Tuesday, 2015-06-30

openstackgerritMerged stackforge/akanda-appliance: Fix project URL in setup.cfg  https://review.openstack.org/19680701:15
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openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Driver code (wip)  https://review.openstack.org/19581402:36
davidlenwelladam .. just a heads up.. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/195814 is still very much a wip.. I'm going to write up a spec about what Its trying to accomplish so you have better acceptance criteria02:37
openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Driver code (wip)  https://review.openstack.org/19581403:00
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davidlenwell+1 chicken ;)17:07
adam_gdavidlenwell, so are the actual bug(s) you were talking about that need fixing?17:46
adam_gder, *so what17:50
davidlenwellI'll compile a list.. its a lot of small things17:57
adam_gmarkmcclain, so it sounds like you had a chance to look at whats on gerrit re rug-ha?17:59
adam_gtheres one issue: cluster events go onto the same internal notifications queue as neutron events. it could happen that a rebalance event gets added to the back of a couple router events. the rebalance should happen before those router events are processed18:03
adam_gtrying to think of ways of adding priority to events, short of declaring a separate internal queue for cluster events18:03
adam_gmaybe declaring a couple new internal queues, priority based? low, normal, critical? i know ryanpetrello had an idea about having health checks take a back seat to CRUD events18:04
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adam_gmarkmcclain, hmm how critical is the router_id caching that happens @ https://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/akanda-rug/tree/akanda/rug/tenant.py#n12020:41
markmcclainI think dhellmann added that.. I'd have to trace through to seeing what it broke if we removed it20:47
adam_git looks like its just an optimization to avoid a neutron call20:48
adam_gfor events that have no router_id20:48
adam_gwas trying to map events to hosts using router_id from the worker, but realized thats not going to work. would it make sense to distribute based on tenant_id instead?20:50
adam_g(wrt worker-managed hash ring)20:51
markmcclainadam_g: possibly21:01
markmcclainwondering if hashing on tenant would give us a lumpy distribution21:01
markmcclainbut then again a tenant would likely have of have massive quota to really cause it21:02
markmcclainwe could always move to a tenant based one for now and if needed could switch it up later21:03
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adam_gmarkmcclain, the other option is move resolving router_id for events that don't have it outside of the TRM, into the worker but that feels a bit weird21:18
adam_gits not entirely clear to me which events dont have an associated router and cause us to do the lookup on the akanda side.. port updates?21:19
markmcclainport and subnet updates21:33
markmcclainthose have ripple effects for the the dhcp service21:33
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda: Add spec for RUG HA  https://review.openstack.org/19368022:01
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Add support for hash-based RUG scale out (WIP)  https://review.openstack.org/19536623:14
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sarob_Sarob: test23:21
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