernaso wanted to check whether there is any issue which results in this error...21:35
dmsimardcherna: It's entirely possible you're hitting a bug but I haven't seen that kind of issue happen. Could you try and see if you are able to reproduce with the default sqlite backend out of the curiosity ?21:36
cherna@dmsimard not sure whether I can do that... thanks for response, will update here if I come across this issue21:49

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