Tuesday, 2017-04-25

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dmsimardmnaser: hours of stackoverflow02:43
dmsimardand I'm finally close to the resursive pile of $!#$ that's required for the file tree thing02:43
mnaserrecursive functions are the death of me02:43
dmsimardtwo resursive functions required02:43
dmsimardcrap, still not quite there02:47
dmsimardso close...02:54
dmsimardsomething like that: https://gist.github.com/dmsimard/7f7b5dfd0e41ec339c0c00b1909cd2e503:03
dmsimardI'll sleep on it and counter attack tomorrow03:03
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dmsimardRandom request for feedback, how would you feel if the tasks were sorted the other way around, from the end to the beginning ? Rather than from the beginning to the end ?14:58
dmsimardFor example, in the report list, the latest playbook is currently at the top (not at the end)14:59
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dmsimardwhile tasks are ordered in such a way that the last task is at the end of the table, so you might need to change pages in the tbale14:59
dmsimardI don't know15:00
dmsimardeither that or you need to click on "elapsed" to resort tasks to show the end first15:00
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rattboiI feel like the current ordering is good17:49
rattboinewest playbook first, but tasks sorted in chronological order within the results17:49
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